Chapter 3-Drunk

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Chapter 3- Drunk 

Heather's P.O.V.:

I lead Naya to the first bar we got drunk at together. I have to say I miss holding her hands, and taking her on adventures because she always got this cute look on her face when I did. I stop in front and let her hand go. "Do you remember this place?" She's got a curious face, then she smiles widely.

"Well duh." She takes my hand this time and walks in the bar, with me following. We sit down at the bar while she orders herself a drink, and surprisingly she orders me a drink too.

"All of these are going to be on me since you bought your own coffee." She looks up at me and nods.

"Okay but I get to order the drinks, both mine and yours." Our drinks arrive and I know exactly what she ordered. "Do you know this drink?" She's got to be kidding. 

"Of course I do, it's the first drink I bought you when we came here for the first time. You got so mad that I wouldn't let you pay, yet you were drunk so you just laughed it off." 

3rd Person P.O.V.:

Naya and Heather sat there talking and laughing, slowly getting drunk. People started to fill into the bar, and the music started to get louder. It was soon 10 o'clock and the bar was filled, and Naya and Heather were both wasted. 

"OOOH I love this song! Come dance with me." Heather said getting up. But the music was so loud Naya couldn't hear her.

"WHAT?" Naya shouted back.

"COME DANCE" Heather yelled grabbing Naya's hand and leading her to the dance floor. It was crowded, almost claustrophobic. The two danced, drinks in hand, and laughing at each other when one would almost fall. Then Naya tripped on someone and fell onto Heather which caused Heather to fall too. Heather was on her back while Naya was right on top of her. 

"OH SHIT!" Naya laughs while still on Heather. Heather, too drunk to care, just laughs at Naya. "I'M SO SORRY!" Naya looks up into Heather's eyes, and everything gets serious for a second. They stay there, eyes locked together. 


"RIGHT, RIGHT THAT'S A GOOD IDEA." Naya then gets off of Heather, and helps Heather up. They walk over to an unoccupied booth and sit down. Naya sat down first, then Heather sat right next to her instead of across from her. Heather layed her head down on Naya's shoulder. The music wasn't as loud where they were sitting as it had been at the dance floor. 

"Why did we get distant?" Heather asked looking up at Naya. 

"I don't know." Naya looked at her hands which were in her lap. 

"Well that's bullshit!" Naya looked up, and their eyes connected.

"Because Taylor moved out here." Naya said, still locking eyes with Heather. 

"What do you mean? We were still close then." 

"Well when he moved out here you were always with him, doing stuff with him. And I understood because you were head over heels for him, so I started to hang out with Kevin a lot more and Lea. Until eventually I found Sean. Then both of our schedules were full, and I would try to stay close but it never worked." Naya broke their eye contact and called over a waitress and asked for two beers.

"Ohh I'm such a dick." Heather stated as the waitress came back with two bears.

"No you're not, don't think it was just your fault, because it was both of our faults. And I really regret not trying harder because I really like you Heather, like a lot. And maybe at the time I didn't feel hurt about not being with you all the time, but it slowly creeped in me and I started to miss you more and more. Then when I heard you were coming back for the 100th episode of Glee, I did my little happy dance. I miss us and the way we were. You're my best friend, and always will be whether we are close or not." Naya started to tear up, Heather took her hand.

"I miss it too. I always have ever since I noticed it happening. And I feel so guilty for not trying to put things back together sooner than now. But I was happy that you found someone to share your time with, even though I would get jealous that it wasn't with me. Then I heard what he did to you and I got so mad, like I wanted to punch his face off. I wanted to call you right when I heard about it but I figured you needed your own time to yourself at that moment. And I'm glad it hasn't made a really big impact on you, because I don't think I could handle myself if he broke your heart bigtime. I really couldn't see how anyone could do that to you anyway, I mean I would hold onto you forever." Heather stopped herself from going any further. She then heard that her phone was ringing and that it was Taylor, she answered it. 

Heather: Hey 

Taylor: Hey babe are you coming home soon because it's midnight. Elijah is asleep, but I don't want to go to bed knowing you're not home safe.

Heather: Shit, it's already midnight. Okay I'll be home soon, within the next hour I promise. 

Taylor: Alright, wait have you been drinking because I don't want you to get hurt coming home?

Heather: What!? No I'm not drunk, not at all, I'll be home soon, okay? Bye.

With that Heather hung up, then looked at Naya. "How does one get sober within an hour?" They both started laughing then stood up and walked out of the bar. 

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