Three {Attention?/Olive Garden}

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"Ollie has been wetting the bed and himself more often then he used to when he first got here." Kyra said
"its probably beacuse off all the trauma of being beat up and sexually abused. He feels more comfortable here that's why it might be happening more often. It could also be attention wanting during the day." Harold said
"true, but attention? Hmm I don't think so, because I give him as much as i can." Kyra said
"we'll ask" said Harold

They went into the room and me and Ocean were in the middle sound asleep they got in bed and went to sleep.

It's morning now its Christmas eve Dadda is awake going to work Momma is in the kitchen with River and Ocean making breakfast. I awoke in bed all alone with a full pullup and peed again not knowing and it leaked I sat there in shock for 5 minute and Momma walks in the room and says "Good morning baby boy"
"momma I peepeed again."
"Its ok honey" she picks me up places me on her hip.
"Oh honey you leaked huh? Its ok. Well change ya. Do you wanna were boxers or a pull up?" Momma asks
"I wanna wear my boxers"
"ok go hop in the shower I'll bring your clothes in there."
I took a shower and got dressed ate breakfast and then we went outside to play in the snow. When we got back inside, River and ocean played with toys and me and Momma cuddled on the couch she had coffee, I had warm milk in my baba and slowley fell asleep.
While I was asleep Momma did laundry changed the sheets wapped gifts and put the little ones down for a nap.
She then sat back on the couch and held my hand saying "I'm so happy to have these boys in my life I'm so happy I saved them from people that hurt them" I layed my head on her lap as I sucked my thumb and Momma placed a blanket on me and rubed my head.

Its around lunch time now Dadda should be home soon.
"Ollie wake up bubby, Daddas gonna be home in a minute were gonna go out to eat."
"Momma, I weted on the couch..."
"Its ok honey we'll get you cleaned up"
momma wiped me down with baby wipes and changed my clothes. "Dadda" I run into his arms

"Honey Oliver peed on the couch today" Kyra wisperd to dadda "was he asleep?" Harold asked
"yeah" kyra said
"ok then that wasn't attention seeking" dadda said
ocean walked to Dadda holding his blankie and sucking his thumb "Ocean hey buddy"
"daddeee!" Ocean yelled with smile.
"River come here Daddy's home." Momma said

Ok let's hop in the car Momma said. Momma straped Ocean and River in, Dadda straped me in even tho I knew how to but I wanted him to do it for me.
"Momma! Want baba!" I screamed "Oliver ask nicer please" dadda said
I start to cry "pweas have baba" I asked while squeezing so hard to pee I pooped my pants in my harnesses carseat.
"Here bubba" Dadda hands me my baba.

"Ocean did you poopoo" Momma asked
"no" ocean said
"someone's lying" Momma smirked

"Momma I had an accident"
"peepee or poopoo"
"I peed Momma"
"ok honey well clean you before we go in"

We got to olive garden

Dadda tried to get me out of the car seat I was so scared what he was gonna do I started to cry and refuse him from getting me out.
"Oliver Giavani don't kick me" dadda softly said
I calmed to where I wasnt flailing my limbs and with my head down I kept crying
"baby what's wrong? Momma asked "I... I ... I.. Had an accident
"baby I know Dadda knows, its fine were not gonna hurt you" momma said
"ok" I said as daddy wipes my tears

Dadda wiped me down with wipes and put new boxers and pants on me (there wasnt any thing on the carseat)

"Harold" Momma said
"yes Kyra yes that was clearly attention" Dadda said

We sat and ate. While we were eating Momma and Dadda asked me something.

"Oliver, are you peeing yourself when youre awake for attention?" Dadda asked

My face got all red as my head slowley dropped putting my head down from embarrassment with butterflies in my tummy.
"Dadda I...I.. Uh yeah I sometimes do." I studdered  "Because I never got attention from my real parents. But...but I still do have day time accidents."

I said
"Baby, you have our full attention." Momma said
"I know." I tink I do it Because I just wanna be a baby. That's why I feel comfortable using baby bottles and my pacis." I said

We went home and the day went on Momma put me in a pull up for night time and we went to sleep.

Christmas morning: I woke up without any leaks. We open gifts and have a good family day with laughing smiling and happiness.

One week later: Momma scheduled an appointment to check why I keep having accidents. The doctor said he found nothing exept its happening because of trauma and probably deep sleeping. And for day it could be fear and attention.

"Kyra?" Harold says
"yes honey?"
"Did oliver ever have any accidents at school in your class room?"
"Yeah a couple times, he begged me not to tell his mom or dad tho" and I obviously see why now."
"Ok so yeah he could be having accidentd from fear and or attention. Harold says"

"Tell me a few stories of him having accidents." Harold asks

One was he had to go up to the front and say a small poem, and he started to get red  and startd peeing and as he peed he ran behind my desk and got the carpet wet. The other kids laughed I told them to stop and said that wasn't nice and I hugged Oliver and asked the nurse for new pants for him.

"That must have been a fear accident" Harold said

Another was it was indoor recess and all the  kids were playing. He was sitting alone on his chair staring at the ground. I walked up to him and asked what was wrong I walked him to my desk and sat on the chair and sat him on my lap. He told me that he wasn't happy and just wanted his dad to love him.  He started peeing it got on me and him, obviously he started to cry I huged him and said its ok and he stright up said he was sorry and said I'm so sorry Mrs.Daylynn I had to go really bad and I just want to be noticed dad never gives me attention and when he does its not good attention.

"Ok, attention there" Harold said

Winter breaks over.

Wake up Ollie time to get ready for school. Hop in the shower.  Momma said

I woke up dry for once. But I then fell back to sleep.
"Oliver" Momma yelled
"wake up" as she shook my arm. Momma I don't feel good.
"I can't take any sick days right now baby you gotta go to school."
I started to cry.
Momma pulled me close to cuddle me. Ollie youre dry good for you. I then started to pee for attention.
Ollie did you just pee? I just congadulated you for being dry.  

I'll call grandma to come watch you. Daddas gonna drop the little ones off at daycare. Granny's gonna watch you. Get changed and Go lay on the couch. I'll wash your sheets later.

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