Chapter 1- The Squad

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Amanda Waller walked inside of the five star restaurant where she was supposed to have her meeting with Chairman of the National Defense. She thought to herself when she saw a man selling tshirts with the Superman logo (The World changed when Superman flew across the sky. It changed again when he didn't.) He told her "Remember...." She smirked as she was escorted to the elevator and she got to the table, taking her seat. The older looking Chairman glared at her "We just lost a national hero and you're sitting there looking like a cat who ate a canary." She cocked her head to the side, her smug smirk not leaving her face "I've eaten a lot of canaries sir." They looked at the each other and she continued "It's taken some work but I finally have them. The Children of the worst of the worst." She pulled out a white folder with Top Secret in the front in big red letters. The chairman said "There are rumors Amanda....That some of them have special abilities.." She nodded "The rumors are true. Do you know what the problem with a metahuman is? The human part. We got lucky that Superman had our beliefs. The next Superman might not." He spoke "You seriously cannot be pitching your insane Task Force X idea again!" She glared "I am and you are gonna listen." She opened the folder and they saw a mugshot of a girl with red hair and vibrant green eyes "Messina Lawton aka Archer. The most deadly and effective Hitman & assassin in the world. They say she had an elite clientele. She's even worse than her father Deadshot." The file said that Messina was an assassin for hire, a human arsenal, lethal from 50,000 meters and the very LONG list of weapons she could use. She pulled out a tablet and turned it on. It was showing video footage of Messina in her cell. She was viciously punching the bag, a string of curse words could be heard under her breath. She did a spin kick and ripped through the punching bag, the sand falling all over the ground. They looked shocked. How could a young girl be this bad?! They asked "How did you catch her?" Amanda chuckled "I didn't. I just gave an anonymous tip to the right person in Gotham. Now we have the girl who never misses." She flipped the page and it showed a girl with black hair and pink and blue tips and blue eyes "Lovey Quinn. The daughter of Harley Quinn and the Joker. She was known as the Princess of Gotham. While her parents ruled the overhead, her and her brother ran the Streets with an Iron fist and no mercy. She is more crazy than her parents. And more fearless." She changed the camera footage and it showed Lovey talking to Grigs, the head guard. And then it showed her being electrocuted and she flew back. She screamed in rage and got up again and slammed her head against the bars, knocking herself unconscious. They winced. Amanda was recruiting lunatics! She flipped the page and they jumped back "Who the fuck is that?!" She mused "That is Raven Quinn. The son of Joker and Harley. The Prince of Gotham. He's the most insane of them all. He can cut a friend's throat open and laugh about it. He'll do anything for his family. Even blow up cities." The footage changed and revealed Raven in a white room in a straight jacket and a Chelsea smile painted across his face. His blue eyes were cold. Almost as if they were dead. His Head bobbed slowly from side to side and he seemed to hum disturbingly. He smiled demonically and he seemed to get in front of the camera, staring straight into it and he drawled out psychotically "I seeee you! HAHAHA!!!" They jumped back and the younger Chairman yelled "Is this footage live?!" She nodded and they changed the footage and the file page "Karina Harkness. The daughter of Digger Harkness. The tablets call her Boom boom. She's robbed every Bank in Australia at least once and has multiple arrests for aggravated assault. Doesn't work well with others but she tangled with a metahuman and lived to tell about it." The footage showed Karina running around her cell, screaming and cursing to let her out. She flipped the file and it showed a boy with different tattoos and he seemed to have a glow under his skin "Ever heard of the Pyro-kinetic homeboy?" The footage showed him sitting in a tank of metal and strings of fire erupted from his fingers and he was looking down but they could hear him whispering "I'm so sorry..." and "It's all my fault..." They couldn't help but pity him. He looked sad. They asked "How did you catch him?" Amanda looked at the file " We didn't. He surrendered. Justin Satana. Better known as Frost Fire. He is the son of El Diablo. After Chato died, Justin followed in his footsteps. Took over the gang. He thought he was king of the world. Until he lost his right hand man. His best friend. Now he wants to repent for his sins." She flipped the page and they almost fell out of their chairs. The younger one screamed "WHAT IN THE FUCKING HELL IS THAT?!" Amanda glared "That is not a what. But a who. And that is a 12 year old girl that you are talking about. Meet Nadia Jones. The daughter of Waylon Jones or Killer Croc. Better known as Dragon. She runs the Underground Runaways and Sewers and got explosives for Messina back before she had been caught. She was run out of Gotham by the Bat. She tried to find home somewhere else but she never actually found it. Sent through multiple psychiatric hospitals and was always sent back. She suffered abuse physically and psychologically. She was treated as a monster. And she became a monster. But she is smarter than a human. And she never forgot. And she doesn't forgive." The footage showed a dark cell underground and a girl crouching on the ground and she seemed to be eating. They could hear the sickening sounds as she chewed and they could see the spikes that popped from her back heaving up and down as she breathed. Her eyes snapped up and she looked straight at the camera. The Chairman could see red smeared across her face and the large patches of scales and the three claw scars that ran from the bridge of her nose down to her jawline and the other claw scars on her neck. She slowly stalked towards it, her tail dragging behind her and her wings bristling defensively. A rumble could be heard from her throat and she cocked her head to the side. She growled "L-l-leave m-me alone...." They looked shocked and she smirked "I told you. Smarter than a human. And I saved the best for last. The darkness incarnate. A witch." The Chairman shook their heads "A witch?" She nodded "I'm talking about a spell casting, making shit disappear witch. A metahuman more powerful than anything we have ever seen. Thorin. The Demon Enchanter." There was no footage for him and the younger one asked "Where is this Witch?" She said "In my pocket. They say he had siblings. I found out that that connection is linked to Dragon and Archer.Whoever has Dragon and the assassin controls the Enchanter." The older man said "Amanda what makes you think you'll be able to control them?" She countered "Because getting people to act against their own self interests is what I do for a living. You take the finest Soldier that this country has ever produced. Colonel Nick Flag. The son of Rick flag. He follows my orders as Holy Writ. And his guard, Swords Master is tied to me in a contract." The older man said "So you mean to tell me that you wanna put our national security in the hands of witches, gangbangers, hitmen and monsters?!" The younger man added "Don't forget the Joker's fucking kids." He said "This is insane Amanda!" She banged her fist against the table "This is the only way for us to be truly safe!" They were shocked into silence and she growled "In a world of flying men and monsters, this is the only way to protect our country."

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