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Your alarm went off signaling for you to get up for school. To say the least you were tired as hell but you know-it's life. You Turned off the alarm and grabbed your phone, you texted your friends and family good morning and looked through your social medias. As you were doing so you felt the bed move for a bit, a smile made it's way onto your face. You set your phone down and turned over. A peacefully sleeping Jungkook was in view. You ran your fingers through his soft brown hair admiring the boy. You sigh knowing that you had to leave said boy and wouldn't see him until later tonight. You both had work and to be honest it was bothersome but as said before this is life. Sadly you had to wake him up as well, you only wished that he could sleep for a bit longer because you knew how exhausted he was. BTS was getting ready for their comeback and Jungkook hasn't been home in days, when you came home last night to see him in the livingroom playing Overwatch  to say the least you were surprised. What was even worse was that the kid was super hard to wake up, you guys just moved into this apartment together not even three weeks ago and you were still getting used to waking him up almost every morning. You asked him many of times on why doesn't his lazy ass just set an alarm on his phone. He told you that he did have an alarm. You looked under the coffee table asking where? He got off his computer and hugged you. He told you that you were his clock and smacked your ass before getting back on his computer. 

You snapped out of your daydream state and thought of a plan on how to wake up your kookie. An idea popped up and a devious smirk was plastered on your face. You moved closer to Jungkook's face and softly kissed him, you watched him for a bit and when he didn't move you just kept kissing his face until he did wake up. After what felt like twenty kisses he finally moves. 

"And he's alive, It's time to get up Kookie." He rubs his face and lifts up slowly. You smile at his cuteness but he looks over at you with a disgusted look. "What the hell is wrong with you?" 

"Umm-babe your breath stinks." Jungkook answers. You rub his silky hair again before replying.

"Aww and kookie your balls stink, hoe." You roll out of bed and went into the bathroom, Jungkook follows you in. 

"Wait how do you know what my balls smell like because- you know we never had uhh-." You look at him and roll your eyes. 

"Sex kookie we never had sex, it's not hard to say you know, you know you are twenty." 

"yea and you know that you never had some decent weave." You looked at him with disbelief talk about clap back. You let your Marley braids loose from your wrap and style it with an up down look. 

"Who's weave and where so I can tell that bitch to get her money back." You said as you opened up the cabinets and looked under the rugs. Jungkook shrugs his shoulders and turned on the water to brush his teeth. You grab your toothbrush and handed Jungkook's his. "You know, we should try to go on a date soon, there's a new restaurant that opened across from my job and a girl is ready to eat." You said as you danced a bit. Jungkook smiles at your cute figure and chuckles.

"Yeah-okay I'll see when my next day off but I can't guarantee that it will be soon." Jungkook wipes his face and kiss your temple. He stretches his arms and head to your shared closet. 

"Hey, that's okay as long as I see you whenever you aren't busy is good enough for me and it's okay because I can actually get my work done without a certain someone constantly asking me to cook him some food." Jungkook was about to say something until you interrupted him. "Are you hungry? I can go for some grits, eggs, and bacon." Jungkook tilts his head cutely.

"What- yea,okay." You pulled out a vintage tee and some ripped jeans. Jungkook found one of his many plain white tees and some ripped jeans. You finished getting dressed first. So, you threw on some accessories, put on some red lipstick and went down the hall to the kitchen to start breakfast. Jungkook joins you later, he sees you flipping over the eggs so he sneaks behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, laying his head on your shoulder. You got scared and went into your about to beat some ass mode. You took the spatula and accidentally hit his Jungkook's face. You covered your mouth once reality finally hits you. 

"Oh shit babe I'm sorry." You run over to Jungkook and checked his face. It was a bit red but not to bad and annoyingly you ruined his white shirt. Jungkook rubs his face quietly. 

"It's fine, I'm going back into the bedroom to change."  You helped pick him up and nodded. He left and you continued on with your cooking. You finally finished cooking. You walked over to the dining room, you set yours and Jungkook plate onto the table. At the perfect timing Jungkook walked in with a red hoodie this time and some black jeans. You looked him up and down thanking god for blessing you. You both sat down and started eating. Jungkook's eyes lite up once he had a scoop of your grits. "Wow, (Y/N) this is amazing! How did you learn how to cook this?" You laugh at him as he takes an another scoop.

"My mama silly, she taught me how to cook." After eating and you making Jungkook wash the dishes. You both head to your college. "Alright this is my stop, thanks for driving me. I hope my car is out of the shop soon." Kookie smiles.

"No problem, (Y/N)-wait do you have work today?" You nod.

"Sadly but it's not a far walk so I'm fine and my friend is taking me home since we work together. Don't worry about it just work hard on your comeback but not to hard, I don't want to run to the hospital because my boyfriend can't take of himself." You kiss his lips and hugs him. "Love ya I'll see your dumb ass when I get home. Before you could leave Jungkook kisses you head and slaps your butt cheek. 

"Who's the dumb ass?" You scrunch up your nose but then your eyes land on the clock in Jungkook's car. 

"Holy shit I'm late-aww man my teacher is going to tear me up. Alright for real I gotta go. I love you and I'll see you at home." You kiss his lips one more time before running your ass into school. The bell barely rang before you could actually step your foot into the classroom. Your teacher eyes you and sighs.

"Ms (Y/L/N), I don't want to repeat myself." You fix yourself and apologize. You found your seat and pulled out all the items you needed. Mornings with Kookie is a bit much but you wouldn't have it any other way. 

(A/N) My second AMBW book, This is crazy I just started Yoongs now Kookies I am so excited! I may do more in the future but as of now I'm going to stick with these two maybe I'll do V because his personality is honestly my favorite. Him being the weird one in the group makes me so happy because I've been told to be weird as well but I may do him. 

(QOTD) What song made you fall in love with BTS? 
(AOTD) DNA and Spring day, I came around when BTS really became popular which makes me sad because I wished I knew them before then but what can I do. 

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