Chapter 6- Fighting to Stay Alive

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The mob of armed criminals ran at the teens and Archer screamed "Everyone, get ready!" Boomboom pulled out her twin boomerangs and threw them, cutting off three of their heads in a row. Thorin's eyes turned pure white again and twin swords materialized in his hands. Swords Master slashed through many of them, helping Thorin who was taking them down left and right. Lovey was viciously beating the people's heads open with her mother's mallet and Rowan was cutting their neck and stabbing them through the heart with his throwing knives. Dragon let out a loud roar as she clawed her way through them, ripping people in half. Archer was shooting them through the eyes, pure rage taking over her body as she kept reloading and shooting. The people managed to get Flag and the group of teens stopped. The leader was smirking at them "Well well well. If it ain't the brats that J is looking for. He put a big price on your heads to get you back to him." Rowan growled and Lovey hissed "Give us back our toy." Nick thought to himself "They think of me as a toy." The guy gestured to the goons "Get the brats. Kill their friends." Rowan's eyes widened and he snarled "I ain't going nowhere!" HE grabbed the goon closest to him and he broke his arm, stealing the gun from him. He tossed it to Lovey who caught it and he swiftly grabbed his throwing knife, holding it to his throat and Lovey pressed the gun against the side of her head, her finger still on the trigger. They all watched as the two clown siblings smirked with twisted glee as they spoke in unison "Give us back our toy otherwise someone's gonna have to tell Daddy that his two precious children are gone. And I doubt he's gonna be happy that they died because someone's didn't give them what they wanted." Rowan's eyes glinted dangerously and Lovey was twitching from adrenaline. The other criminals stepped back and Nick shivered seeing how tempted they were. He had to hand it to them, they could be fucking terrifying when they wanted to be.The guy gave them a 'don't you dare' look "Put the gun and the knife down." Rowan held out his hand "Give us back the soldier otherwise we're gonna see the inside of clown brains." It was silent for a moment then the man pushed Nick forward. Rowan's grins spread from ear to ear and he threw the throwing knife, hitting him in the center of his head. The dead man fell back and the goons sent a wave of bullets at the teens. Dragon jumped out and she stood in front of them, her wings outstretched and her arms outstretched as she took each bullet, using her tail to deflect the one's that she could. They watched in horror as the bloody mess of flesh and bones grinned, revealing all of the sharklike teeth and she started to heal, taking back the form of the demonic child. Archer ran from behind her and used Dragon's back as a launching platform and jumped over her, shooting them straight in their forehead. She landed and she shot them through the skull . Dragon screeched and she ran forward, whizzing past Archer as she shot the remaining 400 men, and helped her by ripping through their stomachs, tearing their upper body from the lower half, narrowly dodging each bullet. The soldiers watched and the criminals gawked at how well the two worked together. Archer ran onto a car roof, using her bow and arrow, hitting people in the hearts and Dragon flew above her, diving and shredding through the others with her tail. One of them managed to stab Dragon in the arm and she let out a high pitched wail. Archer heard her and screamed "NADIA!" Frost saw and his eyes burned bright red and he jumped in front of her and he burned the man to death, his blue fire consuming his body. Dragon watched in slight fear, seeing the fire. Archer shot an arrow that grazed his shoulder and he turned, his eyes still glowing red. She snarled "Get a hold of yourself!" His eyes widened and more fire erupted from him, burning the rest of the goons alive. Dragon crawled away from him and she curled around Archer's feet, standing on all fours, Archer holding her sniper rifle in her hand. Thorin, Lovey, Raven, FrostFire, Swords Master, Boom Boom and Nick looked at them in awe. Archer jumped off the roof and Dragon followed after her, standing now on her two feet "That's how we cut and run bitch." Nick's gaze hardened and he smacked her across the face for no apparent reason. He yelled at her "Don't act out when you fucking want to just because you think it's fun! You could have gotten all of us killed being reckless like that!" Messina's eyes widened and she clutched her cheek. EVeryone looked shocked and they saw tears pouring down Messina's face. Nadia broke the silence by punching Nick straight in the jaw, and everyone could hear a crack coming out of his mouth. Everyone seemed to break into action. Some of the soldiers grabbed Dragon and yanked her back. Archer was sobbing and Lovey, Thorin and Raven were trying to help her calm down. Boomboom was trying to calm Dragon down along with Frostfire. Dragon was screaming in rage at the top of her lungs and she struggled against the guards. Frostfire was trying to calm Dragon down but he was also trying to keep calm. Nick watched with an expressionless face. Messina's sobbing grew louder and suddenly, it turned into screams. Long, loud screams of rage. Raven grabbed her by the waist and held her close to him as she tried to lunge at Nick. Dragon broke away from the guards but Frostfire grabbed her the same way Raven grabbed Archer. They carried Dragon and Archer and the girls were kicking and their screams turned into long loud wails. Lovey followed after them and she gave Nick a dirty look. Archer was on the floor, still sobbing and Dragon was trying to comfort her, her tail swishing around slightly in worry. Nick gave the assassin a disgusted look "Grow up. It was just a smack to the face. Besides, I bet you're dad used to hit you, your sister and your mom." Everyone glared at him and Lovey stomped up to him and pushed him back "Shut the fuck up! You don't know what it's like for any