Mist of Gold

27 11 7

Drengr of the earth 

Misted with the lost dust. 

In hibernation for years 

They shall soon rise from the crust. 

To devour the sins so spilled 

Up to the brim, 

The rivers full with endless kills 

Black clouds of magic spins. 

For the wait shall be over at-last 

The era of darkness and ignorance shall dart. 

With fiery fire from heaven and hell 

Canvas of earth shall be painted Golden again. 

~~~ ~ ~~~

Entry for The Poetry Gauntlet hosted by WP_Poetry
The theme of week 1 is Fantasy Prophecy. I dabbled with eschatology (end of the world) here.

Hope you like it. Share your thoughts. :)

Musings ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang