Chapter 7- Situations

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Heather's P.O.V.:

Naya goes in to take a shower while I'm finishing getting dressed. I grab my phone and get into her bed. I check my phone and see that I have 5 missed calls from Taylor and about a dozen texts from him. They're all about how he's sorry for going off on me and that we need to talk and I should stop ignoring him because it's childish. Well maybe he should think that maybe I wasn't ignoring him and I haven't been around my phone. He of all people should know that I'm never on my phone, unless I text someone, call someone, or playing a game. He makes me so mad when he just assumes things. We've been together the longest time and now he's just saying all this stuff about how I've been sneaking off to be with someone else, or I'm being childish. Which I haven't been doing either of those. Well the first one can be argued, but I didn't sneak off to be with Naya, I told him first that I was going to be with her. Whatever. He can accuse me of anything but it's making his chance more and more narrow of ever getting back with me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I didn't even notice that she came out of the bathroom, let alone get dressed too. I must have looked angry too for her to notice something was wrong. 

"Nothing." I say as I put my phone down. "Just a hard level on a game." 

"Okay, first of all, we both know that's not true, second, what's actually wrong?" She comes and sits next to me under the covers in the bed. 

"I would prefer that we not talk about it right now, but we can in the morning." She gets out from under the covers and walks out the door. "Hey, where are you going? I just told you that I would tell you in the morning. NAAAAYYYYYYYAAAAAAA." She comes back in with a goofy smile on her face. "What?" 

"You're cute." I look down feeling the heat rush to my cheeks. "So, anyways, I picked out two movies for us to get our cuddle on. GBF or Rent?" Wow okay well GBF is more of a comedy, and I kinda need to lighten up a bit, but then there's Rent which is one of the best musicals ever. 

"Uhhmm GBF." 

"I was hoping you would say that." She put the movie on, turned all the lights off, and got into bed. 

"Hey sorry about earlier." I don't know why but it just popped into my mind that me puking ruined a moment between us. 

"What do you mean?" She scoots over and holds my hand.

"Me. Puking. It ruined our... moment." 

"Well I'm glad it was in the bathroom and not my car. Also I thought I did something wrong, I'm glad I didn't." She's literally the cutest and most sexy person I've ever seen.

"Why did you think you did something wrong?"

"Because right before you ran out, the look you gave me was like you were confused with what you were doing then you got really wide eyed like you had just realized what you were doing, and I thought that I may have pushed you to go passed your comfort zone." I leaned into her and laid my head on her chest. I could here her heart and it made me smile, it was beating really fast. 

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Your heart is beating really fast."

"Uhhh.. yeah. You kinda do that to me. You could probably hear the butterflies flying around in my stomach too." I roll all the way on top of her. "Out of this whole king sized bed you choose to lay on the occupied part." She giggles, I lean up and kiss her, not meaning for it to go too far. But that didn't happen. I can't help myself. I have my legs on either side of her and my hands on her face. Her hands are running up and down my back, until I feel her lifting my shirt up. Once mine is off, I start on hers, which is harder to get off since she's under me, but I got it off. And god damn, her abs look better in person than they do in the pictures. I may have googled her once or twice... a day. She rolls over to where she's now on top of me, and moves down to my neck, I can feel my breathing getting heavier, and my heart beating faster. She moves back to my lips. "Babe. I. Hate. To. Stop. This. But. I'm. Really. Tired." She says in between kisses. She kisses me one more time, then rolls back over to her side. I cuddle up next to her putting my arm around her stomach and she puts her arm above my head. She fell asleep instantly. She's so peaceful, and even though i doubt it's possible, she's almost more beautiful. I close my eyes with the picture of her sleeping in my mind, and a smile lingers on my face.

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