Chapter 7- Taken

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It had been exactly a year since the incident with the Suicide Squad and they had been living their lives happy and freely. Archer, Dragon, Raven and Frostfire were living together in a small apartment that they shared. Lovey was living in a cozy little home with Thorin and Boomboom was still being a cockroach and stealing and pickpocketing people. They thought everything was going to go amazing but holy hell were they wrong. Their lives were about to be turned upside down. In the apartment that four of them shared, Dragon and Frostfire were in the small living room on the couch cuddling while Archer and Raven were taking a nap in the room they shared. Archer was sprawled on top of Raven, her head resting on his chest and he had his arms wrapped securely around her waist, his face buried in her messy hair. Small smiles were plastered on the two's faces as they slept peacefully. In the living room, Frostfire wouldn't let go of Dragon who was sitting right on his lap. She squirmed slightly and tried to get out "F-f-frost..I g-gotta make f-f-food.." He shook his head and buried his face against the crook of her neck and whined "I don't wanna let go of my baby though! Too comfy." She glared slightly and she bit his arm "I-I-I said l-l-let go." He let go of her and she got up and walked into the kitchen. Archer woke up, smelling the food "Hungry..." She tried to get up but Raven's grip on her tightened "Five more minutes..." She huffed "Baby I want food!" He still wouldn't let go and she glared "If you do not let go of me right now I swear to God I will shoot you in the ass." He chuckled and let her go. Archer ran to the kitchen and she quickly found a seat and started munching on the food. Dragon chuckled softly "Don't o-o-overeat.. Y-y- you'll get a stomach-ache." Archer retorted "I don't give a shit! I'm fucking hungry!" Dragon tapped her on the back of her head with a small chuckle "L-language." Then they could hear sirens and many cars coming down the road and they could hear guns being loaded. They heard people running outside. Archer grabbed her guns and Dragon growled lowly and her claws extended. Frostfire and Raven looked out the window. Their eyes widened. Archer asked "Babe what is it?" He hissed "Fucking soldiers!" She looked shocked and Dragon cursed under her breath. The assassin cried "How the hell did they find us?!" He grabbed his pistol from behind the couch and Frost looked at the two females "I don't know...But what I do know... They're gonna split all of us up." Dragon started to cry and Archer started to shake. Raven cupped her cheek gently and he looked at her with a determined expression "I won't let them take you away from me understand?" Tears trailed down her face and he kissed her forehead "Look at me." She shook her head and more tears spilled. He said more sternly, using her full name "Messina Francis Lawton, look at me." She looked up at him, her eyes red from crying so much and he smiled at her reassuringly "They won't separate any of us. I'll kill them all before I let that happen. I love you." She smiled slightly "I-i-i love y-y-you too..."He kissed her gently and she kissed him back. Frostfire gently nuzzled Dragon's neck "Stay safe mi amor." She smiled and ran her hand through his hair. Rowan looked at the girls "Hide in the room. Use the tunnels to get away if we get caught." She shook her head and Dragon growled "W-we w-won't let y-y-you do this b-by y-yourselves." Raven glared down at her with a slight parenting look "Go now!" The door was broken down and soldiers swarmed into their home. Archer screamed as she shot at the ones coming for her. Dragon bared her teeth and clawed at them. She tried to attack and she ripped through many of them in half and screeched as some of them grabbed her and tried to dogpile on her. She threw them off of her and let out an angry roar. Some guards managed to throw chains around her and she struggled against the restraints. They shot her with harpoon guns and she screamed in pain. She snapped at them with her teeth and her wings flapped violently and her tail swished out to try to hit the guarda.. Twelve of them shot her with tranquilizers. Elephant tranquilizers. She groaned and her vision started to grow blurry as the tranqs kicked in and the world seemed to spin around her. She fell to her knees and collapsed with a gasp as she blacked out. Some of the soldiers picked her up and dragged her out of the house. Archer screamed as she reached out for her friend, watching them take her away, feeling helpless for the first