Chapter 5- Falling througg the sky with a new member

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The Squad were sitting in an obvious order. Nadia and Messina were sitting next to each other. Karina had forced herself next to Nadia who looked annoyed and Messina was rubbing her shoulder. Nick sat in the front with the pilot. ALexis sat next to Rowan and Thorin sat with Justin, both of them being the quietest ones. A figure appeared on the open deck of the helicopter and the criminals tensed up. Nick gestured to the boy in front of them "This is Sword Master. He can cut all of you down with one sword stroke just like mowing the lawn. I wouldn't advise getting killed by him. His sword traps the soul of it's victims. His mother's soul is trapped in there too." Raven raised his hand out to him in a handshake "Raven Quinn nice to meet ya! Love your cologne. What is that the stench of death?" He laughed and shockingly Swords Master grabbed his hand and shook it "Angel Yamashiro. And no, it is not." Everyone looked at each other in shock and some of them had a grin on their faces. Karina hooted "Yeah! We got a cool guy for once! Unlike goody-goody Nicky." Nick glared at her and Rowan and Lovey snickered "Chill out Nicky Dicky. You ain't the only one that people like to piss off." THey smirked to each other then looked over at Nadia who glared in annoyance and Messina who made the gun motion for their heads. Rowan shrugged and Lovey smirked "Love you too!" Angel literally pushed Karina out of the way and sat down next to Dragon and Archer. The girl's gave him a confused look and he shrugged "You two seem like the least annoying ones." The dragon and Archer looked confused and they pointed at Justin and Thorin who were quiet. He shrugged again and they set off. Lovey looked out the window and she squealed "Ooh! Pretty Pretty Lights!" The other girl's got to the other windows and they felt gazes on their behinds. Lovey seemed to enjoy the attention and Archer ignored it, focused on the explosions on the ground under them "Holy shit.." Dragon fidgeted nervously, not used to that attention and nobody was actually looking at BoomBoom. Nick glared at the girls but it wasn't vicious. It was more of a scolding big brother look "Get back to your seats!" They nodded and Lovey stole Sword's Master spot and she kept trying to undo Dragon's seatbelt. Archer watched with an amused smile as her friend tried to calm the clown and grabbed her hand, holding it to her lap "Shawty, y-y-you g-gotta stop." Lovey cocked her head to the side and Dragon's fishlike ears twitched when she heard something. Her eyes widened and she screamed "WE'RE GONNA GET SHOT DOWN!" All of the criminals looked shocked and a missile collided with the side of the aircraft. Dragon wrapped her tail around Lovey's waist and pulled her close and grabbed Messina, yanking her close and she wrapped her wings around the three of them. Sword's Master grunted and he brought his arms up over to cover his face. Nick swatted as much rubble as he could away. Thorin wrapped shadow chains around himself and FrostFire to keep them held down. Rowan was laughing and Karina screamed in fear as a sharp knife came for her face. THorin noticed the knife and a shadow shot out and caught it before it could hit her. They screamed and the helicopter crashed and rolled across the ground. Whatever was left over the plane finally stopped rolling and it was quiet except for the screams and the explosions that rained across the city. The door to the opening was kicked off of it's hinges by Thorin's shadow. He jumped out with FrostFire behind him. Boomboom crawled out pathetically, over exaggerating about how hurt she really was, yelling about how she could have died. Nick jumped out, giving her an annoyed look and Dragon, Lovey and Archer managed to squeeze out. Dragon and Archer noticed Boomboom staring at Thorin. Thorin either didn't notice or he really didn't care. But either way, Boomboom had a dejected look on her face and that made Dragon and Archer snicker. Nick spoke into the walkie talkie "The assets are unharmed." He then looked and saw the large gash on Dragon's arm and the blood trailing down Archer's face and how Lovely was being carried by Dragon. Thorin walked over to the trio and he gently grabbed Lovey from Dragon. The girl squirmed while Thorin was carrying her but relaxed soon after and seemed to cuddle closer to him. Lovey was taken care of but what about the other two? He watched them, a worried brother feeling settling in his stomach. He walked over to the two and asked Archer "Yo you ok?" She snickered and winced "Wow, soldier boy worried about some common criminals? My cold dead heart is touched." Dragon laughed bitterly and Nick saw the blood pouring from their wounds "You two need help." Archer smiled darkly "Tell us something we don't know bitch." Nick sighed and grabbed Archer by the upper arm. She yelled "Hey get the fuck off me!" Dragon snarled and used her messed up arm to grab Archer and yanked her away from the soldier, letting out a yelp of pain and her eyes turning pure white "D-D-Don't try anything asshole." Nick gave her a slightly annoyed look "I'm trying to get you two medical attention you idiot." Archer gave him a pissed look "We don't fucking need help. We've done worse." He looked down at her "At least let me wrap it." She sighed "Fine. Waste of gauze idget." He pulled out some gauze wrap and wrapped Dragon's arm up then wrapped Archer's forehead. Both girl's shrugged and continued to walk through the city with the group. They looked around and saw all of the damage done to the streets and the buildings. Justin raised an eyebrow at Boomboom, noticing her staring at him "Porque me estas mirando?"She gave him what she thought was a sexy smirk "just got burned by fire that I fell in love with." Frostfire cringed and looked away at the mention of fire. Dragon noticed FrostFire sad look and walked over to him, patting his shoulder gently. Archer glared at Boomboom "Do you not know when to shut the fuck up?" Frost smiled at the two girls and Lovey and Rowan and Thorin joined them, circling Frostfire, trying to make him feel better. Lovey grabbed his other hand "Cheer up Diablo Jr. Your dad wouldn't want you feeling upset! He would want his son happy!" A sad smile spread across his face and Dragon cocked her head to the side "Hey, i-i-if a monster like me k-k-knows one thing, its t-t-that he w-w-would want you to embrace y-y-yourself." Frost head turned sharply " You aren't a monstruo. You are more like a diosa." Dragon looked confused and he chuckled softly "Diosa means goddess." Dragon blushed and shook her head "N-No. I'mma monster." Archer watched and Rowan wrapped his arms around her waist hugging her gently "And you are my eos dunn yeosin." Archer looked confused too and Rowan kissed her cheek softly "My dark goddess." Archer blushed bright red and jumped away from Rowan. Dragon stood next to her and Lovey smiled at them "My brother likes you Messi. He likes you a lot. Give him a chance. You'll see." Nick was shocked at how they were acting so...human. His dad taught him that they were all bad and they didn't know how to treat anyone nicely. But they proved him wrong. They were treating each other like family. Other lowlife criminals saw the group of misfits on the street but they didn't dare come near them. Everyone knew who they were. And they knew what they were capable of. Nick noticed something farther up in the distance and he gestured for the troops to come up. Lovey asked them "What do you guys think it is?" Rowan shrugged and Thorin shook his head "I have no clue." Archer gave a suspicious look "Whatever it is, I'm gonna find out." She walked over to Nick who was hidden behind a car, aiming his gun "Uh Flag?" Nick made a shushing motion and Messina glowered at him and she used her eyepiece to see what was going on. She saw many people with guns and knives. She raised a brow "Flag? What the hell is the mob doing?" He grunted "You cut and run and I'll blow your fucking head off." She shook her head "Careful with those threats soldier boy." That's when everything went to hell in the most colossal way...

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