Chapter Four

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The bell rang for lunch time when Zak and Amy emerged from room ten, hot and sweating. On the other side of the school Amelia, Martha and Elspeth were flopping around on the floor doing a move called 'fish out of water' which involves tensing every muscle in your boding and wriggling violently. But anyway... Lets see whats been going on...

I wasn't really sure what was going on, I only knew that I wanted to go outside. So I got up off the floor, grabbed my handbag and ran to go find Amy, Zak and Lucas. I bolted through the corridors and casually knocked over some shorter year sevens - I know, classy - as I did. I was practically Usain Bolt in a pencil skirt.

At this point in time I was unaware that Martha had left for I was still busy violently thrashing about on the reception floor. "Elspeth?" I said.
"Where's Martha?"
"Don't ask me! Probably gone to get her revenge on Dylan!"
"Bet she's not, because then I won't be part of it!"
At this point Elspeth twitched her nose and ran like the wind. Even though I can't think why...

I am so sorry this took so long to write this, I have been quite busy recently. But if the next chapter is late, be sure to check out 3writes for some incredible logical thinking.
-Amy Charles

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