It really sad

79 6 3

(Top toothless: your a wizard hiccup. Hiccup:really. Toothless:yeah I this so?!. Hiccup:*zap* and your a rainbow!. Toothless:.......). Mrcena4499 your the only one to comment......ok...... I need ideas plz plz plz plz it's really sad :'( and can you please comment like it's kinda sad and boring that I have no comments. I'm going to the commonwealth games so I can't update then sorry

(Future me) I will write some one shots while I'm away so when I get back there will be some! Also thank you
Astrid _and_stormfly your amazing and you too Mrcena4499.also thanks for the comments.

Deadly-Natter-Tamer $out$

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