32. Work

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Emily's POV

Goddamit! With all this weekend vacation and the Aaron secret I completely forgot about my job. My new job!
And I'm probably going to be late, I was supposed to meet the school principal at 8am and like the high school is 15 minutes away and it's already 7:30.

I was brushing my teeth as fast as I could and in the corner of my eye, I saw Alison entering the bathroom with clothes on her hands.
She gave me a smile and put them on the bathroom counter.

"Thank you." I said desperately, since I don't think I'd have time to choose an outfit.
"You want me to prepare something for you to take? Do you have any papers to take with you?" She asked, leaning against the bathroom wall as I dressed in a rush.

"Uuh... No, no I already gave the school principal everything he needed, so I'm good." I told her and started to put my shoes on.
After I was finally ready, I grabbed my jacket that was on the chair in our room.

I made my way to the front door, where Alison was already waiting for me with the car keys in her hand.
"Thanks." I said with a sigh of relief and kissed her on the forehead and stepping outside.
"Uh no." She said grabbing my arm and pulling me back inside.
"I won't see you until this afternoon so the least you can do is to give me a proper kiss." She said with that smirk on her face.
I chuckled and grabbed her face, kissing her passionately. After we pulled away, I kissed her forehead again and said,

"Bye, good luck babe." She told me as I left the apartment, blowing me a kiss. I winked at her and made my way to the car.

I gotta say I was lucky because I arrived at the school in 12 minutes so I guess I wasn't going to be as late as I thought.
I stepped out of the car and just like the first time I was here, I got this feeling. Like I was back in Rosewood.
The school was sort of similar to Rosewood High, and walking up those stairs at the entrance it really gave me those feelings. As if I was back in time, being a student, going to school and meeting the girls before the ring.

High school had it difficulties of course, with all of that A also known as Mona bullshit. But it also had it's amazing moments.
Of course Alison was missing most of the time and stuff was complicated, but it brought me and the other girls much closer. And when Alison came back, and all the A thing was forgotten, things were amazing. And of course when Ali and I started dating it made everything better.

As I was entering the school, my phone vibrated, it was a message from Ali wishing me good luck and saying she loved me. I thanked her and said that I loved her too.
So much.

And than I entered my new workplace.

Alison's POV

Damn this morning was going so well until that message from Aria. To be honest I was hoping I could just lay in bed with Emily all day, but I guess it wasn't really possible.
I'm glad Aria sent the message though, it wouldn't be good if Emily missed her first day at work.

Right now I had just taken a shower and was choosing my outfit for today, when I received a call, from my dear father.

"Hi dad." I said with not a lot of enthusiasm in my voice.
"Good morning sweetie, how are you?" He asked and I couldn't help but to roll my eyes.

Telling Emily about Aaron just made me remember the hate I felt for my dad, when it happend.
I was so mad that he wouldn't let me tell the cops and kept manipulating me to not doing it. Saying how it would break my mom's heart if I'd go to jail, specially when I was innocent.

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