Chapter 5

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I sat on my bed with my headphones plugged in with my music turned up all the way. With homework.

I had the little slip of paper with Riley's address sitting right next to me. I didn't even know what time the party started.

I heard footsteps come up the stairs and then my dad opened the door.

He had his you're-in-deep-shit face on.

"I got a call from the school today. You weren't in sixth period? Apparently you ditched?"

"I didn't ditch, I went home early."

"I can see that. Did you even get authorization?"

I was about to say Miss B let me go but remembered that her job was at stake so I stayed silent.

"That's what I thought. You're grounded. I've cut you a lot of slack since Becky's accident but this just isn't you. I'm taking away your car keys and all electronics." He said as he held his hand out.

I didn't make a single move and he yelled, "Now, Clarissa!"

I rolled my eyes and handed him everything. Slowly. One by one.

"Thank you. You're grounded until further notice."

He walked out of the room and left the door open. I rolled my eyes again and growled. I slammed it and went back to my bed.

I stared at Riley's address for a while then went tiptoed downstairs. I stopped at the last step and heard my dad talking on the phone with someone.

He was in the kitchen and my stuff was in the living room.

If I could just-

"I know!" he exclaimed with his hands up and he turned around. I bent down so he wouldn't see me. I waited until he turned around again to make a run for it to the living room.

He left my phone and car keys on the coffee table along with my laptop.

I grabbed my phone and car keys and quietly ran upstairs.

I changed into something decent and did a touch up on my makeup.

I checked downstairs one more time to see if my dad was still down there.

I went back to my room and opened up my window. This was one of the rare times when I was glad to have a huge tree right in front of my window.

I looked for a sturdy branch and grabbed onto it, then made my way down from there.

I crept to my car and unlocked it with the key instead of the button so that it wouldn't make any noise.

I slipped into the driver's seat and started the car then closed the door gently.

I searched for Riley's address and found it in my back pocket.

I entered it into the map on my phone and started my car towards to his house.


When I parked on the curb, I got out and slowly walked up to the door. I could hear the music from outside, as it was causing the door to rattle a bit.

I rang the door bell.

1 minute passed, then two. Just as I was about to leave, the door opened.

"You made it!" Exclaimed Riley.

"Yeah, I guess I did." I spoke.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, I'm fine." I lied. I could tell he saw right through me, but he didn't say anything.

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