Ch:24 Advice

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Taeran's Point of view

Huh is this the cafe Jieun asked me to meet her

I go inside the cafe and find Jieun sitting at a table

There she is I guess this is the right place then

Taeran:Heyyy Jieun how are you? I was kind of shocked when you ask to meet you out of no where

Jieun:Oh sorry I was just ah bored I hope I didn't disturb you in any way

Just then the waitress came and asked for our order

Taeran:Oh one caramel macchiato

Jieun:Ah tea for me

Taeran:Of course not I'm so happy to see you again last time I saw you in person was when all of us were together.....we had so much fun

Jieun:Yeah but don't you get to see the guys a lot since you all are friends

Taeran:Yes we all are friends but we all got jobs and stuff to do it's hard to find a time when we all are free

Jieun:Yeah that makes sense

Taeran:So how's it going with your fiance?

Jieun:Oh yeah it's been going good he's a really nice guy but I wanted to ask you something

Taeran:Oh go ahead

Jieun:Well you see I have this friend.....


Jieun:Well.....her family is like mine and she's engaged to someone she doesn't love and the guy she loves is also now sort of engaged and she doesn't know what to do I mean her fiance good and all but she loves someone else what should she do!?

Taeran:Hey slow down a little

Jieun:Oh yeah sorry I just thought since you are in a relationship and I have no experience with dating and stuff I thought you could give me some advice to ah....give to my....friend yeah friend

Taeran:Ok so your friend likes someone else then she should just tell him

Jieun:But it's not that simple what about her fiance what about his fiance?? and also her parents would never let her break the engagement

Taeran:Then she should try talking to her fiance if he's a nice guy he'll listen and maybe even understand

Jieun:But what if her fiance likes her he would be heart broken

Taeran:Not as much as when he'll be married to her and finds to that his wife doesn't even love him it's just not fair to the guy if he really is sincere


Taeran:Plus it's worth a shot I know how hard it can be to confess your feelings to someone but you just gotta do it

Jieun:Hey speaking of which how did you confess to Jimin anyways??

Taeran:Ah oh that I actually didn't he confessed to me


Taeran:Yeah and it was on my birthday too it was so sweet and cute

Jieun:I hope this isn't too personal but did you and Jimin go through any complicated love triangles

Taeran:Yeah we did you have no idea I use to like Jungkook back in the day haha


Everyone turns around in our direction because of Jieun's scream

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