Make - Believe

24 11 7

On a dark gloomy night
When all the earthlings slept
A lone transmission was being sent
Inviting the other creatures
To this wonderland of features
That was rusting everyday under
The heavy burden of tragic sins.

They did not do a party
Nor they come to invade us.
With their giant heads of wisdom
And ever-seeing eyes,
They set down to balance
With the Creator's light
Along with the fairies of seasons.

You will not see them
But you sure can feel them.
Haven't you ever wondered,
What's that twinkling sound
The winds carry some nights?
What's that joyful vibe
That you feel deep inside?

They are spreading their magic
Wonderful wonderful blessings,
An answer to your prayers
Or a dream come to life
Or a fairy-tale you devised
For the grown up you
Who missed their childhood.

~~~ ~ ~~~

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