Chapter Two

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As the bell rang for the end of break and it was the usual routine, everyone floods into the school, everyone is screaming, and of course year eleven's are carrying each other on their shoulders and yelling 'FOR NARNIA!!!'. On another note something a lot more interesting was happening outside...

Lucas was lying lifeless on the cold tarmac. "Lucas! Are you good?" Zak yelled, he got no reply. Amelia was sat next to his dead body with her head in her hands, but just a moment later Martha and Elspeth were helping Amelia sling him over her shoulder. She stumbled slightly and then, with more power I had ever seen in a girl her size, she threw him over her head and into the bin. I followed her as she ran to the toilets to wash the blood off her hands. "What did you just do?" I said to her with my voice shaking. She turned and looked at me with a twitch in her right eye, "I just got away with murder," she smiled. "Didn't you guess?"

Amelia strode out of the girls toilets with a twitch in her eye. She seemed so fucking relaxed even though she had kind of just murdered her fourth cousin. And it was at that moment I realised I was twenty minutes late for class! But just before I left I turned and saw Zak walk in to room ten, close the door, and push someone up against the back wall...

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