♡ t h r e e

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I jumped out of the car and waved goodbye to my mother who waved back at me.

As my brother walked past he shoved me which was met by glares that could cut souls from myself, he turned back sensing my hatred and sneered at me.
'Dickhead.' I muttered and walked on to find my best friend.

I walked to the table under a tree where I usually met Sarah, my best friend since kindergarten, but she wasn't there.

Me and Sarah met when our parents forced us to be friends with each other just because they were friends from work. We hated each other at first because of such a forceful friendship but we grew to love each other and now she's like a sister to me.

She had short-ish blonde hair, eyes the colour of autumn leaves that shone with hope, anticipation and adventure.  She was a cheerleader, so she was popular among a few guys. I'm glad she chose me over them and the 'queen bees' because otherwise I'd be lost and alone without her. When she smiled her eyes squinted and her teeth showed, lighting up her whole face and making you want to smile too. Her laugh was as bright and joyful as the sun and she always brought happiness where she went.

She was good at cheering people up whenever they felt down in the slightest way and stuck up for you if some person commented something she didn't approve of.

Sarah was a good friend and I was thankful for that.

I messed around on my phone while waiting for her to arrive and around five minutes later, she did.

'Hey, girl.' She said leaning over to the table.
'Hey.' I said, turning off my phone.
'What's new with you?'
'It's been what, 12 hours since I saw you last? How much could happen.' I said in a tone of something I did a lot; sarcasm.
'A lot. Well for me anyways.' She said beaming, indicating that she had big news.

'What's his name?' I said, presuming she had a new boyfriend, what else would it be?
'That's a card, not a name.'
'Ha ha, funny. No, it's a name. He's not from here though he's from the next town over.'
'And how exactly did you meet?'
'Football game. He was playing football against the school's team a while ago and I was cheering at it and I watched him play and God he's so hot! I went up to him after,' Typical Sarah, so outgoing and doesn't give a damn.

'And we talked for a while then, he gave me his number and last night I met up with him and well yeah..'
'Did you sleep with him?!?'
'No, we just made out and shit.'
'And shit?'
'Oh, you know.' She waved her hand in the air as if I knew hat she was talking about.
'I'm afraid I don't.'
'Eugh, forget it. Speaking of hot guys..' she subtly pointed her finger to a place behind me.

I turned and there he was. Now he was hot.
Dylan stood lounging against the fence like usual, smoking.
I hated the smell of smoke and just smoking in general but why when he did it, was it so damn hot?

'Don't stare for too long he might see you!' She slapped me, playfully to turn around. 'Wouldn't want to ruin your chances with him by him thinking you're a pedo, would we?' She smiled.

'I don't stand a chance with him anyways, plus how can you not stare at him? He's gorgeous.' I said dreamily.
'I don't blame you, love.' She said.

'So what's this Ace guy look like?' I said, changing the subject.
'Fuck he's so hot, oh my god.' She swooned when she said it.

'Do you have a picture?'
'Do I? Of course!'
'Creep.' I said, jokingly.
She looked up at me and giggled.

She tapped away at her phone for a minute before holding her screen in-front of my face to display the image of her new boyfriend.

He looked like every jock I'd ever seen; Y'all, muscular, good jawline, nice eyes, but nothing overly spectacular.

'He's okay, I guess. I mean he looks no different than any other guy that plays football from here.'
'Oh, but he is!'
Here we go. She was going to go on about how nice he is and how caring he is and how wonderful he is and agh it's the same thing for every new guy she meets and they all end up leaving her in a broken mess.

As predicted, this is exactly what she said so I didn't really listen but daydreamed instead.

I dreamed about things that I knew would never happen or even stood the slightest chance of being real; these were fantasies I had often. I know I seemed like sad or like a child but all I wanted was to escape reality. But who doesn't sometimes?

When I zoned back in, Sarah had finished her speech on why Ace was different. Ace. What a name. Why would you call your child after a playing card or call them a word that means to be really good at something? But maybe he was good at something.

Breaking hearts I thought

'You know, and I don't mean to put you down but, you say the same thing for every guy, and then they leave you shattered and who helps you pick up the pieces?' I pointed my finger at myself.
'Yeah, I guess. But hopefully,y it won't happen this time. Got to have a little ounce of hope in this world sometimes don't you, no matter how hard it is.'
'That got deep, quick.'
'Yeah eugh, I'm definitely not like that. Now let's go.' She got up from the table and waited for me to do follow her.

I got up and walked toward the school's double doors, only once, glancing back in his direction. He seemed to be looking in our direction. Our eyes met for a brief second before we both looked away quickly.

Why was he looking over at me?


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