of us! Did you think we wanted to be like this! Did you think we wanted to be this fucking broken?! We never asked for any of this! We never asked to be born into a fucked up family! We're not as lucky as some brats who get to fucking have the richest family or hell even a happy family!" Rowan stood next to his sister and held her shoulder to keep her calm "You think we wanted two fucking clown criminals for parents?! You think that Dragon ever wanted to be born a person that society shunned for being different?! Do you fucking think thorin wanted to have a shadow for a fucking mom?! Do you think Archer wanted to kill all of those people?! WE WERE INNOCENT ONCE TOO! WE HAD TO DO ALL OF THIS TO SURVIVE DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT WE ARE BAD BECAUSE SOMETIMES WHEN WE ARE BAD THAT'S BECAUSE BAD THINGS HAPPENED TO US THAT FUCKING MADE US THIS WAY!" Thorin looked sad and the clown siblings growled "Kill us now. But we're going to the bar." Raven stormed off after picking up Archer who was still sobbing, Lovey following close behind. Boomboom gave Nick a disgusted look "You're hot and all but you are ugly on the inside ya dumb fuck." She walked after the trio and Thorin sighed as he helped Dragon up with Frost. Both boys helped her to the bar. Angel looked saddened and Nick gave him a pleading look "You really can't be siding with them can you?!" Angel shook his head and turned, walking into the bar, leaving Nick with the other soldiers. Lovey got behind the bar counter and grabbed different drinks. Raven sat Archer down on one of the bar stools and wiped her face, seeing the tears trailing down her cheeks. Boomboom sat next to her and rubbed her shoulder awkwardly. Thorin and Frost situated Dragon in one of the booths and found themselves their own seats. Archer ran a hand over her face "For one damn second, I had hope. And faith. Faith that their was someone else who would understand who we are. And that we were better than what they say we are!" Dragon growled from her spot in the booth "Shit like faith and hope don't fuckng mean anything in this twisted world sister." Archer looked over at her "What you mean sis?" Dragon pulled her hoodie down and she hissed, her dull white eyes glaring slightly "I h-h-had hope humans we-would see me and n-not run a-a-away i-i-in fear. I had f-f-faith that p-p-people would see me for the real me. No s-s-such luck." Archer chuckled sadly and walked over to her, patting her shoulder "We are humans aren't we? And we accept ya." Lovey nodded from behind the bar "We may be crazy and don't act normal but we're still human and we still care about you." Boom boom opened her mouth "Speak for yourself, I can give less a shit about the lizard." Dragon snapped her jaws at her and Archer looked pissed "You know what!" She pulled out a pistol from the holster in her thigh and shot Boomboom in the leg. She was still crying and she snarled at Boomboom "No one asked you to even fucking be here! You coulda said no to the proposal and stayed the fuck at Belle Reve ya dumb bitch!" She roared as she clutched her bleeding leg "Till death do us part you stupid fucking hoe!" Dragon growled "W-W-WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU J-J-JUST SAY?!" Boom boom flipped her off and yelled "Go back to the fucking zoo you overgrown hideous ass lizard!" Archer snapped and she back handed Boomboom sending her to the floor "IF I HEAR YOU CALL HER A FUCKING LIZARD ONE MORE TIME YOU'RE GONNA BE TAKING A TRIP WITH THE DEVIL!" Justin saw the tears streaming down Dragon's face from the insult and it set him off and he screamed "EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Rowan grabbed Archer from behind and pulled her back, setting her back on the seat. Dragon snarled at him "L-L-LEAVE HER THE FUCK ALONE!" Now Dragon was sobbing and Archer was screaming and cursing in rage. She tried to pry Raven's arms away from her waist screaming "GET THE FUCK OFF ME! YOU DUMB FUCKING CLOWN! I'LL FUCKING KI-" Raven crashed his lips against hers. Archer blushed a vibrant shade of red and she stopped her rant of rage and she was wide eyed in shock. He smiled softly into the kiss and deepened it gently, causing her face to turn an even darker shade of red. Boomboom took the chance to stab her in the shoulder with a throwing knife that she had stolen from Raven since Archer seemed to be distracted from the little kiss. Dragon screamed "MESSI!!!" Archer's eyes widened and Raven yelled at Boomboom "What have you done!?" The assassin fell to the floor and Dragon's sobs turned into loud wails. She clutched her head in her hands and she screamed loudly. Frostfire, Love, Rowan, and thorin turned their attention to Dragon everyone watched in fear as they heard the water pipes that connected the bar squeak in protest underneath them. A feral smile appeared on Dragon's face and she was breathing raggedly. Her wings spread out slowly and she growled lowly "You're gonna pay..." Her eyes snapped open and she screamed "YOU'LL PAY!!!!!" the pipes underneath them burst and water erupted from the floor and she continued screaming in rage, Archer laying on the floor next to her, unconscious. EVeryone jumped back, getting away from her as ice spikes grew from the ground. The earth shook violently as The building collapsed and it seemed to start snowing and the wind picked up around them. The sky darkened with grey and black clouds, blocking out the sun and Frostfire yelled "Everyone get together!" The whole team, including Nick and the remaining soldiers huddled close and he made a fire circle around them so they wouldn't get frozen. Lovey screamed in fear as the ice managed to pull her under the ground and she was outside the circle. Raven yelled "Lovey!" The snowing started to turn into an awful blizzard, Dragon's screams getting worse and worse. Lovey tried to see through the blizzard and she saw a silhouette in the distance. She tried to see better and she noticed a flash of green scales. She knew who it was. It was Killer Croc. Dragon's father. Killer Croc or Waylon Jones was one of the only members of the old Suicide Squad that