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I press the foot pedal sewing the dress down the side. I run over the seam a few times, making sure it's locked in place. I cut the thread on the side of the machine and hold up the Wednesday Addams dress, a smile on my face. I grab one of the purple hangers and hang the dress up on one of the racks.

I turn the machine off and walk to the back of the shop, bringing my mug with me. I grab another tea bag and put it in the mug, pouring hot water in the cup. I go and sit on the couch, pulling my phone out. I scroll through the photos on instagram. Chris is holding his first Pumpkin Spice of the season. I smile and keep scrolling. I come across a photo of Ricky and the black cat.

@rickyxhorror: @ragdollxx and I found this cat at her new shop. I'm trying to find it's home right now, so if you lost a black cat in Scranton area, let us now. If nobody proves its their cat , I'm sure Emi is going to keep the cat.

I smile a bit at the end and go into the comment section. A few comments I read are long "omg cute" or "notice me" and things along the lines of those.

@ragdollxx: Yes, please let me know because if it's nobodies kitty I'm taking the darling in!!!!

I post that in the comment seconds. No more then 5 seconds later Ricky comes into the shop, the cat on a leash with a collar.

"Wow you've already got her on a leash. Tsk." I shake my head with a grin.

"I just don't want her to get hurt, this road is really busy." He says unhooking the darling from the leash causing her to walk towards me.

"Hello precious." I say picking her up.

She softly purrs as I hold her in my arms.

"What should we name her?" I ask Ricky as he takes a seat in front of me.

"How about Mandy?" He says.

"No, that doesn't suit her, something more , professional I guess." He chuckles at my reply.

I stand with the cat in my hands and go sit on Rickys lap since I can't sit beside him. He wraps his arms around us.

"Raven." I whsiper.

"I love that name." He kisses my head causing me to smile.

I lay my head on his shoulder closing my eyes.

"Can we move in together?" I whisper petting Ravens's head.

"I've been waiting for that sentance for so long." Ricky replys.

I smile a bit but instantly feel terrible. Angelo is going to be so fucking hurt.

"So I never told you this but the first day you guys had moved into that house, I was watching you." Ricky says making me furrow my brows.

"What?" I ask.

"You saw me." He says.

I replay that day and instantly remember.

"Creep." I mutter causing him to laugh a bit.

My phone starts buzzing wildly in my pocket sending Raven into a fit. I grab my phone out of my pocket seeing a call from Allie. I wonder what she's calling about?

"Hello?" I ask.

"Emi, we're taking Scarlet to the hospital." She says.

"What?" I say immediatley standing up. "What's going on whats happening?" I ask quickly.

"She was in the bathroom puking then fell over almost like she passed out and hit her head hard on the wall, she's bleeding and shes so fucking pale. We're parking." She says sounding nerveous.

"Wh-what's the hospital called you're going to?" I ask grabbing my coat from the rack. Ricky looks at me very confused.

"It's the one by that bakery we went to a few weeks ago." She says.

"Alright, okay uh we'll be there soon. Keep her safe please." I say my heart breaking quickly, tears threating to leave my eyes.

I grab my keys and leave the shop, not caring about locking the door. I hear Ricky jingling behind me.

"Emi? What's going on?" He asks as I get in the car. He gets in on the other side his eyes filled worry.

"Scarlet, uh, she apparently hit her head and she's bleeding bad and she was puking." I say trying to keep calm as possible.

The drive to the hospital is silent and quick. Ricky didn't reply to me after I told him. Rain drops fall onto the windshield as I speed a bit, trying to get to my daughter as quick as possible. I look over to see Ricky's hands balled up, completly white making my stomach turn.

I get to the parking lot of the hospital by the E.R. entrance and park quickly. I get out of the car and feels like I run towards the doors opening in. I go up to the counter to have the lady look at me, I'm a bit wet from the rain and I feel like I'm going to puke.

"Uh, Scarlet Rhodes was checked in here. She's a small girl. My daughter." I say quickly.

"I'll have a nurse take you to the room where she is being stabalized." she says.

I nod and move away from the desk so the people behind me can talk to her. I see Ricky come in looking paler then he usually is. He walks over to me, his eyes puffy and red. My heart breaks at the sight of him, at the fact that he looks so broken. I hate seeing him like this. He comes too me and grabs my hand, holding it tightly, still silent.

"Are you Scarlet Rhode's parents?" A lady asks me. We both nod and the lady gives us a sad smile.

She leads us through some doors and down a hall. I shiver a bit not liking hospitals.

"So we're seeing her right?" I ask the lady, almost having cottonmouth.

"Not right now, she was just taken into another room. She had a large cut in her head. We're running some tests and we need you guys to sign some paperwork."

"Okay." I say as she leads us into a room. I see Allie and Ryan sitting there. Allie's eyes are puffy and red worse then Rickys.

She stands up when she see's me and comes to me, embracing me tightly.

"I'm so sorry, Emi. I should've watched her better." She says.

"It's not your fault Allie." I whisper.

"Yes it is." she says starting to cry.

"Allie." Ryan says in a hushed tone pulling her off of me. She starts crying into him making me sad.

"Are you the parents of Scarlet Marie Rhodes?" A lady in scrubs and a white jacket asks.

"Yes, I'm her mother." I say to the lady.

"Alright, my names Dr. Laine, we're going to need you to fill all of these papers out." She hands me a few papers on a clipboard.

I nod and sit on a chair in the room.

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