Chapter 17: comming home

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- Anne

It's been a week since I woke up. Well the first few day I slept alot but I'm starting to get stronger. I can now stay awake the entire day, walk to the bathroom and back without support and walk to the end of the hallway and back with support. Me and Mitch are practicing walking furder. He supports me and when it's too much he carries me back to my room. I can't wish for a better boyfriend. He's with me in the hospital the entire day, he even records his video's in my room. He also made a v-log to tell his fans he will be taking care of me and won't upload as many video's as usual. His fans really are amazing, once he explained the situation they all started to send get well soon cards to his PO box.

The other guys of team crafted and their girls came to vizit me as often as possible. I first had trouble remembering them, but they where really patient with me. Alesa appologized a million times for not listening and being a bad friend. But I told her I didn't even remeber what happend exactly. That made her cheer up a little bit.

Me and Mitch where just goofing around when the doctor walks in. "Goodafternoon, how are you feeling today Anne?" He always came in with the same question. "I'm feeling great!"

"Good to hear that. I have wonderfull news for both of you." He looks at me and Mitch. He was getting used to Mitch being here all the time. "Anne, under a few conditions you may go home tommorow."

"Thats amazing!" Me and Mitch say at the same time. "What are the conditions?" I continue.

"First of all you can't live allone. There will have to be someone who can take care of you in case something happens. But I assume Mitch can take care of that?" He looks at Mitch and he nods. "Okay, seconde condition, you will have to take these medication every day and these when you feel you're gonna faint or your heartbeat is changing extremly." He gives me 2 little boxes with medication. "Third, you have to come for a check up every month. Fourth, you need to rest. And last, avoid activities that raise your heartbeat."

"Such as?" Mitch asks.

"Being scared by someone, most of the sports, stress, sexual contact that kind of things." The doctor leaves the room. At that last one we both get red scince I was still a virgin and Mitch... I don't know why Mitch got red.

~ next day

I was ready to go. Sitting on my bed waiting for the doctor to give the last papers I needed. Mitch was getting a weelchair because I can't walk to the exit of the hospital thats still to far. He comes in the room and the doctor folows a few minutes later. "Okay Anne, here are the papers. I hope I will never have to see you in this bed again."

"I hope so too doctor." I shake his hand. And get in the weelchair Mitch got me.

"Oh I still have to say something before you leave. But it's more for Mitch. If she ever passes out even if it's just for a few seconds call an ambulance."

"I will." Mitch sais. He pushes me to the exit and then to his car. He helps me get in and then brings the weelchair back before going to the team crafted house.

"Mitch did you tell the guys I was comming home?" I ask on the way to the TC house.

"No I didn't. If I would they would organize a surprise and I think that was one of the conditions for you to be leaving. No sudden surprises." He sais smiling.

"I love you Mitch."

"I love you too Anne." He takes my hand and kisses it.

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