4 NosePick Falls...

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Dear Diary,

After Mr. Pooplinn's death I am overcome by greif

I cant even look at a puddle of pee on the floor without thinking of Him

Why would there be a puddle of pee on the floor if Mr. Pooplinn had died you ask?

I'm not really in control of my bladder....

Anyways, we Are moving to NosePick falls with my Uncle's Cleaning lady Lizbell LemonDeath


I set down my Pencil and looked at my Uncle Alric  in the front seat. Lizbell screamed muffedly.

since her mouthh was taped We couldnt really undertsand what she was screamng about.

Uncle Alric petted her head

"Oh we'll be there soon My love...We'll be there soon." He said that she couldnt stand to leave him so she asked if she could come...and she asked to be tied up

I dont reallly understand why

She was weird like that...

"Fiona...We're here!" My Uncle Alric said cheerfily.

Lizbell kicked the dashboard

Probably from Excitement...

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