Chapter 4- Bad meets Worse

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Messina was resting on the hard bed in her cell. In the cage, Alexis was swinging on the handmade hammock lazily. Rowan was laughing and punching his cell walls, grinning demonically at the security cameras in the corners. Nadia and Thorin where down in the sewer cell, Nadia swimming around in the water and Thorin sitting on the cell bed that they had to share, playing with the shadows. Karina was running around her cell, screaming "Let me out! Hey Let me out!" Justin sat in his small tank and watched his fire consume the walls. The guards ran into Messina's cell and grabbed the sleeping girl dragging her up. She awoke and she roared "What the hell!" She gripped one of the soldier's arms and she twisted it, breaking it. He screamed and she threw him over her shoulder, slamming him into more guards. She snatched a gun from one of them and she shot them in the heads , her eyes slowly turning bloodshot. She screamed louder as more guards flooded her cell and they finally subdued her, knocking her out. In Alexis's cage, the guards swarmed her, their guns raised and ready to fire. She was in the corner of her cell and she raised her hands in surrender "Hey hey! This is me being cool a'ight!" The guards moved towards her with handcuffs and Alexis grinned deviously as she lunged at the one closer to her and stabbed him in the eye with her fingers. He screamed in pain and she laughed psychotically as the guards tasered her, quickly holding her. Rowan grinned when he heard the guards and the clatter of the door being opened. When he saw a small crack of light, he rammed his body against the door full force. The guards flew back from the force of the door and Rowan laughed hysterically as he ran out of his cell and down the long halls. A guard managed to catch up to him and tackled him to the ground but Rowan, headbutted

him, throwing the guard off of him. He jumped up and ran again but he was quickly caught and strapped into a wheelchair. Karina tried to jump out of her cell but she was quickly caught and she was thrown into a bag. Only a couple of guards managed to jump into the cell in the sewer before Nadia dragged a couple into the water with her, eating them alive. The ones that managed to avoid her were ripped apart by Thorin's shadows. The remaining guards shined a bright U.V light on Thorin and he screamed in pain as it burned his skin and he covered his face trying to avoid the light. Nadia screamed "Tori!" The guards took the chance to seize them both and they knocked them out. Griggs looked at the dead bodies floating in the water and the ripped limbs littering the walkway "Those where the new guys right?" One of the guys shook his head and pointed at one of the bodies in the water. Griggs noticed it and he screamed "Carl!" Outside in the courtyard, the guards filled Justin's tank with water so he couldn't use his fire. He banged on the glass slot trying his best to breathe, screaming in the water. They opened the hatch and Justin flew out, soaking wet and shivering. The guards grabbed him and slammed his face in the dirt while they handcuffed him "Hurry up before he torches us!" Justin sighed sadly and he blacked out from the pure cold as they dragged him away. They strapped Messina down to a chair and she was looking at all of the men in labcoats and wearing facemasks "If any of you try to touch me, you're dead." They walked towards her and she struggled against her restraints "Anyone who touches me is dead. Anybody who touches me is-" She didn't finish her sentence when one of the doctors put a shot injection in her neck. Messina yelped and she heard the doctors say "Nanite placement is secure." She glared at them "Y'all are deaf hoes. Get a fucking hearing aid." They drove her away and they brought Alexis who was strapped to a chair like Messina's and she was looking around "What is this place? Where am I? Who are you?" She saw them coming towards her with the injection shot in their hands. She struggled "What's that?" They pushed her down into her seat and she yelled "Hey, I'm talking to you! Hey!" The psychotic girl yelled in pain when they injected the nanite bomb into her neck and she yelled loud profanities while they moved her away. Next was Rowan who had a face mask over his mouth and his chest was heaving up and down. He was laughing. When he noticed the lady with the injection, he purred "A very pretty lady wouldn't want to hurt me now would she?" The blonde lady winced and she looked at one of the men "Max, I think it's best if you take this one." The man grabbed the injection from her and he glared down at the still laughing teen "That's my sister." He injected the bomb harshly and Rowan yelled "You fucking piece of shit!" They dragged him away and they carted in Justin who was on a medical bed, strapped down and unconscious. They all sighed in relief seeing that he was gonna be an easy one. They quickly injected the nanite bomb for him and they pushed him away. Loud roars and screams of rage could be heard as they wheeled in L.D.P who was strapped into the same thing that they had her father in before her. She struggles against the heavy restraints seeing the injection gun and her eyes were wide with fear. They injected her and Nadia thrashed around more violently and they carted her away. The guards brought the children to the courtyard again to the many soldiers and their leader Nick. He gestured to the guards wheeling the criminals "Unlock em." They complied and stepped back wearily as Alexis, Rowan and Messina jumped out of their chairs. Nadia and Justin fell out of the things they were strapped to and Thorin appeared from a shadow next to Nadia, helping her up. Messina glared at Nick and Rowan wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her towards him. Messina yelled "Hey get the hell off me!" She brought her head back and her skull collided with his nose. He let go of her and she moved away from him. His nose was bloody and she smirked at him. The criminals attention was caught when they noticed a van driving up. The doors opened and a lady threw out a large black body bag, noticeably moving. Nick walked over "Well lookie what we got here. 12 pounds of shit in a 10 pound bag." Nick took one of the pocket knives and cut it open. Boomboom punched one of the guards and Nick got her into a headlock. She yelled "Hey what the hell, I was playing Monopoly with my brother and then this red streak hits me outta nowhere!" He hissed "Shut up, you were caught robbing a bank." He let go of her and she staggered back, and she noticed the other criminals. Nadia growled at her and Messina made a gun at her temple and pointed at Karina. Alexis waved excitedly and the others looked bored and not interested. Nick yelled "Alright Listen up!" They all looked at him quietly, shocking Nick since they allowed him to speak "Injected into your neck is a naite bomb. It's the size of a rice grain but has power of a hand grenade." The others rubbed their necks where they knew that their bombs were. Nick continued "You're all gonna go somewhere to do something bad, that is gonna get you killed but until then, you are all my problem." The girls glared at him and the three guys shrugged, not really caring. Nick gestured to the crates behind them "Everything you'll will need is in the crates. Grab whatever you need and we'll move out." The others walked to their crates and Messina gives nick a bored look and she crosses her arms "Was that some kinda pep talk?" Nick gave her a challenging glare and nodded. Messina gave him a 'are you serious' look. She waved her hand "You ever heard of Phil Jackson?" Nadia smirked while she watched, knowing where this was going. Nick nodded again and Messina shook her head "He's like the golden rule. Triangle bitch. Study." She made the triangle over her eye and they snickered seeing Nick's pissed off face. Boomboom opens her crate and took out a nerdy slytherin varsity jacket and put it on. She smirked and She took out twin bladed boomerangs. Alexis opened her crate and she squealed loudly seeing all of the outfits that she had worn before and she decided to put on a bodysuit that was checkered and she put on her mother's jacket and put on her heels. When Rowan opened his green colored create he took out a leather jacket that said "Don't mess with this clown" He smiled at one of the female soldiers that was staring at his abs. He pat Justin's shoulder seeing that the man of fire was somewhat nervous "Chill out Diablo Jr. You got nothing to worry about." He sighed and Justin opened his crate then he put on the white muscle shirt and put on his dad's diablo jacket. He noticed Nadia watching him curiously and smiled at her softly and waved. The dragon looked away as she changed with Messina. She grabbed a mask and zipped it on. The mask was black leather and it covered the lower half of her face like a ninja. Messina changed into her heavy assassin's gear and she held her black face mask with the red eyepiece in her hands gingerly. Nadia nudged her gently and Messina cocked her head to the side. The dragon gestured to the side and Messina glanced over and saw Rowan staring at her. She blushed and glared at Nadia who had a shit-eating grin "Looks like someone likes y-ya HotShot." Messina saw more soldiers watching her and mumbled "More than one apparently." Nadia noticed some of the soldiers that were staring at her friend and growled lowly but it was nothing compared to Rowan. He grinned and he SHOT them all. They watched him in shock and he blew at the smoke that came out of his pistol. Messina took one of the the quivers and swung into over her back. She took an arrow out and placed it at the nook of the bow. She drew back the string and it embedded itself in the man next to Nick. "Aww too bad I missed my target" That's when you could hear Thorin and Nadia laughing hysterically because they knew she was being sarcastic. Then Messina noticed some of the guards staring at Nadia and she hissed "If ya want to keep your fucking eyes, I would say move it!" They all stood back to attention and she smirked seeing Justin glaring at the guards and she nudged Nadia. The dragon looked confused and Alexis jumped over to them holding her hand out "Lovey Quinn, Nice to Meet Ya!" They looked at each other slightly confused then Messina shook the smaller girl's hand while Nadia slowly grabbed her stuff "Messina Lawton." She noticed her dragon friend having trouble and helped her pull on the black torn up long sleeve. They smiled at each other and Messina wrapped up her bruised clawed hand. Rowan was watching with a small smile on his face. The softness that this assassin can show despite how she is, was making him feel different. It made him feel warm. He placed a hand where his heart would be, is he growing a soft spot for Deadshot's Daughter? Justin was cocking his head to the side curiously, watching the interaction between Killer Croc's child and Deadshot's Daughter. They acted like how him and his dad used to before he was caught. He sighed sadly at that memory. His brothers, sister and his mother died but not him. He was the only one. Just because he was cursed with the same powers. Fire couldn't harm him. Only water could. Messina noticed Justin staring and Nadia noticed Rowan staring and both girl's glared at them harshly. The boys looked away. Alexis smirked at her brother, already knowing that he liked the assassin and Thorin pat Justin's shoulder. BoomBoom walked over to Nadia and said "Is that shit on your face permanent?" Nadia growled and Messina glared down at her. Rowan decided to join in "Yeah, are you sure you're a girl cause ya look like a mutated lizard." Messina hissed and she backhanded Rowan even though he was taller "Bitch she's a fucking Dragon! Get your fucking facts straight! I told you once I ain't gonna tell your dumbass again!" Boomboom tried to grab Archer yelling "Get the fuck off my boyfriend!" Archer's eyes snapped open and she roared "Don't FUCKING TOUCH ME!!!" Raven looked disgusted when he heard when Boomboom called him her boyfriend, knowing that he already had eyes on a certain assassin and he watched as She grabbed Boomboom by the arm and twisted it behind her back, sweeping her feet out from under her. BoomBoom tried to claw at her but Archer slammed her face into the dirt and she smirked down at the struggling girl beneath her "I don't eat rotten meat but I know who does." Nadia looked up, hearing the words and smiled creepily. Boomboom shivered seeing the smug look on Archer's face and the hungry glint in Dragon's eyes. Nick finally grabbed Archer by the back and yanked her off of BoomBoom. Raven growled at Nick "Don't manhandle a pretty lass. Besides the bitch had it coming." Nick raised a brow and he stood up to Raven "I'm the leader here and if you have a problem, we can just send you back to your cold cell so you can rot there." Raven grabbed Messina's arm and dragged her away from Nick and she collided against him, slamming into his chest. He smiled down at her and she looked up at him, blushing bright red. Nadia growled and she was about to jump at him but Justin quickly wrapped his arms around her waist, ignoring the spikes in her back and pulled her close to him, telling her soothingly "Relax. It's okay." Nadia blushed and both girl's froze up from the sudden close contact. Lovey saw Archer reaching for her gun and she grinned "Ooh, Light show is about to happen!" Raven noticed her trying to grab the gun and snatched it away from her before she could even aim. Archer glared at him and he smiled innocently "Sorry Hotshot, you won't get to use it just yet." Nadia heard the nickname come out of his mouth and she snarled "D-Didn't I tell y-y-you TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!" She struggled against FrostFire and Archer tried to get away from Raven. Frost tightened his grip on Dragon's waist and murmured in her ear "Necesitas calmarse" Dragon froze up again and Archer could see her face turning a darker shade of red. Raven gently rubbed small circles into Archer's hips and her eyes grew wide with shock and she blushed brighter from the soft contact "Love you need to calm down as well." Archer pouted and crossed her arms but relaxed more. Raven smiled seeing her calm and let go of her. Archer looked at FrostFire who was still holding her friend "Ya gonna let go of her now or? Cause she looks ready to bite you." Frost smiled and hugged the Dragon more "Nah, I think I wanna hold onto Ángel still." Archer chuckled seeing Dragon pouting and grabbed her wrist, pulling her away from FrostFire "I wasn't asking." Nick watched in confusion and Lovey grabbed Dragon's other hand as they all settled on the steps of a helicopter that they had landed. Thorin joined them and he messed with Archer's red hair using his shadows to make a small braid in Dragon's and Lovey's hair. He noticed the guards watching and he gave them all a look that said 'Fuck off'. Frost sat by himself and he watched as his fire created the red string again and it created the red line. But this time the red line was longer and it faded into a blue color. He followed its trace and he noticed that it lead back to Dragon who was playing with her water and she splashed Archer. They were laughing and having a playful wrestle and Lovey was cheering them on while Thorin was watching with a relaxed smile on his face. Even Nick was watching and he realized something as he watched the criminals interact with each other. "They act like a family. A happy, dysfunctional, fucked up family." He shook his head. No time for that. They had work to do. He yelled "Everyone over here!" The guards pushed them all towards Nick and he held a tablet screen in his hands. They watched as he spoke "Behold the voice of God." He turned on the tablet and everyone glared at the screen as a very familiar woman appeared on the screen "For those of you who don't know me officially, my name is Amanda Waller. You are all part of a program that is know as Task Force X. A large criminal wave has attacked the city and you will all need to go into the center of the city and rescue HTV-1." Archer raised her hand "Uh lady, for those of us who don't speak good guy what's HTV-1?" Amanda looked annoyed at the interruption "HTV-1 is the one important person in the city. The one person you can't kill. If anything happens to Colonel Flag, I will not hesitate to kill each one of you. Remember I have eyes and ears everywhere." The screen went black and Nick gave Archer a smug look "There's your pep talk. " Archer shrugged "Compared to the shit you said she killed it." Lovey asked childishly "Are we some kind of Suicide Squad or something?" Nick looked down at the smaller girl "I'll notify your next of kin." In Archer's, Dragon's, and Frost's mind they thought "He did not just say that in front of me." Archer's father died in a contract gone wrong. Dragon was separated from her father when she little, and Frost's father died because of Waller. The fact that Nick just said that in front of them gave them the thought that they couldn't trust him. Nick raised his hand and yelled "Move out!" The guards pushed the begrudged teens/pre-teens into a large helicopter as they got ready to go into the city.

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