August 11, 1998 (Mandi's Story)

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Barely a month later, another disaster happens on the farm. Grandma is going to have a heart attack before too long.

And this death is arguably even more grisly and unpleasant than Lucile's. Arguably.

It all starts when the new girl, Mandi, tries to operate the tractor. Just think about that for a minute.

New girl. Big tractor.

Spells disaster, doesn't it?

And disaster it was.

She, like Sami, doesn't listen to me when I tell them what to do. Or, more accurately, what not to do.

So, oblivious to the danger as an inexperienced driver, Mandi climbs up into the cab of the tractor.

Frustrated, I stand back, behind the gate.


Mandi fires up the tractor, but she forgets to close the door. She starts off well enough, but then she tries to turn.

Mandi, being awkward and clumsy, tumbles out of the tractor. And, as if a strong gust of wind blew her forward, she was flung through the air.

Then, an invisible foot seems to press on the gas, and the tractor moves forward as she comes down. And let's just say that the sight of her body on the tines on the front of the tractor sill forever stain my nightmares.

Her blue-white spirit rises from her body almost immediately. She glares at me, then disappears into smoke without a word.

Grandma walks out of the house, and promptly collapses at the sight of the tractor dripping with crimson liquid. I see her twitch, but then Carson is beside her, shouting at her to wake up.

Carson yells at me to come and help him. I run across the grass towards my brother, and feel a claw trace its way from my spu e to the scar Sandy left, in a mirror image of my previous scar.

Needless to say, we went to the hospital. Grandma died of a heart attack in the hospital room. Away from my sight, so I didn't have to get another scar on my back.

If only I could have been better prepared for the next death. Now that one took everyone there by surprise.

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