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"Fuck!" I hear someone shout.

My eyebrows furrow at the shouting. I leave my room and walk down the hall to see Ricky standing half way out of his room.

"What?" I ask crossing my arms.

"I don't know what fucking happened too it!" He shouts making me confused.

I walk towards him a bit.

"Ricky, what are you talking about?" I ask.

"I can't find my fucking lip ring, its going to close up!" He growls making my eyes widen.

"Take a deep breathe. I'll help you find it but only if you take a chill pill." I say trying to calm him down a bit.

"I don't need your fucking help, all you'll do is glare at me and say something snobby." He shakes his head and walks into his room, the door slamming behind him.

I stare at the door, my mind pausing, confusion running through me. My eyebrows furrow, my heart kind of sinking, it feels. Did I do something to piss him off? I don't have any idea.

I make my way back to my room and lay on the floor, not bothering to close my door. What's the point? People just walk in anyways its not like I have privacy.

I let my eyelids fall over my eyes, seeing pretty things. Pastel flowers, fluffy grey cats, little pink octopuses, etc. A small sigh escapes through my nose as I feel wetness slide down the side of my face. I wipe it away letting my arms fall back down to the ground, the limpness of my arms falling making a thump noise on the ground.

Feet pad down the hall making another sigh leave my lungs. The feet stop in front of me, I can feel the person standing in front of me. I open my eyes slowly to see Ricky standing there.

We stare at each other for a few seoncds until Ricky starts to pull me up.

"What are you doing?" I sigh, my body feeling heavy.

He says nothing just grabs my hand and pulls me out of my room.

We go downstairs and outside, into the darkness.  Ricky pulls me down to sit down with him. He plays around with his iPod then hits play sending a song playing. A guy starts singing making my stomach turn, not in a bad way. I stare at Ricky's iPod and listen to the song.

"The song is called Dark Light." Ricky says interupring the song.

I pull my knees up to my chest, lying my head on my knees, still looking at the iPod. This song is interesting. The singer's voice is different from a lot of songs I hear now days. The music I guess could be considered rock but his voice is a bit mellow for rock, it seems.

"Its H.I.M." Ricky says again. "The band I mean, their name is H.I.M." He whispers.

"I like it." I whisper back as the iPod switches songs.

"They're my favorite band. I like others but H.I.M. just wins my liking." He whispers.

"I can see why. I usually don't like guitars like this, more acoustic things but his voice is so soft and lovely that it works." I mutter closing my eyes.

"I get what you mean." Ricky replies quietly. "I'm sorry for saying what I did." I shrug.

"It doesn't matter. I'm used to getting told I'm a snob by my mom, that's why I guess I glare so much. My mom treated me like crap and my sister like she was a princess. I hate the person my mom became." I squeeze my eyes shut tightly.

"I'm sorry." Ricky whispers.

I shake my head and sniffle to keep from letting tears leave my face.

"Its not your fault." I whisper listening to the music.

"I reminded you." He says just as quiet.

I bite my lip and look over at him.

"I need you too stay, I don't want you to be like her and leave." I utter.

"Oh baby, I'd never leave you." Ricky replies quietly and scoots over to me wrapping his arms around me.

I feel my heart sink and tears start slipping down my cheeks.

"God please, Ricky don't leave me." I cry out gripping onto his shirt tightly.

"I won't, I'll never leave you. You're my life." he says quietly pulling me onto his lap, holding me in a protective embrace.

Tears fall down my cheeks as everything rushes back. The feelings that I thought I left behind. The feelings that I never wanted to remember the pain of.

Ricky's hand lifts my face up making me feel so embarrassed that I'm literally crying on him. He smiles faintly and wipes my cheeks, which just makes more tears fall at the love hate thing going on inside me.

"Goodness baby, you're a fucking mess." He smiles at me wiping my cheeks again. I can't help but laugh at that and shake my head. 

"I'm sorry for being a big baby, I hate that you're seeing me like this." I sniffle out, my voice distorted from the crying.

"If I can't be there for you at your worst, then I don't deserve to be there when you're at your best." He whispers pushing some of my hair behind my ear.

I smile feeling a tear slide down my cheek. Ricky kisses it away making my heart melt. His lips linger on my cheek, my eyes closed letting the feeling of his lips sink in and warm my body. He finally removes his lips pressing his forehead to mine. Our lips brush one another's and then are pushed against each other. 

I hear the sprinkles turn on causing me to pull my lips away from Ricky's but its too late. The water hits us soaking us almost instantly. Ricky laughs like an idiot causing me to giggle.

"Gosh dang this is our third romantic rain scene." I laugh at his cheeseness and stand, pulling him up with me.

I run to the porch, Ricky shakes off like a dog. I laugh and grab his cheeks kissing him passionately, my lips carressing his.

"Get inside you morons!" My dad shouts at us causing me to laugh along with Ricky.

I look him in the eyes, those ocean blue eyes which have a hint of green in them.

"I think I love you." I whisper not tearing my eyes away from his, nor removing my hands from his cheeks. He smiles.

"I think I love you too." He replies sending my heart to melt and my stomach to have hacking chainsaw butterflies.

I move my arms to where they're around his neck hugging him tightly. His arms wrap around my waist squishing me to him tightly. I take in his smell of coconut and smoke. My eyes fall closed savoring this moment.

"Get in the house!" My dad yells making me giggle and remove my arms from Ricky's neck and run inside with his hand in mine.


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