2 Don't feel sad, don't feel blue, Frankenstein was ugly too

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Dear Diary,

Today My Uncle Alric asked me to take out the garbage..

.Is it bad when you feel something in the hefty bag move?

I set down my pencil and sighed, looking at the mirror to check for pimples.

"Fiona! Get your lazy ass out here!" My uncle Alric screamed.

"Yeaaaaaaaaaah!" I called back, throwing my teddy, Dracula art the mirror.


Who knew a teddy bear could break a mirror?

Or maybe it was my face...

I stared at the mirror for a moment in awe,

"Fiona..if you dont get in here this instant I will burn all of your Twilight Merchandise!!!!!" 

HOW DARE HE?!?  i thought, running downstairs.

Uncle Alric stared at me scornfully,. then said

"Go make me some waffles..."

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