was still alive. She noticed he was carrying a smaller figure and her eyes widened noticing it was a little girl. He stalked up to her and towered over her very tiny frame and growled "Were my Daughters?!" SHe cowered back and she murmured "D-D-Daughters?" He hissed "Where you come from?" She tried to appear strong "I'm part of Task Force X. I am Lovey Quinn, The Daughter Of Harley Quinn and Joker." He chuckled and Lovey tensed hearing the sound "I shoulda guessed...YOu look just like your mother..Crazy smelling too." SHe smiled "Thank you.." He picked her up and she yelped and the little girl in his arms smiled "Hi! I'm Zoe." Lovey waved "Lovey, Nice to Meet ya!" He carried them both through the blizzard, letting out small grunts as waves of wind hit him, using all of his strength to not fall over. He managed to steer his way back to the fire circle and he threw Lovey over the fire with little effort. Lovey screamed in shock and she landed on Raven who trapped her in a bear hug. Everyone glared at Boomboom and she raised her hands up "What?" Raven snarled "It's your fucking fault you dumb bitch!" He ran at her and grabbed her by her jacket collar and lifted her up off the ground, his eyes wide with rage. He screeched "You hurt the love of my life and now Jones is losing her fucking mind and will probably freeze us all to death!" Lovey grabbed Raven by his jacket sleeve yelling "Bro don't! Her dad's outside in the blizzard, looking for them!" Justin looked back at them, still holding the fire shield up, trying to keep them from freezing over. The group of misfits managed to barely step two feet when a rain of bullets was sent at them. They all barely dodged each bullet when they heard a loud roar from out in the storm. Lovey yelled, her voice almost getting lost in the wind "DRAGON! ARCHER!" Another loud roar broke through the storm and they saw a blur pass them behind the wall of fire that Justin had made for them. Thorin yelled "It's them!" The squad swirled around trying to see them again when another patch of black ran by them along with a flash of silver. Swords Master yelled as loud as he could "NADIA! MESSINA!" There was a loud scream and it was silent for a moment before a familiar spiked tail swung through the fire, stabbing one of the soldiers and dragging him out of the wall of warmth. The unfortunate man screamed in pain as he was impaled and the burn of the fire attacked his skin. They tried to see the two killers as they heard the soldier still screaming then gunshots and the sound of ripping flesh and chewing. Lovey shuddered as she heard the noises and Raven got close to the fire, trying his best to see. Big Mistake. A hand shot through the fire and gripped his jacket, pulling him forward and he yelled as he tried to pull back. A loud, inhuman wail came from the other side and Raven was dangerously close to the blue flames and he could see the outline of Archer on Dragon's back. The hand gripping his jacket let go and she let out a scream of pain and he flew back, falling against Thorin. Next thing they know, Killer Croc was thrown through the flames, covering Zoe Lawton with his large scaly arms. They gasped and he stood up, holding a very terrified Zoe as she looked out beyond the fire. He snarled at the young members "Which one of ya hurt Lawton's kid?!" Everyone's eyes widen and they saw Croc's eyes blaze with rage. They all pointed at Boomboom and she watched him fearfully. He hissed "You be lucky that I don't kill ya." He set Zoe down on the ground and he looked at Nick, knowing who his father is "You better tell Flag that I want to see my girl's. I know they were hiding them from me." Nick nodded, slightly scared of the towering man. He rubbed Zoe's head gently "Stay here with them. I'mma find ya sisters." He walked through the fire again and Zoe started to cry. Lovey saw and she pulled Zoey into a hug "Suga' what's wrong?" She whimpered "I-i-is my sister gonna be okay?" They heard a loud growl from outside and it seemed to be near Zoe's side and a psychotic sounding Archer "I know you are watching me Flag. I know you're there..." A clawed hand swiped through the fire, trying to grab onto anyone and it grabbed Lovey's jacket. She screamed in fear as she tried to pull away, Zoe trying to get her out of the strong hold. They could hear another person laughing outside. Raven grabbed onto both of them, dragging them away from the clawed hand. They heard her growling still and they heard a gun click and they heard Archer yell "Zoe move!" The small girl cried as she stood in front of the huddled group, her arms outstretched "SIs please don't!" They waited in silence besides the roaring wind and the hard snow. They heard the gun be put back in its holster and they all let out a small sigh of relief but that was short lasted as Dragon jumped through the circle of fire, Archer holding onto her their eyes blazing with anger. Justin saw and he accidently let the fire shield drop, the cold wind hitting them all. Zoe fell to the floor and Killer Croc appeared again, grabbing her and pulling her close to him, trying to keep her warm with his body heat. They all watched as Dragon slowly stalked towards them on all fours, her wings bristling defensively and Archer jumped off her back grabbing her bow from her back and quickly aiming an arrow for Boom boom's head. Raven saw the bow and arrow in her hands and he jumped in front of Boom boom "You shoot her, you shoot me." Archer's eyes hardened more and she seemed to struggle as she held the arrow back. He smiled sadly "Please..Put it down." Tears started to stream down Archer's pale cheeks as she stared at Raven and her arms shook slightly and Dragon saw and she wrapped her tail around Archer's ankle, letting out a low whimper. She murmured "I have no choice..." Raven yelled "You do have a choice! ANd what's it gonna be huh?!" Dragon roared at him "G-GET OUT O-OF T-THE WAY!" Frost fire moved so he was standing in front of Boom boom alongside Raven "Mi amor please don't do this...Please just calm down.." Raven looked heartbroken "Yeowang nim, please...Put the bow down..." She looked angry