time in her entire life "NADIA!!!!" Frost looked shocked then his shock turned into anger and he let out a scream. of rage as fire blew around him and burned the ones that attacked him alive. Raven slit many of their throats and he snarled at the guards surrounding his girlfriend "Leave her alone!!!" They seemed to bury her but her eyes glowed brightly and she electrocuted all of them, yelling "No!!!!" Raven spun in the air and he was a blur as he slaughtered the rest, stabbing and cutting, no mercy given to the men who had invaded their home. Soon they had killed them all. Messina fell to her knees and she screamed in pain, knowing that her friend was taken away "NADIA!!!!" She sobbed and clutched her head, replaying what had just happened. Dragon was gone....She was really gone. And she wasn't coming back. Raven hugged her tightly, knowing that she was in pain and he growled as he thought to himself (They're gonna pay for this...Whoever did this will pay!!!) Frostfire looked at the door, lost and in shock, knowing that his baby girl. She was gone. Memories of Dragon, good and bad flew through their minds and Messina clung to Rowan, sobbing into his shoulder "They took her!!! They took her Rowan!! Why?!" The killer clown couldn't do much, so he just held her and whispered sweet things into her ear, trying to calm her. Justin sat with them and he rubbed the assassin's back, all of them thinking the same thing. (Wherever you are. Whoever you are. I'm going to find you. And I am going to kill you. You will pay for what you have done. Even if it's the last thing that I do. You count on that.) Meanwhile, the soldiers that had taken Dragon had arrived at their new destination. She was wheeled in on stretcher "Welcome back to Belle Reve bitch." Her vision kept blacking out. She could make out lights and some doctors. She felt her hands being handcuffed and she shook her head drearily "W-w-where a-a-am I?..." They threw her into a large plexiglass box/cell. She was still cuffed but they were twice as bulky and she was still woozy from the tranquilizers. But then a certain smell made her mind focus. "Blood...." She looked up and her eyes widened as she heard Amanda's voice echoing in her ears "welcome back Ms.Jones." She groaned and her words were slurred as if she was drunk or on an induced high "W-w-what d-do y-y-you want from m-m-me?...." She shakily got up on her feet and Amanda spoke again "You disobeyed my orders Dragon." She growled "Y-y-you don't t-t-tell me what t-to do!!!" She grunted as she bashed herself against the glass to try to break it but with no avail. Amanda said "your choices have consequences Dragon. And now you must learn a lesson. You will choose..." the darkness around Dragon lit up and her eyes widened in horror, seeing Lovey, Thorin and her dad strapped down to chairs. But they weren't regular chairs. They were the electric chairs. She roared "L-l-let t-t-them go!!!" Lovey was crying and Thorin struggled against the restraints. All three were gagged. Dragon yelled "I-I-I said l-l-let them g-g-go!" Amanda asked "What is your choice Dragon. Which one of them dies today?" She screamed and banged her fists against the glass "L-l-let t-t-them g-g-go! T-they didn't d-do anything!" Amanda counted down "Ten." Dragon kept screaming, her voice becoming raw "L-let them g-g-go Amanda!" "Nine." Loveys muffled screams and Thorin and Crocs grunts echoed from the restraints and Dragon screamed "No!!!" Lovey spit out the gag "Nadia help! Please!! I don't wanna die!" "Eight." "I don't wanna die!!" Thorin kept trying to rip out of his restraints and Croc growled as he spit out his gag "Seven" "Baby girl kill me! Save your friends and kill me!!!" She shook her head and tears trailed down her face "Six" " nonono no no no!!! I can't!" Croc roared "Five" "DO IT!!!!" Lovey cried "I don't wanna die.. I don't wanna die!" "Four" Thorin screamed in frustration and Nadia cried "Three" "I'm b-begging you! L-let them g-g-go!!" "Two" She screamed "W-w-waller please!!" "One." "NO!!!!!" The electric chairs started up and she screamed as she banged on the plexiglass, trying to get out to save her friends and her dad. Croc screamed in pain as the electric shocks coursed through him, frying the insides of his body. He thrashed around violently and foam started to form at his mouth and he looked at his daughter who cried as she tried to reach him. She screamed "DAD!!!" Amanda watched with an emotionless face as Dragon watched her only family member die in front of her. Lovey and Thorin were screaming as well as they tried to fight their restraints and the horror as they