All of my life.

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Based on one of Jungkook's covers...

When things were so hard that I was tired of living

You and Jungkook were playing UNO and he was whooping your ass.

"So, you suddenly good at UNO?" You asked as you placed a four green into the messy pile. Jungkoook just looks at you silently. "Babe, it's your turn." You looked up and took notice of his stare. "What?" Jungkook sighs as he places a green skip. Your mouth agape. "Damn, kookie. Beating my ass."

"Would you miss me," he finally says. Jungkook sets a wild card down.

"What type of question is that-what's the color?"

"Yellow; its simple would you miss me?" After placing a yellow plus two. You crawled over to Jungkook and kissed his lips. He smiled as you did so.

"Stop asking, no matter where you are I will always miss you." You kiss him one more time before crawling back to your spot. "Now pick up two hoe."

When nothing was going my way

You were on your way to visit Jungkook and the boys with food in your hands. It's been a while since you cooked for them. You assumed that they were hungry.

Once you got closer to their dance studio, you heard yelling. You kept walking wondering what was going on but once you heard Jungkook's name you ran. You set the food by the door and quickly opened it. All the boys were arguing with Jungkook.

"Jungkook you need to stop before you hurt yourself, come on and rest." Namjoon tells Jungkook as the others agree. They haven't notice you yet so you walked behind Jin and tapped his shoulder. Making him scream and jump back. You ignore his reaction.

"What the hell is going on?"

"No cussing," you gave V a glare. V gulps and hides behind Jimin.

"I'm not going to repeat myself." You looked at Jungkook, who quickly looks away.

"Jungkook keeps overworking himself and we are trying to stop him before he hurts himself but he won't listen." Suga says with a hint of worry in his voice. You pick up your purse quietly, the boys each gave you a look.

"Come on, Jungkook." Jungkook sighs and grabs his bag walking pass you.

When I hadn't seen my family, and even I wasn't important to myself

After the incident the boys weren't around as much as they use to. You noticed his gloomy state. You made him take the week off to relax his body. He refused for a while but eventually gave in. He was in the bedroom playing some game with his Internet friends. You decided to invite the boys over. He needed to talk to them plus the boy was driving you crazy. Once you came home from work to see two sinks full of dishes.

"Jungkook," he pauses his game and looks at you. "We have guests, go get changed and come down stairs."

They were being awkward around each other but after a bit the room was filled with laughs and loud bumps. You smiled slightly as you sinked down into the warm bath water.

In this world, where one must have more. In order to continue with love.

You and Kookie were in the kitchen sorting out the bills.

"Oh shit," you cursed as your fist hit the counter.

"Hm," Jungkook looks at you. You sigh and cover your face with your hands.

"I forgot to pay the cable bill, I had to pay my mama hospital bills." Jungkook takes the bill away from you and add it to his.

"I'll pay it," he kisses your temple. His glasses lightly hitting your forehead.

Life with JungKook: AMBW ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