chapter 21

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Chapter 21                                   

After matt got dressed we then head to my hotel room to get my bags. We get to the room, matt can you wait out here In the hallway, ok ill wait matt said, I go inside I don’t see Cameron I quickly get all my things and pack them in my bags. I finish packing my bags I text gissel and tell her im done packing I get my bags and walk out the door, matt can you help me with my bags, yea let me help you, we go back up to his room and go inside I drop my bags and decide to take a nap. Erika wake up its time I hear it was matt waking me up, ok ok im up I say I hear a knock at the door matt opens the door it was gissel, are you ready Erika? She said yea im ready, well nash said he would drive us to the airport gissel said ok ill meet you guys at the lobby I just need to do something real quick, okay ill meet you down at the lobby, I turn to matt well ill see you later I guess and thank you for what you did matt, your welcome Erika he said as he comes closer to me he kisses me I wrap my arms around his neck, here he said as he hands me a piece of paper, well I should go bye matt, bye Erika I heard him say as I walk out the door. I head down to the lobby well finally Erika gissel said I know I know im here now lets go, you ready ladies nash said yea were ready we then get into the car and drive to the airport. We get to the airport and go inside after getting our tickets and stuff we wait for our flight to be called. We then heard fight 26 to los angles California now boarding I get my bags and start walking to the plane I turn around and I see gissel and nash hugging and kissing goodbye that reminded me of cam and me I wanted to cry so bad but I just kept it inside. Me and gissel take our seats, hey whats that sticking out of your pocket gissel asked I look at my pocket and it was the piece of paper matt gave me I reach into my pocket and take out the paper and open it, the note said Erika heres my number if you ever need someone to talk to okay love you beautiful!, well let me see it gissel said as she takes the note out of my hand aww Erika he loves you, I know gissel I say laughing so do you like him Erika, I already told you it’s a maybe and a no because I still love Cameron, oh yea I forgot, yea gissel the plane finally takes off.

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