Chapter 2: Stuff Goes Down

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//Hey guys! Well, so far only a few views, and I'm fairly sure some were mine BUT oh well, I'm gonna continue anyways!

Hoping this is longer, I'm trying to get things longer -_- anyways, I have summer softball and such going on, so updates may not be lightning fast, but I'll do what I can :)

Thank you to geekywriter14 for the comment! :)//

Now fully edited

Alana's POV

I almost blew my cover right then and there. I wanted to yell. Or punch something. No! I had it all planned out. But for some reason, I had never considered that Blakk could possibly being there. A bit of a stupid moment for me. Now, here he was, standing at the front of the room, overseeing the ghouling. Even worse, in the ghouling machine at the back of the room, I saw Isis, among other slugs. A worker was putting the finishing touches on the machine. They would be ghouled any second. I took a deep breath, devising a plan. But there was no way I was getting out of here without a slinging battle. And in case it wasn't obvious, I was way outnumbered and outmatched with these guys' ghouls. And then there was the problem of Blakk being there. Despite all the trouble I had been causing for Blakk Industries, I had not seen Dr. Blakk in five years, during an experience I would rather not remember right now, when I was trying to keep my disguise for as long as I could.

A plan forming in my head, I began walking towards the ghouling machine, keeping an eye on my white Boon Doc. Despite my glasses keeping my eyes from giving me away, I avoided looking at Dr. Blakk. I just didn't want to see those evil green eyes. So I turned by attention to the machine. The worker was almost done setting up the machine. Now or never. Muttering a quick, quiet prayer, I suddenly sprang forward and knocked down the worker, kicking him in the chest, just before he pulled the lever that would release dark water on the slugs. I kicked at the glass containing the slugs and grabbed the large canister carrier. My precious Boon Doc, Isis, chirped happily, jumping on my shoulder. I would have celebrated, but I refrained from doing so, because every blaster in the room was now pointed at me. No way I would get blasted to pieces right after I rescued my slug.

In one quick movement, I had my blaster out and loaded with Ash. Eris, my Thuglett, released the illusion that had made my slugs appear as ghouls. It was a little soothing, even though they hadn't actually been ghouls, it was been pretty unnerving to see the little dark monsters in my bandoleer. I was quickly finishing my mental plan. Then I realized that all the other slugs in ghouling machines around the room were looking at me pleadingly. I had to save them, too. I would never forgive myself if these slugs got turned into ghouls, knowing I could have helped them. I had already let down people...

Dr. Blakk's cold voice cut through my thoughts. "Who are you?" he demanded. Wow. I forgot how creepy he was. But fright didn't rise up in me- anger did. I wanted revenge on this man.

"Someone who wants her slug back," I fired. And with that, I shot my Negashade, Eclipse, and the room exploded into chaos as black smoke rose everywhere, giving me a bit of cover.

It's difficult to explain what happened. I'm not sure. It was insane. Ghouls were flying everywhere, machines were getting destroyed (Ha! In your face, Blakk!), people were yelling, and trying to duel without letting the toxic dark water out of the ghouling machines. I let out the loudest whistle I could, summoning my Mecha, Midnight, and hoping for the best. If she didn't come, there was no way I would be able to escape. When she came, I'd have to load up these slugs and get them all out of here as soon as possible. Man, right now I was really wishing I was a slinger who had a team, that would have made all of this so much easier. I made a mental note to think about that.

But of course I'd have to live through the mess I had made, first.

I shot slug after slug, while breaking open the machines with slugs in them at the same time. Luckily, I didn't have to worry about running out of ammo, because most of the slugs I freed seemed quite eager to help me fight back. Pretty soon I had all the machines open, but I still had to load up the slugs and make it out of the citadel, and I was outnumbered hundreds to one. Ghouls were flying all over, and, thanks to the chaos in the room, a lot of them didn't get too close to me. But the ones that did meet their mark caused a lot of trouble.

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