I'm in the Deep

21 12 8

Swirling rivers around me
Caging me high to head
I'm waving my arms & legs to float
But I'm in the whirlpool to drown.

Plain grasslands stretch for miles
Beckoning me to take a walk
But the greens turn to brown too soon
And I'm again left to paint it all.

Fire burns strong inside the kiln
Growing fast and enveloping me whole
I try to soothe and balance it all
But I'm left with dying ashes to console.

Flying winds take me to a ride above
Just as I'm about to grab a cotton candy
Turbulence hits and crashes my plane
And I'm stuck in mid-air with no way in sight.

Elements against me, attack from all sides
Suffering from confusion & doubts
At the hands that fate dealt me
But I'm still holding on.

My moves & my time,
sometimes they clash, sometimes they match
Different waters test my heart
But they don't know that I'm already in the deep.

I'm in the deep of it all
With all my might and my fight
I will take a flight with my fear
And once again walk through the fiery greens.

Because I'm in the deep of it all
I will try again and burn
I will try again and learn
But I will not lose my hope.

~~~ ~ ~~~

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