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Soul: Hey Kaito, do me a favour and do the disclaimer.
Kaito: Why do I have to do it?
Soul: Fine Lucia can you do it for me?
Lucia: What! Fine, *starts reading the paper* SoulFairy786 doesn't own Mermaid Melody or any of its characters. Only her OC's. Michiko Yokote owns it. Oh, and *stops and eyes widen and she starts blushing* I'm not saying that!
Soul: Ugh! Fine but yeah, what Lucia said. Also, this is the only time in this fanfic I'm gonna do the disclaimer so don't tell me in Chapter 10 or whatever 'Where's the disclaimer?'
Kaito: What's it say to have you so flustered? *Leans over and reads it and starts blushing* Wait Soul w-w-why did you ever think either of us wou-
Soul: 'Kay bye guys!

Third Person POV:

Lucia walks back to Pearl Piari deep in thought. Thoughts like 'None of the pain I feel right now would be there if I didn't come to the human world.' and 'I can't do this anymore.' "Is this what Sara felt like when Mitsuki-sensei left her?" Once she makes it back to Pearl Piari she opens to door and sees Rina, Hanon, Hippo, Nikora, and Madame Taki all waiting for her.

"Lucia, are you okay? We heard all about it from Hanon and Rina." Nikora calls out when she enters the hotel.

"Onee-sa- no, Nikora, I'm going back home to the ocean."

Everyone looks shocked before they finally process what she said. "What!" Everyone shouts.

"Lucia-san the ocean is too dangerous right now! We never know when Mikeru might come back! And there are also the Black Beauty Sisters to worry about! I won't allow you to!" Hippo crosses his flippers or wings or arms, whatever you wanna call them.

"Hippo's right Lucia. Right now you're just upset about Kaito, he'll remember eventually. Don't leave just because of this!" Rina calmly -well as calmly as one is this type of situation can be- says.

"This isn't for you guys to decide. Hanon, Rina, can you guys do me a favour and tell the school I'm quitting." Lucia smiles softly and walks up the stairs.

"Lucia," Hanon softly calls.

Just before she's fully up the stairs she says "And besides, if I get into any trouble you'll know right away."

She again smiles, this time a sad smile and goes up to her room and the door shuts close. As soon as the door closes Lucia starts crying again and leans against the door, slowly sliding down the door and into the fetal position.

After what feels like hours she gets up and starts packing her things. While packing she finds a picture of her and Kaito, taken a day before he left for Hawaii.

It was Kaito and her on the beach with her leaning against him with her head on his shoulder and Kaito leaning his head against hers, softly kissing her hair. She closes her eyes as they get blurry with tears. She takes a few seconds and then she's packing again.

Once she finishes packing she walks out of her bedroom with all her things and goes down the stairs. There she see's everyone and Hippo has a backpack on his back. "Lucia-san I shall accompany you back to the palace."

"Okay." Is all she says.

Hanon steps towards Lucia. "Lucia are you sure about this?"


"Okay then, I'll let the school know you're quitting." She pauses a moment before continuing, "Make sure to come back every-so-once-in-a-while 'kay. And I'll keep you informed of everything that's happening, alright."

"Yeah. I'll come and visit sometimes." Hanon hugs Lucia then steps back to let everyone else say their goodbyes.

"Lucia make sure to take care of yourself, okay. We'll come visit you sometimes too so you don't have to keep coming and going. I'll tell you if Kaito remembers anything." Rina also hugs Lucia and whispers something in her ear, which makes Lucia's eyes widen. Rina lets go of Lucia and takes a step back.

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