Birthdays at Night

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Tord's P.O.V
I left his house without another word. I couldn't understand why he let people walk on him!
I walked back to my house, storming up to my room. God, I was so pissed! The more I told myself to chill, the angrier I got.
I pulled out my phone and decided to call my friend who lived hours away from me.
"Hello?" The voice said.
"Hey, Edd. It's Tord. Got a minute to talk?"
"Oh! Tord, nice to hear from you. What's up?"
"Okay, so I made a new friend. But, he doesn't know how to stick up for himself! He just lets his dad and everyone else do whatever!"
"What do you mean?" Edd asked.
"He cried, so his Dad made him cut himself, and he did! I don't understand..."
"Oh, Tord... maybe he can't help it. If he's grown up in that environment, then he doesn't know how to stick up for himself."
I sighed, and hung up without saying goodbye. Edd would understand, since we've known each other for a while.
I went to bed, tossing and turning.
When I woke up, I expected to see Tom outside. But I didn't. After a few hours, I heard yelling coming from his house.
But, no Tom ran outside. After a minute, it went silent. I bit my nails, wondering what had happened.
The sun was setting, and I heard a knock on my door. I got up and opened it, seeing Tom at the door.
Only, he had a giant bruise that covered his eye. I swear, those eye held stories. So many stories, that they turned a shiny black from all the unspoken words.
The black puddles I looked into seemed happy to see me, yet they held an undertone of sadness.
"Hey, Tord! I came to ask you something real quick. When's your birthday?"
I stood in silence for a moment.
"In a couple of days. Why?"
"Let's celebrate together!" His eyes shimmered with excitement.
"No." I said simply.
He looked at me, confused and discouraged.
"How come?" He asked.
"Why would I celebrate a day I hate?" I replied.
He frowned at me, puffing his cheeks out a little.
But, he sighed, and left without another word. I watched as he made his way out of the front door.
(On the day of his birthday)
It was dark out, the stars illuminating my bedroom. I was a bit disappointed that Tom hadn't come over today. Actually, I hadn't seen him outside for quite a few days.
It worried me that I hadn't seen him, assuming the worse. Maybe I'd really hurt his feelings, or maybe his dad hurt him worse, or maybe he...
My thoughts got interrupted when I heard a knock on my window. I looked over, and saw Tom right there.
I rushed over, throwing the window open.
"How'd you even get up there?!" I asked while pulling him in.
"I borrowed your ladder." He smiled guiltily.
I sighed and shook my head.
He pulled a lighter out of his pocket, then took an object that had been behind his back.
He brought the lighter to the item, and lit it. I saw that it was a muffin with a candle.
"I know you said you didn't want to celebrate, but I couldn't help myself.. Sorry it's not a cake, but my dad hasn't let me go out in a few days."
He held the muffin out to me, waiting for me to take it. I grabbed it gingerly, as if I held it too tight it would break.
"Make a wish!" He smiled.
I rolled my eyes, but brought the candle to my lips. A ghost of a smile played on my lips as I blew, making the room dark once again.
We sat on my bed, talking as we shared the muffin.
It was a great celebration, at least to my standards. Something from the heart, not a giant party that everyone comes to just to be nice.
As he was leaving, he pulled a small flower from his pocket, gently placing it in my hand and curling my fingers gently over it.
"They're my favorite. I hope you like it as well."
He climbed out the window, giving a small goodbye wave as he disappeared.
I reopened my hand, looking at the flower. It was an iris. The blue was soft and calming.
A bit sad, as if it knew that one day it'd come to an end but knew the beauty it held.
I put the flower in a heavy book, set on preserving the delicate item.
I returned to my bed, watching the dark sky from outside.
As I lay there, I found myself gently touching the spot where our fingers had collided.
Maybe life does have a point...
My phone went off, the bright light blinding me temporarily. I grabbed it, squinting to see the caller ID. It was Edd. I picked up.
"Hey, Edd." I said dazed, still thinking about the events that happened a little bit ago.
"Hey, Tord! I wanted to call to wish you a happy birthday! I know it's not your favorite day, but did it go alright?" He asked.
There was a pause as I thought about how to word what happened.
"It went perfectly."
That was the only way to describe it.
I heard a happy puff of air come from the other phone.
"That's nice, Tord. Make sure to tell me all about it later." He said gently, and hung up, knowing I would've done the same if he hadn't.
I rolled over, only to be startled by yelling coming from outside. I ran over to my window and looked out, only to see two silhouetted figures in the window.
One was doing a lot of hand motions, most likely his Dad, and the other stood there, flinching every once in a while. I watched as the two figures moved in the warm glow of the house, but the feeling that came off was cold.
Eventually, the yelling quieted down, but not before a smack could be heard, silencing the whole world.
I returned to my bed slowly, crawled in and closed my eyes.
I will save him from that hell hole.

Hand Guns and Irises (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now