Chapter 6- The Date

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Naya's P.O.V.:

Who knew so much could happen in two days? First I'm upset, then get a call, and I go out to catch up with Heather, and one thing led to another, not too far though, and then I stay at her house. I'm still trying to comprehend if what we're doing is considered cheating, but we haven't done anything other than make out. Although I have to say I would be pretty pissed if my partner was making out with someone else. Oh god, what am I doing? Taylor is waiting for an answer from her, and I'm over here making out with her. I can't do this anymore, she will have to choose. But if she chooses him, that'll destroy me, and if she chooses me, it will create a mess with Taylor and Elijah. You know what, I should just give her her space and see how everything plays out. I still can't figure out how Taylor has not exploded yet since it has been over a week and she still hasn't answered him. Well I only have an hour before the 'date' I should probably get ready.

3rd person P.O.V.:

Naya is picking out an outfit when she hears her doorbell ring.

"Fuck me, what do people not get about the no soliciting sign?" She groans out before opening the door. She is shocked by what she sees at the door. Heather. Bawling her eyes out. Naya pulls her in quickly before any paparazzi see them. When they are inside Heather hugs Naya really tight, Naya, confused as hell just wraps her arms around Heather to comfort her. Naya lets her cry and get every tear out of her system before leading her to the couch, where she sits Heather down, then quickly grabs a glass of water for her. "Here drink this, I promise it's not vodka." She hands her the glass as they both giggle. Naya sits next to Heather on the couch and starts to rub her back, as Heather finishes her water. "So do you want to talk about this, or do you need time, I can pop in a movie or something if you don't want to talk about it, and we can reschedule our 'date'." Heather sets the glass down on the coffee table.

"No, I came here for a reason. One because I wanted to see you, two I didn't want to stand you up."

"Okay, so let's talk. What happened? Or why were you bawling your eyes out?" Naya sits back on the couch and Heather does the same resting her head on Naya's shoulder.

"I told Taylor I didn't want to get married."

"Oooh. Uhhh-"

"And he said he knew it because I never answered him, but the truth is I really didn't know if I wanted to marry him." Heather gets choked up and continues. "And I told him that but he didn't believe me. Then he said he's going to take Elijah to his mom's house where he will stay until we get things figured out, but he's going to stay at his friend's house. It broke me to see him so upset, and angry. But most of all it hurt because he didn't believe me. He said we were distant, and thought I was doing other stuff behind his back. Which I guess I was doing that with you, but he thought I was doing it right after Elijah was born. When after having a child it makes you a bit tired and closed off and want your own time. But the other thing is I should be suspicious of him because all of the time I had Elijah so I couldn't really do much, and he would go out with his college friends, he would come home wanting to do certain things, and it raised my suspicion with what he was actually doing those nights. So he said he would need a couple of days for himself, and he will come home when he's ready. I love Taylor, despite all his overprotectedness, shyness, and wallflowerness, but now it takes effort to try and find that feeling of love for him, when before it was just there. And if we split up, with Elijah still a baby, it's gonna be hard to raise him that way. I mean we aren't married so I technically have full custody, but I wouldn't do that to Taylor. And I came here because I needed a friend, no, I needed you. Because with you I instantly have this feeling of happiness, like everything else suddenly doesn't matter. Like everything else in the world isn't going on except for what we're doing. I get a rush of feelings when I see you, hear you, or think of you. Like my body is on a drug with you. And I love you, I never stopped, from the day I first met you, I knew you were special, you were going to be special to me, and you were. Still are." Naya starts to tear up hearing the words coming out of Heather. She wants to say something, but doesn't know what. So she hugs Heather, at a really awkward position, but still a hug.

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