Easter part 2

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Astrid's pov:

Me and stromfly had been looking for days now and I'm starting to worry that I'll never find him. It was getting dark, so me and stromfly landed on a small island with a lake,around 60 trees and lots and lots of sand.there also was a burnt out campfire, it was still hot, then I saw a dragon burst up into the sky but something was weird, it was flying very strange, like it was avoiding me from seeing it. I was curious so I followed it up into the clouds where it turns from night to day. In front of us was a figure on a unusually familiar dragon. the Dragon dived down landing on a small beach then the figure ran into a cave that was near by.

When me and stromfly landed the dragon walked into the moonlight "toothless!"I said with joy because if there was toothless there was hiccup. He nudged me into the cave showing me what hiccup had turned into, he was messy and dirty, his clothes all ragged and saggy, his eyes red and lips dry, he was depressed, sleep depraved, confused and scared half to death. I walked up to him but he shifted away into the darkness"hiccup?" "just leave now" he wined"you need us, look at yourself " I said "I don't need help, I don't need anyone"he shouted. I sat here him and whispered in his ear " I need you" then I stood up "come back we all need our leader, please do it for me " ".....OK" he sighed.

Hiccups pov:

We had flown back to the edge, gees it had been a long time since I have see it, everything was burnt,messy and and allover the place. We landed at my hut, it was untouched, like it was a memory of me. "I told everybody no to touch it......You need rest"said Astrid as she laid me down on my bed "why did you leave......."she questioned "well,um,well I thought that if I came back you would be angry or we wouldn't be friends" I admitted "oh hiccup I'm not angry at you, you didn't let me finish,I said no because I was shocked, it was just a reaction. I love you hiccup haddock I always have." she explained "so does that mean you want to be my girlfriend?" I asked "YES YOU MUTTONHEAD!!!"she replied

(so I did this last night but my internet was off so sorry)

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