but so sad "Get out of the fucking way!" Zoe jumped in front of both males, crying "Sissy...Please! Stop!" Archer's eyes widened and she looked up at the cloud ridden sky with a discouraged face and whispered "Dad...Please forgive me for what I'm gonna do.." She let out a loud battle cry as she let the arrow go and it soared through the air but before it could hit anyone, Thorin used his shadow's to catch the arrow and send it in the opposite direction. Archer looked shocked and she froze in place seeing the arrow coming for her. Dragon screeched and pushed her down, the arrow piercing her side. Archer, Frost, and Zoe screamed "NO!" Her eyes widened and she looked down at the arrow embedded in her stomach and the blood pouring out of the wound. Her clawed hands grazed over the wound slowly in disbelief that it was there and pulled out the arrow slowly, letting out a whimper as she did so. She then turned to Archer with a sad smile as tears streamed down her face "I-I-I told ya i-i-i would protect ya didn't I?..." Archer reached out to her and Dragon's eyes rolled into the back of her head and she let out a small sigh. The dragon female collapsed to the floor with a loud thud. Archer scrambled to her and brought the unconscious creature close to her, sobbing "Nadia..Nadia! Please don't do this! Don't leave me! DON'T LEAVE ME!! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!!!" Zoe ran to them tugging on Dragon's now bloody jacket. Frost ran over to them and they all teared up, seeing the blood staining the snow red. Lovey covered her mouth in shock and horror and Thorin collapsed to his knees, his eyes wide with disbelief as he watched the scene before him and tears streamed down his face as guilt clawed his stomach "What have I done?.." Archer watched the snow become darker and darker with her friend's blood and she sobbed clinging to her like her lifeline. Nick snapped out of it and he ordered his troops "Get her help right now! She's losing blood!" Archer screamed as they tried to take Dragon away from her and she yelled at them "NO! I WILL NOT BE SEPARATED FROM HER AGAIN!" The guards ignored her screams of anger and pulled the reptile female away from her friend. Archer thrashed around violently in their grip and she yelled "No! Let go off me!" She reached out in futile "Nadia! Nadia!" The dragon seemed to wake up slightly and she saw the guards first and her eyes widened as she roared "N-N-NO!!! GET O-OFF OF ME!!" Croc yelled "GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY BABY GIRL!" He jumped up and Zoe screamed in fear as she saw him lunge at the soldiers holding the girl's. Then they all heard a much too familiar cackle. And a high pitched voice giggle through the wind "Hey babies! Did you miss me?!" Everyone looked up and saw the infamous Joker standing in all of his crazy glory, Harley by his side, swinging her bat lazily holding a machine gun in the other. Raven froze up and Lovey hid behind him, shaking in terror. There were very few things that terrified these two and one thing that did was their parents. Harley laughed psychotically as she saw Croc "Long time no see! We're gonna play a game! Say hello to my little friend everyone!" She pulled the trigger and the machine gun sent a wave of bullets down on the group of teens and the soldiers. Dragon's eyes widened and she screamed as she ripped herself out of the soldiers grasps, flying into the air, creating an ice wall around them to protect them from the bullets.She whimpered as each bullet hit the ice and the ones that broke through pierced her body, creating more bullet holes in her scaly skin. Lovey yelled "Dragon no!" Raven grunted as he ran at Dragon and tackled her to the ground, a bullet embedding itself into his shoulder. He let out a hiss of pain and Harley stopped the attack and she watched as Raven gripped his shoulder in pain and the red staining his fingers. Lovey's eyes grew wide when she saw the blood. Raven's blood. Her BROTHER'S blood. Her eyes dilated and she swiftly pulled the mallet she had off of her back and ran full speed at the large helicopter that her parents were aboard. She jumped on the ice wall and propelled herself forward, swinging the mallet viciously, her eyes wide and void of emotion. Harley barely blocked the hits and Joker grabbed Lovey by the scruff of her neck, throwing her off of the plane. She landed and she tried to tuck and roll as she hit the ground, pain racking her small body as she let out a small scream. Thorin watched as the clown couple jumped off the plane and they were shooting at everyone. Killer Croc covered Zoe, the bullet's not breaking his tough skin and the others tried to take cover. Dragon crawled over the floor, trying to get to Lovey, tears trailing down her face from the painful attempts and the others were trying their hardest to handle the goons that started to fly out of the helicopter. Archer was shooting the goons, Raven was stabbing them while he was back to back with Swords Master, Boom Boom was slashing through goons with the sharp sides of her boomerangs and Justin was sending waves of fire at the ones that were jumping out of the copter. He hid in his shadows, trying to calm down before he lost control of his powers and that was something he REALLY didn't want... He heard a loud shriek and he saw Dragon sprawled across the floor, bleeding more and more and Harley was standing over her, the gun she was holding in her outstretched hand smoking from the end. THat was the last straw and he saw Archer screaming in pain and was reaching out towards the fallen child and her eyes turned bloodshot as she screeched "NADIAAAA!!!" Everyone saw the shift in Archer and it felt like they could feel her mind break like how Dragon's did. She cried harder "NADIAAA! NADIAAA!!!!" Her cries sounded heartbroken and her eyes grew wide as wild thoughts ran through her mind (They killed her..THey killed Nadia..She's gone..I won't lose my family again..I won't lose her or Zoe! I can't let that happen! I WON'T LET THAT HAPPEN!) She let out a long piercing scream and everyone's eyes widened when they saw the lightning that crackled around her body and she screamed louder as she couldn't get the image of Nadia's pain filled face in the bloody snow. She roared "YOU'RE DEAD!!!!" The electricity flew from her in waves and she sent it at Harley and Joker, sweat pouring down her face as she felt the shocks pulsing through her own body as the storm around them seemed to start getting worse. The sight of Archer breaking pushed him past his breaking point and Thorin screamed as his chains burst out of his back and his all black clothes became his ancient robes and dark markings appeared on his arms and a glowing black eye outlined itself on his forehead and his dual tone eyes rolled into the back of his head as his shadows burst off of the floor and swarmed at the clown couple. Harley and Joker dodged the electricity and the shadows fast and precise, making Archer more angry and Thorin more off the edge. He screamed in rage, more chains whipping around, trying to hurt the clowns as long blades grew at the edges, glinting from the electricity and very very sharp at the ends. Archer jumped up and she ran at Harley, her fist raised and consumed in electricity. Harley saw the girl coming for her and got in a defensive stance but then she saw a flash and instead of archer being there, it was the assassin's father, Floyd but he seemed like a misty figure, the color of him faded. His eyes were dark with pure rage as he yelled "HARLEY!" She gasped and before he got close enough, it switched back to Archer and she slammed her fist into the clown queen's gut, sending an electric wave through her petite body. She screeched and Joker yelled "Harleen!" He aimed his gun at Archer his face consumed with rage "You little brats!" Before he could shoot, the gun was knocked out of his hands by a sword. Harley saw the sword and Swords Master growled "No you don't!" Another flash and Katana stood in Sword's Master's place, her eyes blazing with fury from behind her mask and she screamed at Harley "You betrayed us!" Harley yelled "Shut up!" She grabbed her own gun and was about to shoot Angel when a sharp Boomerang knocked it out of her hand as well. SHe looked over her shoulder, tense seeing her old teammates that were DEAD and her eyes widened seeing Boom boom then a flash as Boomerang appeared and he hissed at her, his accent thick "You bloody bitch!" She screamed in fear and she grabbed the throwing knives from her belt and she threw them at him, only to be hit with a wave of fire. She screamed in pain and Joker tried to shoot at the wielder and she shakily got up looking at Frost Fire who looked emotionless and then El Diablo stood in his place, a sad look glinting in his eyes as he murmured, his spanish accent thick with emotion "Why Harley?.." She screamed "You don't known what it's like!" Joker tried to shoot Justin and the second gun was knocked out of his hand by a scaly spiked fish tail. He screamed and Harley looked at Dragon who was getting up, blood leaking from her side and instead Croc stood in her place and he growled at the Clowns "You liar...No wonder everyone hates you.." She tried to hit 'Croc' "SHUT UP! SHUT UP SHUT UP!" Lovey slammed the mallet onto her back yelling "Leave my friends alone!" She threw her daughter off of her but instead of Lovey who crashed on the ground, it was a past version of her, when she had barely started her new life as the Clown Queen Of Crime. Raven snarled "Don't touch my sister!!" A flash and instead of her son, she saw the past version of Joker, when he was more kind and when he was barely starting as the Clown Prince. She tried to kick them but Nick shot her in the leg, earning a loud scream from her and a snarl from Joker. He glared at them and then Rick took the boy's place, his eyes landing on Harley in disgust "You call yourself loyal. Yet you betrayed your comrades. Your FRIENDS!" She yelled at him "I have no friends! Just my Puddin!" The misfits circled the two and Thorin growled as his chains went to alert and his mother in a misty figure appeared next to him and she snarled at the two "You are going to pay for what you have done." Each parent appeared next to their child's side and she cried as the old and new team circled them "Why?! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Her past self came forward and reached out to her. Harley screamed"Stay away from me!" The parents of the children slowly started to fade away and the clowns watched in fear as each child had a faint aura that surrounded them and their eyes all turned egg white. Lovey screamed at them "Die!" Harley looked shocked that her own daughter wanted her dead. Wasn't she her mother?! Lovey was supposed to love her, not hate her! Archer lunged at them first, landing a solid kick to Harley's stomach, sending her crashing into Joker. He growled and shoved Harley off of him and pulled out three throwing knives but they were knocked out of his grip by Boom boom's boomerangs. He roared "You'll all die for this!" He grabbed a metal pipe from off of the snow covered ground and swung at Boom Boom but Sword's Master jumped in front of her, parrying the blow. Joker managed to land a hit to Sword's Master's ribs and they heard him shriek in pain and a loud crunch. Dragon snarled and she wrapped her tail around the end of the pipe, her eyes glowing in rage. Joker glared at her with so much venom and she shrieked loudly, snapping her jaws at him trying to bite his arm. He grabbed her by the throat and lifted her in the air, choking her. She clawed at his arms, leaving long cuts but he wouldn't let go. He cooed "Sorry kitties! Looks like you're gonna feel like you're on the moon without a helmet!" Dragon let out another roar and Nick shot at Joker, hitting him in the arm. The clown looked over at Nick, not letting his grip go on the smaller female's throat. He hissed "So. The little soldier boy thinks he can stand up to me?!" He squeezed her neck, making Dragon scream and behind Nick, Frostfire snarled "Let go of her you bastard!" Archer tried to grab Dragon from the green haired psycho but he grabbed her as well and held her suspended in the air, choking her as well. He laughed "Sonny! I got that little hotshot that you seemed to have a fascination with!" Raven's eyes darkened and he screamed "You hurt her dad and I swear to fucking god you'll die!" He smirked seeing how protective his son got over the assassin "Oh maybe I won't kill her. She's quite the pretty little thing! Perhaps I'll keep her!" The Joker's grin became even more deranged and he licked Archer's cheek. SHe let out a groan of disgust and then he looked at Dragon with a scary thinking look on his face "Hmm. YOu aren't to shabby either! Maybe I can give you to Harley. I knooow she's been wanting to have a new toy to play with! I don't think she'll mind having a lizard!" He sniffed the exposed skin on Dragon's neck "Maybe I can have a little taste before Harley get's her hands on the both of you." Archer's eyes widened and she snarled "Did you just call her a lizard?!" He smirked and his eyes glowed with insanity "Yes I did. What can a little girl like you do anything about it?!" He cackled and Dragon shrieked in hatred and Archer roared swinging her legs up, wrapping them around his arm and twisting her body, breaking his arm in the process. Dragon used her tail to sweep his legs out from underneath him and he fell forward. Archer swung herself over and moved so now she was sitting on top of him holding his now broken arm behind his back and she yelled "SHE IS NOT A LIZARD SHE IS A FUCKING DRAGON!!" Harley screamed "Puddin!" She snatched the mallet from Lovey and ran at Archer "You fucking brat!" Archer whistled sharply and Dragon perked up. She smirked at her friend who was crouching beside her "Go have some fun." Dragon's eyes seemed to glint dangerously and she saw Harley running at them and she roared. Harley saw the female but she didn't care. To her the child was only an overcooked lizard that learned how to walk on two feet. The girl was just an obstacle in her way. She swung the mallet and it hit her on the back but Dragon ignored the tingling in her spine and she wrapped her tail around Harley's leg, throwing her up in the air. The clown screamed in shock and when she came back down, before she could hit the ground Dragon swatted her with her tail fins, sending her crashing into a building. The others watched in shock but then Joker cooed in a suggestive voice "Lovey, would you be a dear and get your friend off me?" She yelled "No!" He faked a sad look "Sweetie why won't you help your daddy? The man who raised you who loved you?" She glared at him "You never loved me! You tortured me!" He gave her a puppy dog look and he murmured "Sweetie you know I love you. You are my daughter." His smile seemed to grow more dark "Besides, who else will take care of you? No one wants rejects like you and your brother." She flinched back and he purred "Yes. Who would want two worthless and weak criminals. Not to mention stupid." She started to cry and Raven watched their father cautiously, putting a hand on Lovey's shoulder to try to calm her down as the psycho drawled "You know it's true. After all..I am the only man who knew how to make use of you." He moaned heavily and Archer gave him a disgusted look , twisting his arm back even more, seeming to know that Joker was thinking some very disgusting thoughts about her friend and she hissed in his ear "You be quiet or I will make sure you feel the worst pain hell can fucking give you." Lovey covered her face and she sobbed as Raven rubbed her shoulder. But then she started to shake. And her sobbing turned into giggles. Then the giggles turned into full on laughter that soon turned into a cackle. Everyone watched the girl cautiously and Raven whispered "Lovey?.." She laughed and she was looking down on the ground her hair covering her face "Sorry. Lovey isn't here right now..Leave a message." She snapped her gaze up and they could see the madness in the little girl's eyes as she backhanded Raven. He hissed and he clutched his cheek, letting go of her. Lovey smiled with twisted glee and she snatched the sniper rifle from Nick, aiming at Archer. She snarled "Get off my daddy!" Harley screamed and Lovey looked away for a second and saw Dragon pinning her mother down, the clown barely holding her away with the mallet as the dragon tried to sink her teeth into her. Lovey switched the aim of the gun and Joker yelled "Let her die! Save me instead! I can always find you a new mother!" Lovey's grip on the rifle seemed to grow scared as she kept changing the aim of the gun from Archer to Dragon. Tears started streaming down Lovey's face as she tried to decide who she was gonna shoot and she had trained the gun on Dragon. Harley screamed at her "Shoot her! Shoot her now!" Dragon's head swerved in Lovey's direction and she caught the girl's gaze. Archer roared from her spot "You hurt her, I kill yo daddy! Do not test me!" Lovey still kept the gun on Dragon, the scaled female keeping her gaze. A rumble escaped her throat and Lovey saw the sadness in her eyes, memories flashing in her egg white orbs. She looked away and then she switched the aim quickly shooting at Archer. Dragon screamed but before the bullet hit the assassin Archer pulled Joker up, the bullet embedding itself in the center of his forehead. Archer laughed and she let his dead body drop "Boom bitch! Drop the mic! I just killed the Joker!" Harley screeched "You bitch! You killed my puddin!" Dragon turned her gaze back to Harley seeing that she was still underneath her and she hissed, beginning to twitch violently "W-W-What did you j-just call her?.." Harley gulped and Dragon snapped her jaws down on Harley's shoulder. She screamed in pain and everyone turned away knowing what was gonna happen. They could all hear the crunch of bones and Harley's gurgled screams slowly grow quiet. When they all turned to see what their friend had done, they saw a very disturbing sight. Dragon was sitting criss cross on the cracked cement sidewalk, covered in blood and small scraps of flesh and the mangled body that they could barely recognize as Harley just because of the shredded metallic pieces of clothing that was hanging off of the bones. The blizzard started to let