September 10, 2003 (Fairen's Story)

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Unlike Carson, Fairen was wide awake when I strode into her room.

Hey bright eyes met mine through the thickening smoke, and she hissed,"This is your fault, you little devil."

I stop a good foot away from my older sister, studying her face. It's pinched up in an effort not to inhale too much smoke, but I can see the blood on her lips, on her sheets.

"Yes, it is my fault, Fairen. And I will pay dearly for it," I say, my voice rough from the horror of watching my best friend and brother die just seconds ago.

Fairen flinched, her blue eyes looking like chips of ice in the darkness.

"What did you do to Carson?" she rasps, her lungs finally giving up. I shake my head, stopping the desperate flood of memories trying to overtake me.

"Carson is dead, Fairen. As you soon will be," I say, looking her in the eye.

"How are you still alive? What are those shadows behind you? They have red eyes, and are talking like flames." Fairen's eyes are huge, and I can imagine the light leaving them all too clearly.

I take a step closer, but Fairen doesn't move, her gaze locked onto the demons I know are behind me.

"I am being sustained by their power. Fairen, just let go. You will leave this place either way. You will be consumed by fire, and returned to the earth as ash," I say, my voice calm and even.

I want to scream as Fairen tears her eyes from the demons. I can practically smell the sharp tang of fear pulsing off of her, can hear her heart frantically beating, can see her breathing slow.

"From the earth we come, to the earth we go," she whispers. I nod, and my sister closes her eyes.

Her body slumps down on the bed, and I see the glimmer of blue-white around her. I turn, though, before I can see her spirit rise from her body.

I didn't deserve to see my sister. But I did deserve to say goodbye to my parents. Their deaths are next.

In the Middle of the Bed (A Saira Collings Story)Where stories live. Discover now