Chapter 6

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"If it came down to you and the witch, I'd always pick you." said Damon as he caressed my cheek.

I remember this Delena scene from TVD.

I then realized that it was not Elena Gilbert that Damon was talking to, it was me.

Is this real?

Suddenly I hear a tap. I ignore it.




I realize that the tap isn't from this room we're in. It's not even from this world.

This heaven I'm in starts to fade away, into reality.

I open my eyes slowly and my heart falls.

It was a dream.

Ready to yell, I wait to see if I hear the annoying sound again, which I do and I realize it's coming from the window.

I open my window and look around and I see nothing.

I'm about to go back inside when a fucking pebble hits my forehead.

"Shit," I hear someone mutter from below. "Sorry!"

Riley. Of course.

"Oh my god, what did you do that for?" I yelled.

"I didn't mean to hit you!"

"What do you want?" I questioned.

"Well, you see, I woke up. And I thought, 'I'm hungry,' so then I wondered if you were hungry too."

I rolled my eyes and looked at the time. 9:22.

"You want to go eat breakfast?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Well, yeah, I was sorta hoping you would too."

I hesitated and after a few silent moments, I answered. "Where do you plan on going?"


"Okay, I'll get ready. You can wait in my living room." I said. He nodded and I saw him disappear around the corner. I made my way downstairs to unlock the door for him, not even worrying about my appearance. That is, until I actually opened the door.

"Hey," he smiled.

"Hey," I replied, feeling self conscious in my messy bun and old pajamas. "Ookay, well I'm gonna go change." As I walked back up the stairs, I felt as if I was revealing too much because my shorts were really short in the back and I was scared I was, like, flashing him or something.

I brushed my teeth and didn't even bother putting makeup on because to be honest, I didn't think I needed it.

I put on some navy blue high wasted shorts with a white lacy crop top. My shoes were-nevermind, I mean, who cares about what I'm wearing.

"Okay, I'm done." I said and grabbed my black leather purse from the closet downstairs.

"Hey, where's you're dad?"

"Oh, he visits my mom's grave on Saturdays."

"You don't go with him?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

"No, I like to go alone." I answered.

"I see."


"Hi, I'm Kathy and I'll be your server for today." Said a perky blond waitress with a notepad in hand. "What do you want to drink?"

"I'll have a large orange juice." I said.

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