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Slowly Ryuu let's go of Kaito's collar and takes a deep breath. "I should have done something. I should have made sure she didn't leave. Rina, you didn't see what she looked like when I saw her. She would have been much better off not leaving at all. Or, better yet, never meeting Kaito." He walks out of the classroom.

~In The North Pacific Palace~

Lucia slowly opens her eyes and sees Hippo staring at her worriedly. "When did we get back to the castle? And how? I feel asleep in the Indian Ocean didn't I?"

Hippo sighs, "Yes you did. Ryuu-sama found you asleep and didn't want to wake you up so he carried you back to the castle. We got back 2 hours ago."

Lucia looks around for a few seconds before her eyes land back on Hippo. "Where's Ryuu right now?"

Hippo looks away guiltily before closing his eyes. "He went to the surface to talk to Hanon-san and Rina-san about what happened and... to talk to Kaito-san."

"When did he leave?" 'I hope he didn't pick a fight with anyone. He can get really angry when it has to do with me.'

"Ryuu-san left after taking you back to the palace."

"I see. W-" There is a knock on the door and a mermaid with a red tail and black beads on her tail, red eyes, and long red hair with black tips swims in.

"Lucia-sama, welcome home."

"It's good to be home. How have you been Sora?"

"All of us were fine Lucia-sama."

Lucia frowns at this. "Hey, why are you being so distant? Just call me Lucia, like you did when we were kids."

A small smile appears on Sora's face. "I thought you wouldn't want someone like me calling you without any honorifics."

"What do you mean by someone like you? You're a princess too."

"A princess without a castle."

"That doesn't make you any less of a princess."

"I- you know what, forget about it. I'm not gonna bother myself with this. Anyways, the reason I came to get you is that.... you need to talk to another kingdom, Ryuu's kingdom, about getting married. You've already had your coming of age ceremony so now you're available to marriage."

"I might be getting... married to... Ryuu? Has anyone told Ryuu about this?"

"Yeah, Ryuu knows. He was actually the one who suggested it."

Lucia's eyes widen. "What? Ryuu did?"

"Yeah, now come on! Get out of bed and come with me to the throne room."

Sora forces Lucia out of bed and pushes her to the throne room. "Wait a second Sora! I'm not ready for this! Can we at least wait till Ryuu gets here?"

Sora sighs. "Fine. I'll tell them you want to talk to Ryuu first, to sort everything out."

"Arigato Sora." Lucia swims away and starts to leave the castle secretly when she hears a very familiar voice.

"Lucia? Where are you going?"

She freezes and turns around. "Ryuu, hey. I was going to, um, get some fresh air?"

"Unless you were going to the surface, which I won't allow you to, you can't really get 'fresh air'." He says while crossing his arms. He doesn't seem nervous at all around his soon-to-be fiance. (A/N If she accepts)

"Ryuu, did you....... ask your parents for my hand in marriage?" Lucia says nervously. 'I mean, he's my best friend and all but....... That's the thing. He's my best friend.' Ryuu doesn't do much but put his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah. Why?"

"I didn't know you liked me like that. I just, I feel bad about always talking to you about...... Kaito and how much I loved him and all that." There is a pain she can't explain when she thinks about Kaito. (A/N That was a great rhyme. Killer Bee would be proud.)

"I don't mind if you say no. If you still like that Kaito kid (anyone get the reference?) I'll wait. I'll wait till you finally fall in love with me. Then, we'll get married just like we promised when we were kids."

"Promised? What promise? I don't remember." Lucia's face twists into a confused look.

Ryuu laughs. "I didn't think you would. When we were little we got engaged. You were crying and I promised I would marry you so you would never cry again. We told our parents and they decided that we would be fiances."

"Now that you mention it, I vaguely remember something like that happening."

"But if you don't wanna get married I won't force you to." Ryuu looks like he had to force those words out of his mouth.

"No, I do wanna get married. I spent so much time obsessed with Kaito that I ignored you. And you never once said not to go for it. You even helped me sneak out so I could try and find him! You're the sweetest, most considerate person I've met and I ignored you for a human. I'm sorry if I hurt you before."

Ryuu gets a big goofy grin on his face. So that means yes right? We gotta tell my parents!"

He grabs Lucia's arm and they start to go back to the throne room. Just before they enter Ryuu stops. The smile on his face slips off.

"You aren't saying yes just so you don't hurt my feelings are you?"

"I'm not that mean. I wouldn't say yes if I didn't mean it."

He smiles again and opens the door.
I added some more, so tell me what ya think. Also does anyone have a good anime to recommend? I'm bored out of my mind.

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