Dark Thoughts and Tinted Cheeks

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Tord's P.O.V
I lay in my bed, wandering deep into my own head. This was a hobby I'd developed: stay up late into the night and questions your existence.
Life had no point, right? No mission or end goal, just to be. I stood up, grabbing my gun. A 9mm pistol was what I had decided on for my first gun.
I jumped out of my window, cursing the stinging that rung throughout my body from the high fall.
I checked the shed to make sure the ladder was still in the spot I left it, and headed to the woods.
This town was shit, with few running businesses. The woods didn't go on forever, maybe only a couple of hundred yards. But to me, that couple of hundred yards was heaven.
I headed down, using the light that the moon provided.
As I walked down into the woods, I thought back to the 'For Sale' sign that was missing out of the house next to me. I wonder who my new neighbors were? I hope it's someone near my age and hot.
I reached my shooting spot and started firing the bullets, a ring going through the silent night air.
After I emptied all immediate ammo on me, I headed back. I put the ladder on the side of my house and climbed up to my window, reaching my bedroom.
I slid it shut and went downstairs, unlocking the front door and going to put it away.
When I re-entered the house, my dad was at the end of the stairs.
"What were you doing outside?" He asked.
"I heard a noise and went to check it out."
He nodded and headed back up the stairs.
Finally, sleep took over, and I drifted into a fitful sleep.
The rays shining in my eyes came too soon. I groaned and rolled over, trying to block out the light.
Then, I heard yelling from across the street. It was ear piercing.
Oh great, I live next to a bunch of assholes.
I glared and got up, walking to my window. I made it just in time to see a streak of blue darting out the front door and running like hell.
Now, I'm not one to poke around in other peoples business, but I was curious. I threw on my converse and went outside, following the way I'd seen them run.
After a while, I heard panting. Whoever was running had ran into the woods. I walked a little further and saw a boy hunched over, trying to catch his breath.
When my foot snapped a twig, he looked up with fear in his eyes. He looked very intimidated.
"Hi. I'm your neighbor. I got woken up and I was wondering what the hell was going on over there?"
"Oh! I'm so sorry if my dad woke you! He got a little angry, nothing to worry about. I'll try to tell him to keep it down next time." He responded.
He was very polite and apologetic. By the looks of him, this kid was easy to walk on.
"I'm Tord. What's your name?"
"My name is Tom. Nice to meet you, Tord!" He grinned.
We started walking back to our houses. When we got there, his dad was outside and looked furious.
I saw Tom shrink and scurry over to his dad, telling me goodbye.
I stood outside to make sure he was alright.
"Thomas! Who the FUCK do you think you are?! Running away from home like that!" The man yelled angrily.
He slapped Tom so hard, I could hear it from my house.
"It won't happen again, Dad! I-I'm sorry." Tom stuttered.
The disgusting man dragged Tom inside. I was lost for words and made my way into my own house.
"Hey Mom, can the neighbor spend the night tonight? His name is Tom." I asked, wanting to get him out of that crazy man's reach.
My mom said yeah, and I went over to the door and knocked. I acted cool, but honestly this guy pissed me off.
He answered the door. "What do you want?" He grumbled.
"I was wondering if Tom could spend the night at my house?" I asked.
He thought for a minute then nodded and yelled into the house. "Thomas! Get your shit together and get your sorry ass out of my house!"
I waited for Tom to appear, and when he did I couldn't get him away fast enough.
I took him over to my room, making short introductions with my parents.
I dragged him up the stairs and into my room, where he sat down on my bed.
I took a good look at his face, the red hand print still visible, and a slight discoloration under the hand print on his cheek.
The start of a bruise.
"Tom, are you okay?"
He seemed to be distant, but snapped back when I said his name.
"Huh? Oh! Yeah! I'm fine! He just got really angry. It's okay, I probably deserved it."
He smiled guiltily. I shook my head and sat down on the bed.
"So... what do you want to do?" I asked.
"I don't care, anything with you will be fun!" He gave me a smile, and I couldn't help but return it.
We spent the next hours playing board games and video games.
As the sun was climbing down the horizon, Mol called us for dinner. We made our way downstairs, smelling the delicious food.
I handed Tom a plate and started making my own. He hesitated, leaning over to whisper in my ear.
"Tord, what am I supposed to do?"
I gave him a confused look. "Make your plate."
"That's alright?"
I nodded slowly, watching as he only took a little. We sat down and chatted. Tom was a great conversationist, and he made a good impression on my parents.
We went back upstairs and played video games in the dark. We got tired and I turned on the normal tv.
"You can sleep in my bed with me." I stated.
He went to the bathroom and changed, coming out in a pair of fluffy pajama bottoms and an old shirt.
He climbed in my bed, laying his head on the pillow.
"Aren't you going to lay down?" He asked.
"Nah, I'll go to sleep in a little."
He nodded and drifted off to sleep. I pulled out my phone, only to shut it off again.
I thought about how little I was, and so on.
Tom groaned and sat up. I guess tears were running down my face, because he looked at me in awe.
He silently pulled me into a hug, gently brushing my hair with his other hand. He slowly laid me down, not breaking the embrace.
It was nice, and I could feel warmth creep into my cheeks. I'm glad it was dark, otherwise he would've seen...
I listened to his breathing even out, then followed in his footsteps and went to sleep.

Hand Guns and Irises (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now