watched croc die a painful death. Waylon's body had spasms but then the shocks stopped. He slumped in the chair, charred and burnt to a crisp, blood and saliva pooling from his mouth and his nose,and his eyes and ears. Dragon banged on the glass "No!" She slammed her fist against it repeatedly as she slid to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably "No no nonono no no!" Amanda pressed another button and an electric shock ran through the young girl and her cage. Dragon screamed in pain and clutched her head as the electric shocks grew worse. She felt her memories slipping away. Flying out the door and leaving her mind blank and black and bleak. She tried to hold onto her memories but she felt herself falling into a black whirlpool of an abyss. She tried to escape the box, determined to hold onto her life "Let me out! Let me out let me out let me out!!!" Smoke started to fly from Dragon's skin as the shocks got stronger and stronger, burning her. Lovey cried and Thorin yelled "Nadia hang on!!!" He tried to get to her and managed to rip out his hand but it was too late. Amanda stopped the shocks when Dragon had gone silent and she saw her standing straight in the glass prison, looking blankly at the wall. She said words in Spanish that would forever change Dragon "Esperanza (Hope)...Lealtad(Loyalty)...Nueve(Nine)...Amor(Love)...Cuchillo(Knife)...Negro(Black)...Salvación (Salvation) ...Destruir(Destroy)...Matar (Kill)...Lago(Lake)...Cielo(Sky)...Descanso (Break)!" She spoke "Soldier!" Dragon looked up, her eyes void of any emotion "R-r-ready t-to c-comply...." Amanda looked down at her "Find the Assassin named Archer. Bring her to me. Alive." Dragon nodded and she snapped her wings out as she flew through the ceiling but then Amanda noticed something. Lovey and Thorin were not in the chairs. She realized that Dragon took them with her. But she didn't care. As long as she had Archer, the rest would fall in line. The dragon girl soared through the sky until she saw a familiar head with hair like flames. She dived and landed in front of Archer who looked shocked "Nadia!!!" She hugged her tightly "Where have you been?!" Dragon hugged her back as tightly and small tears ran down her face "I-I-I d-don't have t-t-time t-t-to explain...B-b-but run Messi...R-run as f-f-far a-a-away from here as p-p-possible! Go!!!" The assassin nodded and she ran back to her apartment. She snuck in as quietly as possible and winced when she heard the door squeak, afraid that Frost or worse, Raven woke up. She didn't want to leave him alone. She loved him. More than anything! But she had to leave. She had to find Nadia. And she had to find her fast! She quietly packed everything up in a duffel bag. Her clothes, guns, and her photo book. The Assassin looked through the book and she smiled sadly at the pictures of her, Dragon, Frost and Raven. They took goofy group pictures and she saw the ones her and Raven had taken of Frost and Dragon together. They were laughing and She was leaning in the frame slightly with a peace sign. Then she saw the picture she had taken of herself and raven. He was hugging her from behind and had his head resting on her shoulder and his arms locked around her waist. A tear drop hit the photo and she realized that she was crying. She laughed quietly at the happiness in the photos and thought to herself(I'm so sorry Raven....For everything...I love you. I promised I wouldn't leave you. But I have to save my best friend) She covered her eyes and she cried silently wishing that this wasn't truly happening. She huffed and sniffled as she wiped her tears away and opened a window. It creaked and Raven woke up, looking dazed as he squinted, trying to see her "Babe?..." He saw her climbing onto the window and he was instantly more awake "Babe what the fuck are you doing?!" She looked at him sadly and murmured as she gave him a soft wave before she jumped "Goodbye my love, I'll see you soon....." He jumped out of his bed and ran to the window. He watched as she seemed to fall and then she spun in the air and landed on the ground in a crouch before sprinting off into the night. He tried to see her but everything was too dark. He cursed and punched his wall, leaving a giant hole "FUCK!!!" Meanwhile Dragon had gotten back to Belle Reve and Amanda was very enraged with the fact that she did not have Archer. She glared down at the girl and told the guards "Take her to the Glass Room." They dragged a screaming Dragon and for the rest of the night, you could hear screams of pain and agony and electrical shocks.

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