Waves, Tears & Joy

64 20 27

As the sands of time shifted
and took me back to that summer of May,
I remembered the day
when I stood here once before
cursing the fate.

The waves were rolling
drenching my pale blue dress.
Red painted nails shone in the water
as if they were soaked in blood.
Blood of your soul
or was it my own?

There was a drought
of tears in my eyes.
But my heart cried
rivers of despair.

The script of our love
derailed from it's trail.
They said that you were gone
on the way to your amore,
to dance with the angels now
as I stood waiting to say our vow.

I still hope a wish penny
could make you appear.

"Mommy! I'm hungry."

And there you were again
in the face of our child,
as I looked at him
and smiled.

~~~ ~ ~~~

Musings ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz