Chapter 2- Meeting the Squad

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Amanda had set up a meeting so the chairman's could meet the children. When she arrived at the place she could see the van that has the kids. The guards swung the silver door and Griggs yelled "Get them out here!" They pulled Messina put who was yelling "Get yo fucking hands off me bitch! I know my fucking rights!" One of the guards smacked her and she yelled as she kicked and screamed "I'LL KILL ALL YOU MOTHERFUCKERS! YOU HEAR ME!? I'LL KILL THEM ALL!!!" They pulled Lovey and Raven out and shockingly, they were very quiet...But then Raven kicked one of the guards in the stomach and Lovey bit the one holding her. They knocked the two out when they pulled out an unconscious Boomboom. They pulled Dragon out and she looked dim and tired. But then she reacted violently and she ripped a man's head off and the woman stabbed a taser against her stomach. Dragon's eyes widened and she grabbed the woman by the skull, viciously crushing her head into mush. She looked in Archers direction and tried to run towards her but one of the guards grabbed her and punched her. FrostFire yelled at the guards in spanish, thrashing around wildly as he tried to burn the ones who hit Dragon. One of the guards pinned him to the van and injected a serum and he seemed to calm down. Thorin looked in Dragon and Archers direction and his eyes darkened viciously when he saw the bruise on Archer's cheek and the smoke that came from Dragon's side. He snarled at the guards as he tried to attack them, freeing himself for a moment. His heterochromatic eyes blazed wildly with hate and rage as he ran for Amanda but five of the guards shot him with a taser. He screamed as the pain coursed through his body and they managed to strap all of them down into chairs. They opened the door to a room behind a plexiglass window and let the Chairman in who looked scared to go in. Raven grinned demonically when he saw the Defense and drawled out dramatically "Well well well...Look what we got here!" Lovey looked around and asked childishly "Where are we?" Frostfire looked around, his movements woozy from the serum they injected in him. Dragon hissed "G-g-goddamnit...W-w-we don't have t-t-time f-for this bullshit!"She let out a growl as she ripped her hands free from the cuffs, snapping the metal in two. Archer yelled "Hey, aren't you forgetting about someone?!" Dragon stalked over to her and whispered "S-s-sorry B-Boss..." She used her claws to cut Archer loose. The Assassin smiled as she rubbed her wrists "Thank Jesus those are off." Karina glared at the mutant "Aren't you gonna free the rest of us?!" Dragon cocked her head to the side and Archer's lips curled into a cruel smirk as she spoke in Boom boom's direction "Now why would she do that?" Boom boom glared at Archer "because we all deserve to be free!" Archer shook her head and whispered something in Dragon's ear. She nodded and walked forward. Boom Boom thought she was gonna cut her loose but the dragon girl walked past her and to Thorin. She cut him loose and she smiled "B-b-boss said y-y-you can b-b-be free t-too..." He smiled at the younger girl as he stood up and ruffled her hair, earning a happy purr from Dragon. Boom boom screamed in anger when each one of the criminals cuffs came undone. Boom boom, in a fit of rage lunged at Archer. The assassin reacted fast and she grabbed the Annoying thief's wrist and turn and threw her over her shoulder, smashing her into the ground and creating a mini crater. She whistled and Dragon crawled to her. She asked with a demented grin "You hungry?" Boom boom eyes widened in terror and she tried to negotiate and beg for her life. The Chairman looked horrified and one yelled "Amanda they're gonna kill her!" The woman only smirked as Archer got up while Dragon still pinned Boom boom down, growling like an animal and saliva dripping from her fangs. The Assassin yelled at the rest as she pointed at Dragon and Karina "THAT is what happens when you fuck with us! We run this show you understand?! And we don't tolerate bullshit like this stupid little cunt! You sorry ass mother Fucking pieces of shit! I ain't the bitch to fuck with! Don't test us ever again otherwise Dragon's gonna have something to feed on!" She smirked as she placed her hands on her hips "Any objections?" They all shook their heads and she chuckled "That's what I thought." She snapped her fingers and directed at her friend "Nadia let her loose." She flapped her wings and flew in the air, allowing Boom boom to scramble away. Amanda smirked at the Chairman's faces that were paler than a ghost "Archer is a rather... DOMINANT person. She can make them get in line. Dragon simply makes sure that they stay in there place." Archer asked Thorin "How the fuck did they get you here? I thought you couldn't be controlled. He pointed at Dragon then her "You two are my siblings incarnate. I swore to protect you and they said if I didn't, they would kill you." Archer snapped her gaze to the plexiglass and she grabbed a gun and aimed sit at the window. She shot it but it didn't break it. It just left the bullet in the glass. Dragon saw Raven staring at Archer and she growled at him, snapping his gaze from Archer to her. He cooed "Aww Is The Little pet angry?" Dragon screeched as she lunged at Raven and tackled him, wringing her hands around his neck. Her eyes were wide and she grit her teeth as she snarled at him "N-N-NEVER TEST M-M-ME!!!" Lovey tried to pull her off him but she smacked her away like a fly. Frost managed to pull her off and they watched as the room seemed to expand into some sort of fighting ground. Dragon screeched as she slashed at him with her claws. Archer saw a bow and a quiver of arrows. She quickly shot four arrows at Raven. He dodged each one and she smiled widely when she saw a gun. She grabbed it and shot at him, hitting him in the leg. The Chairman looked either 1.Shocked, 2.Terrified, 3.Both. She ran at him and she threw kicks and punches at him and then spun in the air, throwing him at the glass. They screamed when he crashed against the window but Amanda continued to watch with a smirk. Dragon rabbit kicked Frostfire, causing him to let go of her and Boom boom tried to kick her, yelling "Leave my baby alone!" Her eyes turned pure white and she brought her elbow out, slamming it against Boomboom face. The thief flew back and Dragon snarled as she brought her long claws down on her. Boom boom managed to dodge with a boomerang and that seemed to piss Dragon off more. She snapped her jaws at her and Boom boom screamed but the Archer crashed into Dragon, sending the two girls to the side. Archer shook her head and Dragon hissed and barked at Thorin. He threw Archer. Lovey yelled "Guys stop!!!" Archer got up and she yelled at Lovey "Shut up!!!" She pulled out a gun and aimed it at Thorin and shot seven times. He stood there and allowed the bullets to hit him. He started to walk forward as she kept shooting at him. When she realized he wasn't gonna go down, she whistled sharply. Dragon lunged at him, her wings spread out and her teeth and claws bared. He allowed her to tackle him and she was dangerously close to biting a chunk out of his shoulder. He smiled at her which caused her to flinch. He's smiling at her...Why the fuck is he smiling at her!?!? He's supposed to be afraid!!! She growled but he chuckled softly and spoke in Greek "Adelfí kánei o, ti prépei. (sister do what you must.)" She cocked her head to the side and words spewed out of her mouth without her realizing it "Adelfós den fovásai...(Brother you are not afraid.)" He shook his head. Archer still held the gun out and she spoke, not thinking "Adelfós,pós me vríkate? (Brother how did you find us?)" He said "I syndesí mas.(Our Connection.)" She lowered the gun and nodded and one of the female chairman asked "What are they saying?" Amanda said "The spirits of his sisters are trapped in Archer and Dragon's body.. He's talking to them." She crawled off of him and Archer looked at Thorin suspiciously, not remembering what she had just said "How did you do that?" He looked at her "Do what?" She gestured to her friend who was sitting like a pup "Get Dragon to not kill you. She's never done that." He smiled "Like I said. You two are my sisters incarnate." She still didn't seem convinced when tranquilizer darts injected themselves in the teens neck. Dragon shrieked and they all spun around, seeing the man with a tranquilizer gun. He shot Thorin next and he told Dragon before he went unconscious "Run...." Lovey screamed as four darts embedded themselves in her neck and her brothers. Frost groaned and collapsed as he got shot. Dragon jumped out of the way and latched onto the wall, trying to crawl away and she snarled at the man with the gun. He took aim and hit her in the chest. She lunged at him when he shot nine more darts. She growled lowly as she collapsed on the ground, the darts poking out of her chest. Amanda smirked as the soldiers dragged the unconscious criminals back to their cells.

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