Chapter 14: it will be fine

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- Mitch

I'm still crying, her heart might be working again but she isn't out of danger.

"It will be fine biggums. She's in good hands." Jerome said trying to calm me down.

"It's her own fault! And she deseves it! She tried to steal my man!" Alesa yells. By now everyone came out of his room to see what was happening.

Hearing her say that just made me freak out so I start yelling at her. "She didn't try to steal Adam! We're dating! We tried to say, but you won't listen! And this is what happens!" Now everyone knows, but I don't care at this moment. I start crying even harder. Jerome hugs me.

"Sshh. Anne will be fine, she's strong. Since when are you two dating?" Jerome sais.

"Yesterday, I wanted to tell you when you woke up." Alesa comes up to me.

"Mitch, I'm sorry. I should have listend but I was too angry. After you guys left Adam just kept worrying about Anne and I freaked out. I'm so sorry." She hugges me.

"I would propably do the same if I was you Alesa. I'm sorry I yelled. I'm just worried." I say while hugging her.

"I know, but Jerome is right. She will be fine."

~ 1 hour later

I walk up to the helpdesk of the hospital. "Hello, my girlfriend just came here 1 hour ago and I was wondering where I can find her."

"What's her name?"

"Anne Jansens."

"Here it is, she is in room 2365, but she's still in surgery so you will have to wait a second before she arrives."

"Okay thank you"

Me and Jerome walk to the room. The others said they will come later, she propably needs rest so it isn't a good idee to be there with alot of people. And Jerome came with me for support. When we walk in, no one is there, like the woman at the desk said. Me and Jerome sit down and wait.

After waiting for 15 long minutes a doctor comes in with a bed. Anne is sleeping and she has alot of tubes in her arms and screens that give her heartbeat. "Goodafternoon gentleman, are you friends of miss Jansens?"

"I'm her boyfriend." I tell the doctor.

"Okay, are you the closes person to her?" He asks.

"Her parents live in Belgium so here I am."

"Okay then, I tell you." The doctor sits down in a left seat. "She had an heartattack, we where able to get her back but we don't know if there is any mental demage. There is a chance she will be different then before. And there is a chance that she won't remeber you. At this point we think she will be waking up today or tommorow. But there is also a chance she will go in coma." The doctor stops for a second, and I feel tears form in my eyes. "We think she has a good chance to be perfectly normal again. But we can never be sure. I'm sorry you had to go trough this. I will leave you alone with her." The doctor leaves. I walk to Anne's bed sit down on it, grab her hand and start crying. Jerome lays his hand on my shoulder. "It will be okay Mitch."

"But what if she doesn't remember me?"

"She will, I know." He hugges me. He always knows what to say or do.

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