Chapter 3: LA

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- Mitch

I was waiting for Ashley to arrive. When I finally spotted her poofy hair she was talking to another girl. The girl looked pretty nice, she had halflong curly hair, was about a foot smaller then me and pretty skinny, but not too skinny, just good. They say goodbye and Ashley comes right to me.

"Hey Ashley! How are you? I see you have a new friend?"

"Oh yeah, that was a fan, we met on the airport in london. She's pretty nice."

I take her bags and we're going to my car so that I can bring her to the team crafted house were she's going to stay for the night. Before going to her appartment.

"She's not from around here I guess?"

"No she's belgian"

"Oh nice but enough about the fanz, how was your flight?"

The rest of the way she talked about casual things, like her flight, the weater, how she missed us and so on.

- Anne

The bus drive to my new appartment was just awefull, I wish I had someone who could pick me up. But at least I made it there. I knocked on the door, and a girl answers it.

"Hi! I'm Anne, I'm the new tennant."

"Oh yeah. I forgot you were comming today."

She turns around and goes inside, so i follow.

"Okay, this is your room. My name is Cloe by the way, if you need something don't ask me. To make it clear, we will never become friends. If this wasn't the only room left you wouldn't even be here." She turns around and walks away.

I can't believe I have to share an appartement with that! This day just couldn't get worse.

~ 2 days later

I got to go to my first day of school so I take my things and leave.

School wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I didn't make any friends but since the accident I never really had those, I got used to it. At least everyone was nice to me. The teachers welcomed me and when I told my teacher Dutch I'm Belgian I emediatly became a favorite. Going back to the appartement was more depressing then going to school.

At the appartment I knocked on the door, Cloe reacts but she doesn't open it.

"Cloe, please open the door!"

"I'm sorry I'm afraid I can't do that!"

"Why not?"

"Because there's a new rule. No Belgians allowed! I can't go against the rules so I packed your things, they're in the hallway. I hope I will never see you again!"

I'm only 3 days in LA and already homeless where do I have to go now? I take my stuff and start thinking. I know there's a cheap hotel somewhere around the corner maybe I can go overthere until I find a better solution.

I was arleady walking for like an hour and I still didn't find the hotel. To be honnest I think I'm lost, I really have no clue were I am. Sudenly I hear someone yell my name, I turn around and see a group of people standing there. I see someone in the group that I've already talked to during this trip, Ashley.

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