8. Will it ?

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For two days the two girls didn't see eachother.

Emily just wanted to have Alison back and have a purpose in her life again.
Alison wanted to be happy and she wanted to be with Emily. She just wasn't sure if she could have both. If you'd ask her the same thing 5 years ago she'd tell you that you're crazy. Because back then Emily was her happiness.
But after having her heart shatter into pieces she was afraid to risk.

When Emily and her stopped talking, Alison told herself 'I will forget her and move on'.
Her mind said she could and she would. But only her heart knew that it was impossible.

With Alison's past, the girl always wore this mask to hide herself from people. With that mask and her bitchy attitude nobody dared to stand against the queen bee of Rosewood High.
Boys wanted to be with her and girls wanted to be like her.

Everybody thought she didn't care.
Everybody thought she was confident and fearless.
But that wasn't the whole truth.
She was a beautiful girl with gorgeous eyes, a hidden world of hurt and lies. She didn't know how to love. She was afraid to.

She was afraid to get attached to someone and to get hurt, betrayed by that person.

But then there was Emily. The only person who Alison would show her true self and take the mask off.

Emily always was this sweet,beautiful,loyal and caring girl that everyone loved. Even Alison couldn't resist.

You see the thing is, Emily wasn't like those girls who just wanted to be like Alison, the girls who would do anything to be friends with her so they'd be popular too.

Emily truly cared about Alison. Unlike other people Emily saw through the mask.

While the 'unpopular' people also known as Alison's victims, would see Ali as the meanest person alive and the biggest bitch of Rosewood, Emily saw a girl with a beautiful soul.
And Alison showed Emily that person when it was just the two of them.
Only when it was the two of them, Alison would put her walls down. But sometimes she'd still feel too vulnerable and would immediately stop and push Emily away, unfortunately in a harsh way.

Emily never gave up though.
Sometimes she thought to herself that if she could give Alison one thing in life, she'd give her the ability to see herself through Emily's eyes, only then would Alison realize how special she was.

Emily didn't want to be Alison's sun.
She wanted to be her moon so she could light up Alison's darkest moments and make her feel beautiful and happy, show her she was loved and that she wasn't alone.

Alison denied her feelings for a long time.
She even hurt Emily so she wouldn't discover what the blonde really felt towards her.
She told Emily she was just practice and that Ali only had feelings for boys.

Alison was at war with her own heart when it came to Emily.
Besides the fact that she didn't want to admit that she was falling for a girl, she also thought that Emily deserved better.

For Alison she was the sun and Emily the moon.
She was war and Emily was peace.
Ali was disaster while the brunette was beauty.
When she was only sorrow and pain Emily was happiness.
She was Alison's salvation and the blonde was Emily's destruction.
Or at least that's what Ali thought. After she ran away because of A, Ali regretted everything she did to everyone, specially to her 4 bestfriends.

Love is when someone wipes away your tears, even after you left them hanging on the cross for your sins.
And that's sort of what happend between Alison and Emily.
Even after Ali fucked up mutliple times and hurt Emily, the brunette never gave up.
She loved Alison when the blonde couldn't even love herself.

There were times she wanted to forget Ali.
Of course.
But she knew that even if she did fall in love with someone new, it could never be the way she loved the blonde.

After the girls found out what Mona did to Alison and that she was A, Ali came back home. And that's when her feelings for Emily grew even more. The fact that she was back after 2 years of thinking she'd never see Emily again, made her feel like it was a second chance and she didn't want to waste it.
And that's what she did. At first Emily didn't believe Alison was being sincere about her feelings. She had issues trusting the blonde after everything she did, but in the end like always she saw the sincerity and the love in the ocean blue eyes that she loved so much. And they got their happy ending.

Until that day arrived.

Both girls would keep themselves busy with things to do but everytime they paused, they thought of eachother.

They wondered how can such pain exist without physical harm.
It's hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember and even if they tried they couldn't forget eachother.

Emily kept living with the regret of not coming back to her first and only love.
And Alison thought she'd move on by being in a relationship with Ethan but she didn't.
You never stop loving someone, you just learn how to live without them.
So what do you do when they come back and you have to live with the idea that it could work and you could give it a new chance?

Now it was Alison's decision.

Either she'd give Emison a new chance or she'd keep trying to ignore her feelings.

We all know how that went the first time though.

Will it happen again?

Hey people, I really hope you've been enjoying the story so far. This was a short chapter I know but I didn't really know what to write so.
And I know it's taking some time for emison to be back togheter but I really don't want to rush things between them. But don't worry it will eventually happen ❣️

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