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You were running as fast as you can.

"I'm going to fucking kill him." You muttered to yourself. Some of the staff members were looking at you, but at the moment you didn't care. You needed to find Jungkook. The guards were trying to calm you down because as said before your relationship with Jungkook wasn't public yet and you could be risking everything you and kookie worked for...yeah fuck that shit. 

"Kookie!" You screamed. There was just to many people at this point you were so close to crying, a bit dramatic but this was serious. You found the boys crowded around something, you squint and noticed brown hair.  You ran over to them, tears finally falling. 

"Oh my god my baby," You saw Jungkook having a hard time breathing. You ran over to him and held his face. "Come on kookie, breath." You asked for a towel and someone grabbed one. You started to wipe away his sweat, his eyes never leaves yours. After you finished wiping away his sweat you grabbed both of his hands and kissed them. You turned around to face everyone still holding onto the boys hands. "We need to call someone, he needs help. He can't go out there in this condition." The boys looked at you and agreed besides one. Jungkook himself.

"I'm fine, I just need to drink some water and cool down." You looked at his faded face and started to tear up.

"No, that's not happening. I love you way to much just to let you walk out of here any type of way." He stands up and walks past your figure. You also, stood up and walked over to him. You grabbed his arm but he roughly rips it away from your grasp. 

"Leave me alone, I can do this!" He yelled at you. This pissed you off, he was about to see your crazy side. 

"Do what? Huh-hurt yourself for your fans who would want to know that you are healthy and safe? Jungkook you are not a fucking robot, your body needs rest. You need rest! I will not let my boyfriend risk his life for a concert. I'll be damned." Jungkook continues to walk away. Your heart began to hurt. You ran behind him, hitting his back. "Kookie, baby if you walk out there you are not only hurting yourself. You're hurting your members, family, and me. I don't want anything bad to happen to you." You laid your head on his back and started to cry into his shirt. He just stoodd there. 

"Kim Najoon, Kim seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hosek, Park Jimin, Kim Taeyung, Jeon Jungkook, BTS!" You can hear ARMY chanting in the background.

"(Y/N), look we worked to hard for this, I can't ruin it for everyone. So, please stay out of the way." He walks onto the stage, not even sparing you a single glance. You wanted to run after him, you wanted him to let you hold him as he cried. Suddenly, you heared someone screaming, You looked up to see Jungkook on the ground, nothing came to mind but only to go to Jungkook side. He was breathing but it was all over the place, you held his face and cried.

"Come on baby, like I told you before you gotta breath."  You kissed the top of his clammy head and looked over to the boys. "Did you guys call someone?" They all nodded. 

"(Y/N), we are so sorry, we should've tried harder for him to stay," Suga said. You shook your head.

"No it was his fault, I understand why he did this but, he really needs to take care of himself." You tried to wipe away some of his sweat with your sleeve but someone handed you a towel.

After a while someone finally came to take Jungkook to the hospital, you of course followed behind them. The boys stayed behind to explain the situation, but little did they know was that you basically just exposed yourself to the world.  

"Aish, my head." Jungkook sat up and rubbed his forehead. He notices the white walls and tacky the gown he was wearing. "Where am I?" 

"You're in the hospital dummy." Jungkook looked to the side seeing you stretching at the couch. He smiled at your cuteness but soon realized what happened. 

"I did this to myself, I'm so sorry (Y/N)." You hit him in the back of the head which makes him wince. "Why did you hit me." He whines. 

"You idiot, I told you to get help but you didn't listen now look at you, looking like a damn kid." Jungkook looks at you as you pull your braids into a messy bun. 

"Yeah, I know I-i just didn't want to fail everyone." You kissed his forehead and smiled. 

"No one felt as if you failed them, more like we failed you." Jungkook looks at you confused. "We could've done something but instead we let you hurt yourself and I ruined our whole relationship." 

"Wait-what? What do you mean ruin our relationship?" You chuckle awkwardly and told Jungkook to move over. He does and you lay down next to him.

"When you were on the stage I ran out there not paying attention, and they got it on camera. It's been a couple of days now and the reviews are crazy." You lay your head on Jungkook's chest. He plays with your braids. "I'm so sorry, I was thinking with my heart rather than my head." He laughs.

"It's okay, I love you and if my fans don't understand that then you know whatever." You smile. 

"The boys should be here in a bit get some sleep," You look up to see his bunny teeth. You kiss him and close your eyes. 

(A/N) It's been crazy I'm going to try to see if I have the time to write two more today and more tomorrow but let's see. Also this is based on burn the stage when Jungkook was overworking himself.

(QOTD) Thoughts on burn the stage?
AOTD) Honestly it gave some different views of the boys, knowing that Jimin cried because he wasn't perfect honestly made me thing that wow there's more to our chim chim that they weren't showing which makes me sad. Don't even get me started with Jungkook I hope he never do that again, If I was at the concert I would honestly feel horrible to know that he did that so he wouldn't disappoint us kind of pisses me off. He's allowed to feel the need to sit down and catch his breath, he's not a robot we understand that. But I wonder if he himself understands that?

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