The Letter

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The cobblestone streets were silent
as she stole into the town.
A wispy wind was blowing,
wobbling the Maple trees &
scattering it's leaves.
Red, they were red
the color of longing & desire.
Ah! How the memories echoed
hard like a gunfire.

Treading towards the house
at the end,
she hardened her heart
for the scene that would ascend.
The letter crushed in her hand
was the reminder of the
betrayal of her one true friend.

She watched from the shadows
the drama unfolding inside,
like a kaleidoscope of images
she once shared by his side.
A tear, a tear so precious
trickled down her eye,
bathing her heart with
the question, why?

Knocking, she waited
for them to open the door,
bringing inside a
tiny wind roar.
She thought she would
surprise them, but instead
she was the one who got
her breath stole.

It was him but it was not Him.
For he has changed with time,
just as her.
With eyes brimming
she left for the shore,
leaving behind the tattered letter
and the past on their floor.

~~~ ~ ~~~

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