Chapter 12

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Oh, no! Oh, on!! This won’t be good at all; you see Mother Nature normally graces you with her ‘female gift’ later in the month, maybe the last days of the last week! What the heck!? That would explain why you were eating cake like Honey-senpai although, you should’ve known! The stomach ache yesterday wasn’t an ache at all, it was the dreaded cramp!

You gave out a long sigh and finished your business in the restroom washing your hands before you left; thank goodness you carry feminine products in your school bag with you. It wasn’t that you haven’t had your ‘gift’ when you were at school because you have; it’s just the crap of starting it at school this time.

You hand ran through your hair when you cursed out something along the lines of ‘How *$^&$-ing unfair.’ Not only was your day ruined so far, you also had to go to Karate after class was over. Opening the door to your class room you heard Tamaki call your name in excitement while he was running to you in slow motion.


“[M! Name!]~, Daddy passed his make-up test! The jar really worked!” He yelled in joy, making you laugh lightly and shake your head.

“Yes! Way to go! New special move Tamaki!” You exclaimed, the two of you both got ready to jump in the air.

“DOUBLE HIGH-FIVE!” You both yelled the twins were passing you; Tamaki and Kyoya in the hall where you just did that awesome new move.

The twins stopped and started to laugh at the scene you put on with Tamaki. “Oh! Oh! With you guys here we can make it a Quad High-Five!” You smiled at them hopping they would be in on it too. You eyes went snaked over to Kyoya who was waiting patiently for everyone to walk to the Host room together, “with Kyoya in too, it would be a Penta high- five!” You cheered.

“No.” Kyoya looked at you with a slightly glare, “Well fine then. Only Tamaki can get a special double high five.” You pouted looking away from Kyoya.

“HA! You shady twins don’t get a double high five from [M! Name]!” Tamaki gloated, proud that he was the only one that could get a high five from you.

“Whatever, boss.”Kaoru said and Hikaru rolled his eyes,

 “[M! Name] already asked us to join in, but--” they looked at each other and smirked.

“We would be more than happy to give [M! Name] something special. Not you Boss,” Tamaki shrunk down and floated away. They both grabbed your hands and pulled you towards them, you really didn’t want them or anyone for the matter hanging on you or getting close. Your body temperature was already hot and you knew that was Mother Nature talking, but still!

You pulled your hands away from them and back away, they stood there with hurt expressions on their faces. Like always the twins began to egg Tamaki on when the tree of them started to walk down the hall,

Ouran High School Host Club [RP]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz