!!Important!! (Where I've Been)

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Hey guys...

So, my absence from Wattpad has been quite noticeable, along with my lack of updates. I've tried my best to be on here as much as I can, but things have been hard. This year has not started off great for me. Which, in itself is upsetting, because it's the year I turn 18, and legally become an adult...

There's many things that have happened, and a lot I'm not comfortable sharing everything, because these events are very personal. But, I want to be real with you guys, since I think of my active followers and frequent commenters as a second family. So, I'll list a few things that have happened, which hopefully explain the lack of updates on my books. And, I hope you guys can excuse me for it...

(You don't have to read any of this. Just in case you were curious. I just felt like venting, since I've been having a really bad couple of weeks, and I need to let it all go...)

1.) Losing Hard Work.
-Wattpad has had it's times, where it likes to entirely screw you over, as I'm sure a lot of you other writers on here can relate to. That has caused me, to lose a ton of progress on books I had already pre-written, forcing me to have to find time to re-write them. Since I barely have enough time as is, that has been frustrating me to the point, of not even wanting to write. But, it also taught me to save my work in multiple places. Now, I also have extra copies, of chapters I'm working on, copy-and-pasted into Google Docs, Notepad, and more. So, hopefully this won't be an issue in the future.

2.) Time.
-I'm a Senior in High School, participating in countless extracurricular activities, studying for exams, looking into colleges, visiting campuses, working a part-time job, and babysitting on the weekends. Things have been getting more and more absolutely insane. There is not enough time in the day...

3.) Motivation.
-As I've said, this year's been incredibly tough. An example being, last week I lost someone incredibly important to me. My hero. Also known as my Great-Grandmother. For 97, she was incredibly aware and very talkative and outgoing. She was my inspiration to continue writing. She would read (or be read, if the text was too small) poems I had written, or short stories, and she would tell me how "amazing" and "beautiful" they were. And that one day I "would become a wealthy author, and come back to bring her to love in my 'mansion' with me", as she would put it. As someone who constantly was full of self-doubt, and had horrible self-esteem, those little comments and jokes she made, absolutely made every one of my visits.  Until, I woke up one morning, with notifications on my Facebook page, that my Great-Grandma had passed away that night. Losing my hero, I've barely had the motivation to go to school, and didn't talk with my friends at all, or participate in class discussions, let alone open Wattpad... I'm starting to get better, but it's still been hard...

(TL;DR: Things have been tough for me. I'm going to come back ASAP! I've just been procrastinating this Author's Note long enough, and I needed to let you guys know where I've been. Don't worry about me at all, I'll be fine.)

I hope you can forgive my absence. Thank you for reading, ig you did. Love you guys. 💜💜💜

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