Ch:5 The more the merrier

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Jieun's Point of view

  Jungkook:I won't I promise  

I keep thinking of what Jungkook said to me....Everyone in my life who has made a promise to me has already broken it......

But I hope this time I have finally met someone who can keep their promise..

Jungkook:Hey Jieun earth to Jieun.

Jungkook waves his hand in front of my face.

Jieun:Huh sorry I was spacing out.

Jungkook:It's ok I do that a lot too.


Jungkook:Anyways it will be pretty lonely with only the 2 of us don't you think.

Jieun:Pfft please I am usually all alone in times like this.

Jungkook:Nonesense it's time for you to make more friends Jieun.

I point at myself.


Jungkook:Yes you.

Jieun:But who would want to be my friend?

Jungkook:Since your my friend so all of my friends are also your friends.

Jieun:Your friends are my friends huh?

Jungkook:Yup let me call them over.

Jungkook's Point of view

I can't wait for Jieun to meet my friends but it might be awkward if I only call boys over...

Hmmm I know I'll tell V and Jimin to bring their girlfriends too yeah this is perfect.

I call all my friends one by one.

Jungkook:They'll be here in a while.

Jieun:Oh well I guess the more the merrier right.


After an hour I hear the door bell ring.

Jungkook:I think they're here!

Jieun's Point of view

Hmmm I wonder who Jungkook's friends are......

But I am surprised when I see one man after another coming into my house....

Are they no girls -_-

Just then I see 2 girls enter.



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