up and the city seemed to rebuild itself, the buildings and streets coming back together as if time was reversed. Archer and Dragon looked around in wonder, Archer supporting Dragon so she could stand. Archer's eyes glinted as she saw the wisps of magic that seemed to be what was fixing all of the damage done and Thorin chuckles softly "The magic is mom's...She wants to help at least once..." Archer, Dragon and Lovey smiled at him and when Lovey turned away to help her brother, Archer and Dragon noticed Thorin staring at her longingly. The assassin grinned and nudged him in the side with her freed arm "Go talk to her..." He blushed and he looked down at his feet, fidgeting nervously "B-but.." Dragon hissed "N-no buts..Go." He sighed, seeing that the two girl's would not let him get out of this and he walked over to Lovey who had her back to him and tapped her on the shoulder gently. She turned and her face lit up and he noticed a faint trace of red on her cheeks as she greeted him "Tori! What's up?" He blushed more and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly "U-Um...Uh..." She blinked, noticing his nervousness and smiled at him reassuringly "Hey it's okay. Whatever it is, you don't have to rush." He took a deep breath and blurted out all at once "IreallylikeyouandIwaswonderingifyou wantedtogoonadatewithmeafterallofthisandifweendupbeingfreelikeWallerpromiseduswewouldbe?" She looked confused and she raised an eyebrow "Uh, can you repeat that?... But this time a little more slowly so I can actually understand you." He blushed brighter and takes another deep breath, fidgeting nervously again "Um..I was asking if you wanted to go on a date...with me." She pointed at herself in disbelief "Wait..Me?" She looked over her shoulder to make sure he wasn't talking to maybe someone behind her and she realized that no one was behind her. He nodded and she saw his face turn a deep shade of red "Yeah...Why wouldn't I be?..You're the most beautiful girl here so who else would I be talking to?" SHe pointed at Dragon and Archer who were sitting on one of the street benches, some of the soldiers trying to treat the girl's wounds then she pointed at Boom boom who was trying to flirt with poor Swords Master and Frostfire. He shook his head "Messina and Nadia are like my little sisters..Nothing more. Ms.Karina is just not my type. Too cocky and selfish. SHe's too self absorbed with herself and I'd probably kill her first." She giggled hearing what he said about the other girl and they all thought that it would be better but then they heard a scream "YOU ASSHOLE!" Everyone's head swerved and they saw Archer crying and Boom Boom locking lips with Raven. Dragon's eyes grew dark and Archer screamed at him "You fucking liar! You piece of shit I hate you!" She ran down the street and Raven looked heartbroken as he was going to chase after her but Dragon jumped in front of him growling loudly "Stay away from her!" He looked down at her "Move." She snarled "Make me you bastard! I'm not letting you hurt my friend!" His eyes darkened as well and he pushed Dragon down, taking off down the street. He barely managed to turn the corner of the street when he heard a large roar above him. He looked up and saw Dragon flying overhead and ran faster, knowing that she was gonna try to catch him. He hid in a building nearby and he heard Dragon's scream grow distant and he breathed out a sigh of relief. But then he heard something that made his skin crawl. He heard someone weeping. The cries sounded so heart wrenching...And they sounded so familiar..He slowly made his way through the building, trying to locate the noise when he got to a destroyed office room. It sounded like it was right on the other side of the door. He kicked the door down with a large amount of force and his heart broke at the sight in front of him. Archer was curled up in a ball on the floor, clutching the sides of her head sobbing. He slowly walked towards her and kneeled down next to her. He gently placed his hand on her shoulder and whispered "Hotshot?" She whimpered and he picked her up, cradling her to his chest like a child and rubbed her back gently "Shh..I'm right here nae salang.." She sobbed harder and she clung to him. He whispered "It's ok..It's ok.." Then Archer moved suddenly and backhanded him across the cheek. She screamed at him "IT'S NOT OKAY YOU HEAR ME?! YOU HURT ME!" He looked at her in shock and more tears trailed down her face as she whimpered "You said you liked me...And I'm not gonna lie, I liked you too. But then you fucking MADE OUT WITH THAT BACKSTABBING BITCH! LITERALLY SHE FUCKING STABBED ME IN THE BACK!!"He looked shocked and he whispered "Messi..." She screamed in rage "You lied to me! You are just like everyone else! You don't care about me! You made it all up! Just cause I have a pretty face" He pulled her close to him and she screamed in rage as she thrashed against him, trying to escape his hold, punching at his chest in futile attempts. He yelled "Messi just listen for a second!" She stopped suddenly, shocked from the fact that he just yelled. He sighed "Hey..She forced herself on me. I didn't kiss her back. Cause.." He mumbled under his breath and Archer could make out a trace of red covering his cheeks. She cocked her head to the side curiously "What was that?" He blushed brighter and he whispered in her ear "Because I already love someone.." She blushed bright red and she snarled "If you do then let go of me! Stop playing with me Quinn!" He growled lowly "You're really dense Lawton you know that?" She hissed at him "Shut the fuck up!" He hugged her tightly and whispered again "I love you, you idiot." She went silent and he grew slightly worried and murmured "Lawton?.." She whimpered and he gently tilted her head up to look at him "Hey what's the matter?" She cried "D-d-do y-y-you really l-l-love me?..." He smiled softly and nodded, kissing her forehead "Yes..I do." She smiled and laughed, still crying. He wiped away her tears and he whispered "Is it okay if I showed you how much I love you?" She blushed brightly and nodded. He smiled and kissed her gently and she