One {How It All Began}

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I was 7 years old,

Daddy hurt me I had a bruse on my face a broken wrist and my head hurt.

I went to school the next day my teacher asked me
"what happened?"
I told the truth this time
"Daddy beat me up, and Mommy does somthing where she puts a needle is her arm and acts funny." (Heroin)
She immediately told the councler.
she told me everything is gonna be ok. Were gonna help you. "Do you have any other siblings?" She asked. "Yeah my little brother Ocean he's at home right now he's 2."
She then said "were gonna find you a new home."
Mrs.Daylynn was the best teacher ever.
Dcfs hurried and got my brother social services and child services showed up and stuff happend that I didn't understand.
They asked me what we wanted from our house I said I wanted my bottles pacifiers and my blankie and for Ocean his blue blankie and his stuffie he cuddles.

They went to go get our stuff after they asked questions and situated everything.

Mrs.Daylynn was by mine and oceans side comforting us while I sucked my thumb sitting on her lap and Ocean was cuddles by her side.
(she had a subsutuit teacher in the class.) Mrs.Daylynn said everything is gonna be ok.
I was so scared I didn't know what was happening to the point I had an accident I peed all over my trousers and her lap. And when I had the accident I noticed Mrs.Daylynn hug me tighter and once again said you'll be ok.
She then told me that were going to a new family and will be much happier and safe there.

They then returned with our stuff exept oceans teddy. But he got his blankie.
They then got ocean and I food and filled up our bottles with juice.
They explained that we will be going to a foster home. Until we get our new family. Our foster parents were nice they didn't beat us up or do drugs they made sure we were happy and had what we needed. But they didn't like when I wet the bed they punished me and made me wear diapers I hated wearing the diapers.

My Teacher Is Now Our Mom (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now