feelings revealed

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" what are you saying Raven ? You want to leave us?"

" it's not that  I want to leave its more of I have to"

"Is it because of your sons or perhaps your running away from us?"

"Actually it's for my job, for me I write about gory side of supernatural creatures and having write it as horror fiction. I was first looking for information about vampire nobles and my eccentric vampires that wouldn't be so as you say weak. At first I didn't find much until I stumbled on your family and I saw a picture of your mother Belatrix. When I researched farther into vampire blood lines there was one human blood line that was related to your mother. As it turned out I'm a descendant of your mother but because I'm not a vampire I'm not all related to any of you. Nature created myself and sons as your doubles as some sort of punishment for her great grand parents margin with vampires creating a new noble family. According to the blood lines I'm only about 10%  related to your vampire mother and the other 90% is part of people who are instinct. My people are guardians of garden of Eden itself which over time with each other generation is gifted. When just was born my family didn't like my enhanced senses, strength and calming nature. My parents called me there freak of a daughter and beat me . There heartless ways didn't stick to my nature and always promised not ever be that way to my children".

" will you come back"

" now that I know you  ill be back to check on you all perhaps next time I won't leave, my life in London needs to squared away"

"I suppose that's fair just remember to come back"

"When I make a promise I keep it besides you should know by now I love you all"

" Wait, what"

" you heard me , I know that sounds strange coming from me considering I don't show much emotion but you all mean something to mean, I don't love you  like your my children. I believe there's something more to it. I won't leave until Sunday "

Sometime that same night

Raven was laying in bed sleeping and didn't noticed two people entering her room. She woke up a bit rubbing her face when she was pushed down on her back and what she saw shocked her. Shu and Reiji were both hovering of her in just there undergarments ( boxers). Raven looked confused for a moment realized they wanted something from her before she left in two days.

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