let out a small squeak of surprise. He took advantage of the situation and deepened the kiss. Archer's blush grew darker and darker as he gently slid her down to the floor, propping himself above her with his arms. Archer shyly wrapped her arms over his shoulders, leaning up to reach him. He smiled gently and worked slowly on taking off her uniform. She shivered and he looked down at her tenderly "You known that we don't have to do this aleumdaun." She murmured "No...I want to." He smiled and nodded, kissing her again. Outside, Dragon was searching for Archer and possibly Raven so she could rip him limb from limb for making Archer cry. SHe heard noises coming from the building and she was about to go in but then someone dragged her back. Dragon screeched "H-hey! L-let go of me!" She couldn't see who grabbed her but then she took a sniff of the air and the familiar scent filled her sensitive nose. She managed to break away and hissed "Satana!" Her blue blind eyes narrowed at him and he looked down at her "Dragon you need to calm down..." She snarled at him and her wings spread out from behind her and her tail snapped on the ground harshly "G-g-get out o-of my way!" He held his hands out to her "Please calm down mi amor...I don't want to restrain you." She blinked and he could see the slight rage in her eyes "W-What did you j-just s-say to me?.." He looked slightly worried and then he noticed her wings curl back and then she flew above him but before she could get away, he grabbed her by the foot and threw her back. She growled but before she could attack him, he dragged her into a strong hug. Dragon squirmed desperately, letting out an angry hiss "S-Stop it! L-l-let go of me r-r-right now!" He whispered in her hair, holding her close "Please don't make me do this..I don't want to hurt someone I love..I already lost my family..I can't lose you too." Dragon froze after hearing his confession and she debated with herself about whether she should hug him back or not. She shakily hugged him back and started to cry into his shoulder, mentally beating herself up because she was allowing herself to be weak around him. He seemed to sense that she was distressed and whispered "How about we go back?..I think that the others will worry even more if both of our best fighters are gone.." she looked confused and he chuckled "You and Archer are our best ones hermosa." She laughed and he wiped away her tears gently and kissed her on the forehead "Feel better mi luz?" She blushed and nodded "Frost...W-w-why do y-y-you k-keep calling me d-different things i-i-in s-spanish?...A-are you making f-fun of m-m-me?..." He shook his head "No no no. They are all compliments but they don't even add up to you. ." She blushed crimson red and he smiled at her softly "I love you Mi Amor." He hugged her gently and she nuzzled his neck, relaxing. He turned and she climbed onto his back and carried her back to the squad. Archer and Rowan came back after a few minutes and Archer was being carried by Rowan bridal style. Archer looked flushed and exhausted. Raven looked like he just won the lottery, a bright smile covering his face. Lovie laughed and pointed at the four "You look like you got hit by a tornado." Dragon hissed at her and Archer glared in annoyance but they both seemed non-threatening. Thorin and Lovey laughed at their attempts to look pissed. Nick watched again, taking in the scene before him. Raven was laying down on a bench with Archer sprawled on top.of him, sleeping peacefully. Frostfire was helping Dragon rewrap her hands and they were laughing together at a corny fire pun that the man of fire had made. Lovey was running from thorin who was smiling in amusement as he tried to catch her. Boom boom was trying to flirt with Swords Master who looked disturbed as she tried. He thought to himself "They act like a family. The perfect fucked up family." He shook his head and he yelled "Let's move! Waller will be sending a jet for us so we can get back to your new home." Love stopped abruptly and she yelled "New home?! She said we were gonna be free!" He pointed at lovey "You won't be in Belle Reve. You'll be in a bunker in Calabasas." Dragon got up and growled at Nick, her eyes blazing with pure anger "Y-Y-You c-can't send u-us b-back.." He raised a brow and the remaining guards aimed their guns at her "Oh really?" She snapped her jaws at them warningly and Archer awoke, hearing the commotion "What's going on?!" Her eyes widened and she jumped up, seeing them aiming guns "OH HELL NO!" Her eyes turned bloodshot and the electricity crackled again "Put the fucking guns down or it gonna be raining blood!" Half of the guards aimed their guns on Archer while the others kept theirs on Dragon. Nick said "Please don't start right now. At least you won't be stuck in Belle Reve." SHe snarled at him "YOU PROMISED THAT WE WOULD BE FREED YOU ASSHOLE!" He shook his head "You should have known better Archer. You seem to be the smartass of the group." Dragon roared and Archer yelled "WE'RE GOING HOME!" The electricity burst from her in waves, electrocuting the guards and before the remaining ones could shoot her, Dragon knocked them down with her tail and shredded them to bits. Archer laughed psychotically as the electricity short fused the nanite bomb in her neck and it did the same for the other children. She cheered "EVERYONE IS FREED NOW! WE'RE FREED! RUN AND GO!" Thorin grabbed Lovey and they both disappeared into shadows. Boomboom ran off into the ruined streets. Frostfire disappeared in a circle of flames with Raven. Archer laughed at Nick who looked pissed and like a cornered rat "See ya later Soldier Boy!" She grabbed onto Dragon's arm and the duo flew into the air and away, Archer's demented laughter and Dragon's roar echoing through the streets of the destroyed New York City. He watched as they faded from sight and the sun started to peak the horizon. He dropped his gun and fell to his knees as he watched the colors fade over the city and he let out a tired sigh as he ran a hand over his face "Waller's gonna kill me......"

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