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'Fuck sake help me!' Sarah whispered as she walked on stage.

I could do nothing but laugh at her; she hated Conor and how absolutely useless he was.
Watching them perform would be fun.

'Okay, so you are two campers who are lost in the woods and are being chased by hunters who think you are animals. And... go!'

'We need to find a way out and avoid being seen. So lay low and stay quiet.' Conor said in a hushed voice while the two were crouched on the floor.
'HUNTERS COME GET ME!' Sarah said leaping up and waving her arms.
'What do you think you're doing!' Conor puller her back down.
'I'd rather be killed by hunters than spend another minute in this stupid forest with you, you idiot.'
'Wow, thanks.' Conor looked genuinely hurt.

I was dying in my seat from their conflicting performance together.

'Ah, I've been shot! Thank you stars you have done me a favour for once!' She grabbed her left shoulder acting like she was hurt and kneeled on the floor, pretending to die.
'No! You can't die!' Conor shouted as the life left her.

She collapsed and before she took her 'final breath' she said;
'watch me.'
And died.
She waited a few seconds before jumping up, taking a bow and running off stage back to me, leaving Conor in a somewhat state of shock.

I was in tears; Sarah was hilarious and Conor had no clue what he was at, he was still standing on the stage staring at her in disbelief.

'Well... that was... creative?' Mrs Paul said from her seat. 'Conor you can come down from there now.

Conor walked, much like a zombie, off the stage and back to his seat. I was still crying silently.

'Isabelle, how about you go next?' Mrs Paul said, noticing my state of enjoyment.
'Um, no thanks.' I said. I didn't want to perform at all let alone in front of eighteen others.

'Oh go ahead! It will be fun! You can be partners with...'
I looked around at who was left, more or less everyone but Sarah, the one person I actually would want to be partnered with.

Or him, he'd do.
My heart started thumping and my face became hot at the thought that we would have to act together.

Dylan walked on stage ahead of me; he seemed eager for some unknown reason.

When I finally took my place Mrs Paul gave us our roles and scenario;
'You are in your twenties, and you're roommates...' great. I looked over at Dylan who was listening intently.
'Dylan you've just caught a boy walk shirtless from Isabelle's room and go to question her. Go!'
'Are we a couple?' I asked, shocked slightly.
'Not yet...' Dylan muttered under his breath presumably thinking I couldn't hear him.
'Whatever you want.'
'No then.' I looked over at Dylan who's face told me he had wanted us to be a couple.

Here we go...


Short chapter but the story will only be going on for around maybe 4 more chapters... hope you're enjoying the story!

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