Chapter Five

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Something strange is happening around the school, no one has seen Elspeth or Martha ever since lunch. There is no way they skived off from their lessons, because they're just not that type of people. So I wonder what they're up to?

I knew he was close, and so did Elspeth. It was like one minute we were all being stupid and laughing and the next all that sense of calm seemed to drain my body. My body was only full of rage. Hot, steaming rage. Dylan had done me so wrong, and all i do every night is think about every way he did me wrong and I still never get to the end of the list. I snap back into reality all of a sudden and I see him walking along the corridor and I give Elspeth the signal.

I ran as fast as my long ass legs could carry me. Eventually I got to the cable box and pulled out every plug I could find. I closed the box and bolted back to the corridor Martha and Dylan where in before Craig could find me.
It was tricky to navigate without any light, but I knew my way easy enough to find my way. I truly hope Martha hadn't started without me...

Someone had me pinned to the ground and was holding a knife to my throat, breathing heavy, whispering soft. "Stay still, this wont hurt a bit"
"No, what the fuck do you think you're doing"
"Getting the last laugh"
Someone else grabbed my hair and ripped it out in clumps, the other poured something on my face. Quickly it started to burn, blister and make my skin fall off. "It will all be over soon enough, just trust me..."

Sorry for the lack of content recently. I'm going to try and get to creating regular chapters soon!!!
-Amy Charles

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2018 ⏰

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